Alternating, checked and unchecked unstressed vowel in the root

Alternating, checked and unchecked unstressed vowel in the root
Alternating, checked and unchecked unstressed vowel in the root

How to write roots with unstressed vowels? You will find the answer to this question in the materials of this article. In addition, you will be presented with examples of words that have such vowels.

roots with unstressed vowels
roots with unstressed vowels

General information

The question of the correct spelling of vowels in roots arises because such letters are not stressed. In this regard, we decided to devote the presented article to this topic.

All words that have an unstressed vowel at the root are divided into 3 large groups:

  • unchecked unstressed root vowel;
  • checked unstressed vowel in the root;
  • alternating vowels at the root.

Let's look at the rules regarding these cases in more detail.

Unchecked unstressed root vowel

As you know, in the Russian language there are quite a few rules that help us correctly compose a text or a letter, as well as conduct an oral dialogue. However, it also has a huge number of various exceptions. Surely everyone remembers how in a comprehensive school teachers in the humanities forced us to memorize such words. At first glance, this is quiteeasily. But in practice, many children begin to get confused and make mistakes while doing class or homework. In this regard, some teachers recommended referring to the spelling dictionary. Indeed, without such an edition, it is rather difficult to remember what an unverifiable unstressed vowel is at the root of a word.

unchecked unstressed vowel in the root
unchecked unstressed vowel in the root

List of unverifiable words

It is not always possible to have a spelling dictionary at hand. That is why, in order to remember which unstressed vowels, unchecked by stress, are placed in a particular word, we offer a complete list of them:

  • applaud, anomaly, absolute, watercolor, avant-garde, agronomist, avant-garde, almanac, adventure, appeal, propaganda campaign, orange, academy;
  • den, crimson, talking, balloon, unprecedented;
  • admiration, vacancy, virtuoso, vaccine, veteran, option, vestibule, great, vinaigrette, magnificent, expressive, stained glass;
  • state, hectare, hot, genius, herbarium, ingenious, hypothesis, high school student, horizon, hypnosis, huge;
  • road, declaration, director, diagnosis, expensive, dynamic, document, conduct, thoroughly;
  • interest, tomorrow;
  • railway, wish;
  • information, ignore, interest, dependent, incident, informational;
  • brown, quotes, outgoing, businessman, constitution, calendar, companion, career, competent, careerist, compromise,quantity, comment, sway, cow, combination, corrector, compensation, continent, component, swarm, luminary, corridor, correct, peasant, correction, criterion;
  • linguistic, azure, mauve, cherish, lottery;
  • milk, highway, miniature, tangerine, metaphor, meridian, meteorology, machine operator, mechanics, minimal, motive;
  • ornament, smell, bewitch, preoccupied, original, border, stunned, define;
  • unstressed vowels unstressed
    unstressed vowels unstressed
  • adverb, obsession, reluctantly;
  • president, front garden, visit, panorama, overcoming, fern, foam rubber, landscape, preliminary, polish, demonstrate, striking, privilege, claim, thunder, priority, procedure;
  • region, annoyed, handicraft, real, mode, restore, review, solve;
  • scholarship, seminar, system, series, dog, sympathy, fight, situation, stereotype, interview, conscience, sovereignty;
  • hurried, solemn, traditional;
  • honor, satisfactorily, destroy, honored, tamp down;
  • philology, surname, philosophy, figure, fragmentary, philharmonic, phraseological unit;
  • characteristic, character, choreographic, characterize;
  • man;
  • ceremony;
  • masterpiece;
  • experiment, equivalent, element, exposure, label/

Now you know that an unchecked unstressed vowel fundamentally requires memorization or spellingdictionary.

Checked unstressed vowels

Let's take a look at what unstressed vowels are root-checked by selecting special words and how exactly this is done.

To correctly write a vowel in the root, this expression should be matched with a test single-root word. At the same time, the stress on the same vowel should fall in it. Thus, in an unstressed syllable, the same letter is placed as in the stressed test word.

what unstressed vowels are in the root
what unstressed vowels are in the root

Examples of a selection of cognate words

Test words should be as close as possible to the test words:

  • water - water - water;
  • leave - leave - move;
  • sorcerer - enchantment;
  • symbolic – symbol;
  • forests - forest;
  • fox - fox, etc.

Alternating root vowels

In Russian there are a large number of words that have alternating letters. Unstressed vowels in the root of such expressions are checked in different ways:

1. The presence of the suffix -a- in the word. These roots include:

  • -burn- - -burn-;
  • -kos- - -cas-;
  • -steel- - -steel-;
  • -false- - -lag-;
  • -even- - -chit-;
  • -mer- - -peace-;
  • -shine- - -shine-;
  • -beer- - -beer-;
  • -ter- - -ther-;
  • -der- - -dir-;
  • -per- - -per-.

If there is a suffix -a-, then the letters "a", "i" should be put in the roots. If there is no such morpheme, then "o" and "e".

letters unstressed vowels inroot
letters unstressed vowels inroot

2. Emphasis. These roots include:

  • -creative-, -mountain-, -clone- (the letter “o” is written in such roots);
  • -float-, -zar- (the letter “a” is written in such roots).

3. A letter that follows a vowel. These roots include:

  • -skoch- (the letter “o” is written in such a root);
  • -skak- (the letter “a” is written in such a root);
  • -ros- (before "s" in the root is written "o");
  • -rasch-, -rast- (before "u" and "st" is written "a").

4. The value of the root. These roots include:

  • -equal- - -equal-;
  • -mak- - -mok- (in words like “immerse in liquid” write “a”, and in words like “pass liquid” - “o”).
