Components of educational activities to improve the effectiveness of educational work

Components of educational activities to improve the effectiveness of educational work
Components of educational activities to improve the effectiveness of educational work

After the child has formed certain learning skills, he will be able to fully engage in learning activities.

components of learning activity
components of learning activity

Features of primary school age

For children aged 3-6, play activities are of particular interest. Moreover, they enjoy not only the process of the game itself, but also its result, that is, winning. The teacher, knowing the psychological characteristics of a given age, tries to include components of educational activity in the game. The task of the mentor is to form the desired qualities in the kids: coordination of movement, logical thinking, independence. As preschoolers grow, game motivation is gradually replaced by components of educational and cognitive activity. For kids during this period, it is important to approve actions, praise from the educator, parents. Their subsequent school life depends on how correctly the “success situation” is formed for children during this period.

3 components of learning activity
3 components of learning activity

D. B. Elkonin's system

Forming the components of learning activity is an important task. This process is complex and lengthy, it will require a lot of time and physical strength. Let us analyze the main components of educational activity. There is a certain structure proposed by D. B. Elkonin. The author identifies 3 components of learning activity, let's dwell on them in more detail.


This is the first element. Educational activity is polymotivated, it is stimulated and directed by various educational motives. Among them there are motives that correspond to the maximum extent to the educational tasks. If such skills are fully formed in younger students, the educational activity of such children becomes effective and meaningful. D. B. Elkonin calls such motives educational and cognitive. These components of the educational activity of younger students are based on the cognitive need and desire for self-development. We are talking about interest in the content of educational activities, in the material being studied. In addition, motivation is associated with the process of activity itself, ways of achieving the goals. This motive is important for the self-improvement of the younger student, the development of his creative abilities.

formation of components of educational activity
formation of components of educational activity

Learning task

The second motivational component of educational activity involves a system of tasks, in the course of which the student learns the main methods of action. The learning task differs from individual tasks. Guys, performing a lot of specificproblems, discover their own way of solving. Different children may have different solutions to the same learning task. Thanks to the developmental learning used in elementary school, after such “individual discoveries”, the teacher generalizes the results, together with his wards, derives a general algorithm for the task. The children learn the method, apply it in other tasks. As a result, the productivity of educational activities increases, the number of mistakes made by children decreases.

As an example of a learning task, we can consider morphosemantic analysis in a Russian language lesson. The student must find the connection between the meaning of a certain word and the form. To cope with the task, he will have to learn the general ways of working with the word. Using change, comparison with the word created in the new form, it reveals the relationship between the meaning and the changed form.

characteristics of the components of educational activity
characteristics of the components of educational activity

Training Operations

D. B. Elkonin calls them the third component of learning activity. For example, for the Russian language, such operations may consist in parsing a word by composition, identifying a prefix, root, ending, suffix. The formation of the components of educational activity helps the child to transfer general rules to a specific example. It is important to work out each individual training operation. The phased development of learning skills is characteristic of developmental education, the principles of which are formulated by P. Ya. Galperin. The student, having received an idea about the algorithm of actions, under the guidance of a teacherperforms the task assigned to him. After the child has mastered such skills to perfection, the process of “pronunciation” is supposed, that is, by solving the task in mind, the student tells the teacher the finished solution and the answer.

components of students' learning activities
components of students' learning activities


The teacher first acts as a controlling body. As development begins, self-adjustment and control, self-learning. The teacher acts as a tutor, that is, monitors the activities of his wards, as necessary gives them advice. Without full-fledged self-control, it is impossible to fully develop educational activities, since learning to control is an important and complex pedagogical task. In addition to evaluating the final result, operational control is important for the child, that is, the correctness of each step must be checked. If a student learns to control his academic work, he will develop such an important function as attention to the right degree.


If we consider the components of learning activities, special attention should be paid to assessment. In addition to controlling their learning activities, the student must learn to evaluate their work adequately. This is difficult for primary school students, mostly they have high self-esteem, so at this stage the teacher must take on the main task. It should not be limited to banal grading, it is important to explain it. With a meaningful assessment of the activities of schoolchildren, the teacher tells them in detail about the criteriagrades so that the guys understand what score they can count on for their intellectual work. The students themselves have their own evaluation criteria. They believe that they spent a huge amount of effort and effort to complete an exercise or task, so the assessment for their work should be maximum. At primary school age, a critical attitude towards other children is developed; this aspect is necessarily used by the teacher in his work. All components of educational activity are based on mutual review of children's work according to a certain algorithm, the proposed general criteria. Such a technique is effective precisely at the initial stage of education, since the children have not yet fully formed educational activities. Adolescents are guided by the opinion of their classmates, they are not ready to evaluate other people's work, as they are afraid of a negative reaction.

formation of components of educational activity
formation of components of educational activity

Features of learning activities

The characteristics of the components of educational activity are given in detail in the new federal educational standards. Its complex structure implies the passage of a child a long way of becoming. Throughout their school life, younger students will develop the skills laid down at the first stage of education. Modern education has a special social significance, the main direction is the harmonious development of the child's personality.

