Analysis of educational work for six months

Analysis of educational work for six months
Analysis of educational work for six months

How to make an analysis of educational work? Any class teacher should not only draw up a plan of his work, but also evaluate the effectiveness of his work. We offer several options for evaluating the work of teachers.

School pattern

To begin with, we will present an analysis of the educational work of the school. The purpose of the activity is to create optimal conditions for the comprehensive development of the individual, for self-development and self-improvement of schoolchildren.

Analysis of educational work for the 1st half of the year is based on the reports of class teachers working in an educational institution.

The activity of the school covers the full pedagogical process, combining educational knowledge, extracurricular excursion activities, various activities, and is aimed at solving the following tasks:

  • formation of civil-patriotic consciousness in children, spiritual and moral values of a full-fledged citizen of Russia;
  • improving he alth work with schoolchildren and building he althy lifestyle skills, improving communication skills andpracticing conflict-free communication methods;
  • support for the creative activity of schoolchildren in various fields of activity, the activation of school self-government, the creation of optimal conditions for creating a school-wide team;
  • changing the system of family education, increasing the responsibility of parents for the education and upbringing of children.
analysis of educational work
analysis of educational work

Patriotic focus

The analysis of educational work for the 1st half of the year included civil-patriotic education. The formation of the qualities of a patriot-citizen in the younger generation is an important component of the work of an educational institution. As part of the activities carried out in class groups, the children were systematically trained to fulfill their civic duty.

Analysis of teaching and educational work showed that teachers worked on fostering a sense of love for their country, small homeland, cultural and historical traditions.

The most significant event was the celebrations dedicated to the anniversary of the school. They united students and teachers, allowed the holiday to be held at the highest level.

Analysis of educational work for the six months confirmed the excellent preparation and holding of the solemn line, which was dedicated to the holiday of September 1.

Also, as part of patriotic activities, a festive concert was organized for residents of the nearest microdistrict, which was dedicated to the Day of National Unity. Schoolchildren of grades 8-9 met with soldiers doing their duty in Afghanistan,talked to them about the difficulties of military service.

Analysis of the educational work of the class for the six months showed that actions were held at the parallel of 10 classes:

  • Helping Hand for Older Person's Day
  • "We are for a he althy lifestyle" within the decade of he alth.
  • "Hand over the TRP".

We plan to continue work on creating conditions at school for the formation in the younger generation of correct life guidelines and moral values.

school work
school work

Moral and aesthetic direction

The analysis of educational work in the 1st half of the year includes activities aimed at developing schoolchildren's moral ideals and rules of behavior in society, developing moral principles, cultural values and needs, and forming the aesthetic (artistic) potential of the individual. Teachers organized and conducted events that allowed students to discover and develop the creative abilities of schoolchildren.

Analysis of educational work showed that certain activities were carried out as part of such activities:

  • For children in grades 5-11, the council of high school students organized a "Government Day".
  • Primary school teachers held a holiday "Dedication to first graders".
  • Class teachers of grades 5-11 created an exhibition of family newspapers “Ah, summer…”.

With the involvement of a significant number of parents, the school held the "Journey to the New Year" event for children in grades 1-4.

Contests were also organizedreciters dedicated to Teacher's Day, City Day, New Year.

Classroom teachers of grades 5-11 organized the work of the school asset, which published 4 school newspapers in the first half of the year.

High school students held a festive program "My dear person".

Analysis of educational work showed that in the 1st half of the year, serious work continued to improve the school.

The attendants regularly fired lightning at the end of the duty, noted all the emergencies that occurred at the school:

  • damage to property;
  • late for class;
  • violations in the meal schedule in the canteen.

Analysis of educational work in the classroom showed that three meetings of the council for the prevention of delinquency with children who are at risk were held over the six months.

how to teach in the classroom
how to teach in the classroom

Sports and he alth work

The school pays special attention to physical education. It is based on the education of schoolchildren in the field of physical he alth, as well as the formation of a positive attitude towards a he althy lifestyle.

Analysis of educational work for the 1st grade showed that the introduction of the third hour of physical culture led to a decrease in the incidence in primary school children.

Activity was carried out within the framework of the school program "He alth", which includes:

  • rational organization of educational activities: plan, schedule, extracurricular activities;
  • organization of he alth andphysical activity;
  • educational work with schoolchildren aimed at shaping the importance of a he althy lifestyle in the younger generation.

What else did the analysis of educational work show? Grade 1 for the 1st half of the year ate in an organized way, the process was followed by the parents of schoolchildren. No violations were found.

To promote the rules of behavior on the roads for first-graders, the Young Pedestrians event was held, the purpose of which was to create a safe school route for kids.

Work in this direction will continue in the second half of the year, it will be based on the preservation and promotion of he alth, on the physical activity of the children.

Environmental direction

Analysis of educational work for the year showed that various activities were carried out in the educational institution, which are aimed at fostering respect for nature, the use of knowledge on the protection of the living world in everyday life.

analysis of educational work for the six months
analysis of educational work for the six months

Report on educational activities in the classroom

At the beginning of the report, the class teacher presents a brief description of the class. At the beginning of the year, there were 26 people in the 6th grade team: 15 boys, 11 girls. The class has excellent performance. As a result of the work carried out by the class teacher, teachers, parents, it was possible to achieve class attendance by all students, a timely and responsible approach to educational activities.

