What do I want to be when I grow up? This question has always been asked and will be asked by children of all generations. And if before doctors, engineers, teachers were held in high esteem, now they are increasingly giving way to more prestigious and monetary speci alties - for example, marketing. About who marketers are, what they do and where in the capital of our vast country you can enter the Faculty of Marketing, we tell in our material.
What is marketing
Before telling which metropolitan universities offer the opportunity to study such a profession, you need to thoroughly understand what kind of beast this is, in fact - marketing. As you might guess, this word is by no means of Slavic origin, but came into our language from English, where it literally means “market activity”. Approximately this is what a marketing specialist does - the subject of his activity is to satisfy the needs of customers in order to extract financial benefits. It may seem to some that this is a simple matter - and why, in fact, a whole science? However, not everythingquite so, because marketing, in fact, is a whole art: you need to be able to choose the right target audience, interest it (which requires you to first “probe” potential consumers in order to find their weak points), maintain and increase the number of customers, and at the same time do everything so that he, the client, that is, remains in complete and unshakable confidence: he is the most desired and most beloved here. So good marketing needs to learn and learn!
Who and where can I work
After graduating from the Faculty of Marketing, the graduate receives the speci alty of a marketer. You can work on it in different places, since such a specialist is required in our time in any good company. You will have to start from the bottom: an intern or a marketing assistant, but the profession provides for career growth, so with good performance, it is not at all difficult to grow up to the head of marketing - and this is far from the limit.
Profession benefits
Why should you choose the profession of a marketer? This profession has many advantages. Among them are the following:
- Compulsory English language proficiency at the international level.
- Mastering a second foreign language.
- Getting an international specialization.

- Marketing is one of the highest paid professions.
- New technologies and developments are constantly appearing in this speci alty and industry, which allows marketing to always remain modern.
- A dynamic profession.
And this is not all the advantages that marketing has!
A little nuance
To become a marketer, it was never necessary to enter only the faculty of marketing. You can get a similar education in management (marketing is its subspecies, so to speak), and at the faculty of innovation (introduction of new developments), and in trade, and even in sociology. Currently, there is no marketing as a separate faculty in the institutes - now you need to choose from other faculties (which are listed above). Some universities have combined faculties, such as management and marketing. Next, we will talk about which faculties of marketing can be studied at the universities of the capital.
Lomonosov Moscow State University
The main Moscow - and, perhaps, Russian - university offers those wishing to try themselves in the field of marketing to enter the Faculty of Sociology. Especially for everyone who wants to get acquainted with all the components of the profession of a marketer, at this faculty there is a direction of management with a training profile "Marketing". You can study there exclusively full-time, for 325 thousand rubles - unfortunately, there are no state-funded places.

The curriculum includes such disciplines as marketing analytics, analytical methods, marketing technologies, market analysis, information systems, industry marketing and so on. For admission, you must submit in the form of a Unifiedmath, Russian language and social studies exam.
Address of the Moscow State: Leninskiye Gory, house one.
University of Management
There is no faculty of marketing in the "management" university, but there is a whole institute of it as a separate subdivision. There is a direction of management with a marketing training profile. What is good about the University of Management is that it is one of the first Russian universities where they began to train marketers in general. They've been doing it here since 1994! During this time, both the necessary quality and experience have come. Also, as an advantage of the university, one can note the choice of two training programs - either marketing management or brand management. And another indisputable plus of this educational institution is the availability of free places - both for full-time and part-time forms (there is one at the university). More than two hundred and fifty full-time students can get the desired profession without paying for training. There are twenty-seven more places for the part-time department.

- in absentia. In the same case, if luck did not smile and it was not possible to pass the budget, it will be necessary to lay out tidy sums per year - not the same, of course, as at Moscow State University, but still considerable: 190 thousand a year for full-time students, studentspart-time department ten less.
Faculty of Marketing REU
PRUE, or Plekhanov University of Economics in Stremyanny Lane, stands alone in the list of other higher educational institutions that we can name in this category. The thing is that the Plekhanov University has a marketing department, unlike other universities, just the same. And to take it, in addition to the three above-mentioned exams, a foreign language is also required - also quite a significant difference. That is why the passing score in the PRUE is higher - as much as three hundred and twenty points.