Such structural components of learning activities as reflection and self-assessment have become the main criteria of the GEF. Educational activities are aimed not only at obtaining studentscertain knowledge, but also the ability to use them in everyday life. Teaching the basics of writing, reading, counting leads to an independent change in the mental abilities of the child. In the federal educational standards of the new generation, the main components of the educational activities of younger students are based on constant reflection. When comparing their achievements for a week, month, academic quarter, children track their growth, analyze problems. A special journal with the results of individual reflection is also maintained by the teacher. With its help, the teacher identifies the main problems that arise in each student, looking for ways to overcome them.

The main components of learning activity are related to the student's posing the following questions: "I didn't know - I learned", "I couldn't - I learned". If in the process of such activity the child enjoys, is satisfied with his growth, a favorable psychological climate is created for subsequent self-improvement and self-development.

D. B. Elkonin, analyzing the components of students' learning activities, emphasized the importance of self-assessment. He noted that it is when analyzing the results of his work that the student finds out whether he has managed to cope with the task assigned to him. The experience gained is transferred to subsequent tasks, that is, a system of skills and actions is formed, which is the basis of self-development and self-improvement.” If educational activities are organized with violations, the main components of the structure of educational activities are not fully taken into account, the effectiveness of the assessment is reduced.

So, in the structure of D. B. Elkoninthe relationship of the following components is noted:

  • learning by the child of certain actions with the help of the learning task assigned to him by the teacher;
  • performance by students of learning activities to master the material;
  • control and analysis of the results.

In the various academic disciplines that a younger student must learn, they are supposed to use different components of the activity. The ultimate goal is to achieve the conscious work of the student, built according to objective laws. For example, in the process of teaching first-graders to read, such an educational action as dividing words into separate syllables is used. To study the rules of primary counting, the teacher uses cubes, sticks, paying attention to fine motor skills. Together, the subjects introduced in primary school contribute to the assimilation of all components of educational activity.


The main actions performed by students are associated with ideal objects: sounds, numbers, letters. The teacher sets certain learning activities, and the student reproduces them, imitating his mentor. As soon as he fully masters such primary skills, a mark appears on the list of achievements at a certain “step”. Then the child moves to a higher level of development. Using the acquired skills, he proceeds to perform more complex tasks. It is at this stage that self-development begins, without which the learning process will be meaningless.

L. S. Vygotsky as the highest psychological function of developmentschoolchildren singled out collective interaction. In the general genetic law of cultural development, he says that any function of the child in such development manifests itself twice. First socially, then psychologically. First of all, between people, that is, as an interpsychic function, and then within the child himself as an intrapsychic category. Moreover, Vygotsky argued that this applies equally to logical memory and voluntary attention.

Psychological nature is a set of human relationships that are transferred inside during the joint activities of children and an adult mentor.

main components of learning activities
main components of learning activities

The importance of projects and research in the modern educational process

The inclusion of research and project work in school and extracurricular activities was not an accidental phenomenon. Depending on the direction of the projects, they are carried out individually, in groups, and by creative teams. In order to make a project, the child must first determine the main goal of his research together with the mentor. This will require the skills acquired in the educational activities. Next, a research algorithm is identified, the quality of which directly affects the result of the completed project. It is in such activities to the maximum extent that the student has the opportunity for self-improvement and self-development. Habitual educational activity in the course of work on the project turns into a real scientific work. The child becomesteacher as a “colleague”, they together look for answers to the questions posed at the beginning of the study, try to confirm or refute the hypothesis. It is joint activity that is a necessary step for the full inclusion of a student in educational work. In addition to acquiring knowledge, the child improves practical skills and develops communicative qualities.


Modern educational activities are aimed at the "socialization" of each child, his successful career. It is important that this process be “picked up” by teachers of the middle and senior levels of education, only then will schoolchildren leave the educational institution not only with the “baggage” of theoretical knowledge, but also with a formed sense of love for their country, small homeland, a positive attitude towards representatives of other nationalities and cultures, the desire to preserve and increase traditions and customs. The main components of learning activities help to direct this process in the right direction. The classical education system used in the Soviet era turned out to be untenable. It did not allow to fully develop the creative abilities of schoolchildren, there was no talk of self-development and self-improvement. After the reform of Russian education, the introduction of new federal educational standards, teachers were able to pay attention to each ward, put into practice individual approach systems, identify gifted and talented children, and help them develop. The skill of introspection acquired during the years of schooling will help the child to accept important andresponsible decisions in later adult life. The ultimate goal of all educational activities - changing one's "I", awareness of one's importance for society, will be fully achieved.