There's good discipline in the class,there are practically no interpersonal conflicts. The guys maintain friendly relations with each other, provide support and help to each other. There are no groupings in the team, 25 people are involved in sections and circles. Work for the current period was carried out in the following areas:

  • formation of patriotism and citizenship;
  • development of ethical consciousness and moral feelings;
  • upbringing a creative, conscious attitude to work, assistance in the conscious choice of a future profession;
  • environmental education, familiarity with the culture of a safe and he althy lifestyle;
  • education of social competence and moral responsibility.

Main forms of work: excursions, holidays, competitions, class hours, conversations, quizzes. In class groups, in addition to the teacher, the parents of students took an active part in organizing creative events.

half-year analysis
half-year analysis

Preparation for a profession

To prepare children for choosing a profession, the class teacher organized and held several events:

  • cool watch;
  • meetings with representatives of various professions;
  • creative quizzes from the World of Masters cycle.

The teacher paid special attention in his work to the basics of road safety. The program for traffic rules is designed for 8 hours. During this time, the teacher introduced the pupils to the rules of behavior on the road, a pedestrian crossing, and the features of choosing a safe school route. Beyond coolhead, representatives of the road patrol service also took an active part in the classes on the rules of the road.

options for educational work in the classroom
options for educational work in the classroom

Knowing yourself

Throughout the first half of the year, conversations were held aimed at acquainting schoolchildren with the basics of morality. The class teacher worked closely with a child psychologist, which allowed him not only to acquaint students with the theoretical foundations of morality, but also to work out this material in various trainings.

For the cultural development of the children, together with the parents, the teacher organized an excursion and tourist program around the cities of the Golden Ring of Russia.

Working with parents

Interaction with parents has become one of the directions in the work of the class teacher:

  • individual conversations;
  • visit families;
  • holding parent meetings.

To seek mutual understanding with parents and legal representatives of schoolchildren, the teacher first conducted a survey aimed at finding a common language. After analyzing the results of the survey, the class teacher drew up a work program for the year, the first part of it was successfully implemented in the first half of the year.

At the parent-teacher meetings held in the 1st half of the year, the teacher did not talk about the poor academic performance of the children. Parents were given sheets with their children's grades, and the meeting itself was devoted to the adaptation of children at school after a long summer vacation.

Psychologist invited to thisevent, told moms and dads about how to help children overcome their reluctance to learn.

analysis of educational work for grade 1
analysis of educational work for grade 1

Important points

When analyzing educational activities, it is necessary to pay attention to certain aspects. Among the signs that are used in such activities, we highlight:

  • a clear and meaningful statement of the purpose of educational activities;
  • setting tasks taking into account the peculiarities of the class team;
  • building individual development trajectories for each member of the class (school) team;
  • an indication in the report of the methods and techniques used by the teacher to achieve the plan.

Analysis of the educational activities of any class teacher can be considered effective if the teacher identifies the main parts of the work, elements and stages, and determines ways of interacting with other educational and leisure institutions.

The report should contain a description of each stage, the relationship between them, summing up the intermediate results.

The teacher in the analysis pays attention to the conclusions and assessment of the quality of his work, the end result, their relationship with the tasks.

Each educational institution develops certain forms (templates) that are filled in by class teachers.

In some schemes, the characteristics of the class team are first assumed, in others, the analysis begins with the goals and objectives set by the class teacher in hiswork, in others, first there is an analysis of the fulfillment of the goal and tasks, then the activities carried out for the six months (year) in the class team (educational institution) are listed.

The choice of analysis structure depends on several conditions:

  • tasks and goals of activities;
  • specifics of the form of educational work;
  • position of the class teacher and his teaching experience; he can act as a member of the administration, organizer, observer.
analysis of educational work grade 1 1 semester
analysis of educational work grade 1 1 semester


Before proceeding with the analysis procedure, it is important to know the result of the chosen form of work. It is not possible to establish it objectively in all situations. Some part of the information about the results of activities can be obtained from the participants of the event immediately after the end of the event by conducting a survey.

In addition, it is advisable to consider a collective analysis after the completion of certain cases in order to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the educational work of the class teacher.

System-structural analysis allows you to obtain objective information about the quality and content of extracurricular activities, the appropriateness of choosing certain activities.

For school teachers to master new educational technologies, methods, techniques, it is advisable in the process of analysis to pay close attention to certain aspects, links, elements of ongoing educational activities.

In addition to the full report for the half year (year), you can make analyzesindividual events.

If the situation is favorable, if there is free time, it is allowed to analyze the work immediately after competitions, conferences, holidays.

If this is not possible due to the fatigue of the participants in the event, then it is better to analyze after some time, for example, the next day.

All participants of the event are preparing for a collective analysis: teachers, participants, organizers. The teacher begins the preparation from the first stages of work on the planned case, thinks over the questions for analysis, the time of its implementation.

As the preparation and conduct of a specific event, the teacher makes some adjustments, clarifies important points, monitors, analyzes the results.
