In Russian there is an orthogram " alternating vowels". Words that obey this spelling rule cannot be checked by selecting single-root words, as is the case with unstressed words at the root. Their spelling sometimes depends on the consonant that follows the spelling, on the meaning of the word, or on the suffix used. Often such words cause difficulties for schoolchildren, so the teacher needs to devote more time to studying the rule.
Roots that have alternating vowels should be learned by heart and be able to distinguish them from other morphemes similar in sound or spelling.
The choice of spelling options depends on several factors. In zor-, zar- in an unstressed position (for example, dawn), the letter A is indicated in the root of the letter, and in the opposite case (for example, dawns) - O. The exception in this case is the word zoryanka, denoting the namebirds.

). The exceptions are the words utensils, scorch, burn. You also need to pay attention to the roots of plov and plov. In words with them, A is written in the unstressed case (float, fin, etc.). The exceptions are the nouns swimmer and swimmer. It is worth considering that in the word "quicksand" the root is written "Y" according to the sound.
It is common for alternating unstressed vowels to depend on the consonant the morpheme ends with. These are words with roots lag-, false-, rast-, ros-, cas-, kos-. For example, suppose - assume, grow - grew, etc. There are exception words here that need to be remembered. For example, Rostov, sprout, canopy, etc.

In some words, alternating vowels are chosen depending on the meaning of the root. So, for example, spelling is determined in words with mok-, poppy-. If parts of speech are used in the meaning of "become wet, let the liquid through", then wet- is used (to get wet in the rain, soak the laundry). When this root means "to immerse in something", then poppy is used (to dip in water).
This rule also applies to words that include such parts as equal- and equal-. "O" in an unstressed position is written if the meaning is "smooth,equal". The root equals is used when "same, equal" is meant. For example: compare expression, flat road.

In order for students to fix the spelling " alternating vowels in the root", the exercises must be selected in such a way that they include words with different spellings. It is important for children to periodically repeat exceptions. There are not so many of them for this spelling, which is why it is quite easy to remember. And with periodic consolidation of the material, it should not be difficult for students to determine which letter should be in the word.
It should be mentioned that some roots (ber-, bir-, der-, dir-, etc.) are written depending on the suffix that comes after it. In this case, if there is -a-, then the letter And is inserted, otherwise - E. For example, to type - takes, tear - tear, etc.