There are seventy-five budget places at the Faculty of Marketing of the Russian University of Economics. For those who are not lucky enough to take them, the cost of education (only full-time) is two hundred and eighty thousand a year. Plekhanov University is chosen because the local marketing faculty is the first of its kind in our country, and also because there are experimental laboratories here, well-known specialists from Russia and abroad come with lectures. Marketers and marketing analysts are trained at the PRUE.
Peoples' Friendship University
RUDN is another Moscow university that trains marketing specialists. And although this university in Moscow does not have a marketing faculty, there is a faculty of economics, where future marketers enter. There are only 21 budget places, but the passing score is also lower - 240 points. Peoples' Friendship University is an international university, and this is a distinctive feature of training, including in the field of marketingresearch. Students of this university constantly interact, including undergoing internships, with the world's leading companies, including such big names as Coca-Cola, Nestle, Adidas, and so on.
RUDN University marketing students are members of a specially created circle, in which they research the market, make reports and presentations, and speak at thematic conferences. The cost of education at this faculty ranges from 99 to 219 thousand rubles, depending on the form (full-time, part-time or part-time). To apply to the University of Peoples' Friendship, you should come to Miklukho-Maklaya Street, house number 6.
In the Institute of International Relations, which MGIMO is, there is a department of trade, where the direction of marketing has long and firmly settled. More precisely, a master's program that trains specialists in one of seven areas (at the student's choice) - environmental services, retail goods, entrepreneurship, hospitality, sports, entertainment, luxury.

Since this is a master's program, you only need to take a foreign language, and also pass an interview. To study on Saturdays and weekdays in the evening for two years. By the way, in the second year of study, students, as a rule, undergo an internship abroad. There are no budget places, as it is logical to assume. The payment for such valuable knowledge, which master students become the owners of, is 345 thousand rubles a year.
MGIMO is located at: avenueVernadsky, house number 76.
There is no marketing department at HSE, or, in other words, the Higher School of Economics, on Myasnitskaya. But there is a faculty of social sciences, where the profile "Applied Methods of Sociological Research" is open. For 280 thousand rubles a year, students can learn how to collect data and analyze it, and this information gives them an excellent opportunity to find employment not only as analysts, but also as marketers.

Much attention is paid to the Faculty of Mathematical Training - more than five hundred hours in total. There are also budget places at HSE - as many as 90.
Mendeleev University
It would seem that this educational institution, located on Geroev Panfilovtsev Street, has nothing to do with marketing at all - it specializes in the chemical and technological profile. However, the university has a faculty of logistics, and marketing is one of the areas of training, along with management and sociology. The cost of studying at the Mendeleev University is not too high: 45 thousand rubles must be paid for part-time and part-time forms, 60 thousand rubles for full-time.
In the Institute of Economics and Statistics on Nezhinskaya, 7, there is a faculty of marketing, education at which costs a little more than one hundred and thirty thousand rubles for full-time students. Here you need to pass four exams, in addition to social science, mathematics and the Russian language, you will have to work hard on computer science and computer technology. Than not onlyuniversity students do! They study management and commerce, innovation, software, information systems, accounting and much more.
Academy of National Economy
In the government-run educational institution, located on Vernadsky Avenue, the Faculty of Marketing and Business has been operating since 1996. The form of education there is only evening, this direction is regarded as retraining - this is something like courses, however, of course, with the receipt of certificates of education and the qualification of a marketing manager.

You will have to study for only one year, during which you will need to lighten your wallet by 98 thousand rubles. Since this is a retraining, there are no free places.
University of Commerce

The direction of "marketing" is open at the Faculty of Management of the University of Commerce of the capital, which is located at the address: Bolshoy Fakelny lane, house 38. You can study day and night, and generally in absentia. Upon completion, students receive a state document.
Business Academy
Since the mid-nineties, a marketing department has been functioning, which is a retraining course, and at the Academy of Business of our homeland in Protopopovsky lane. An interesting fact is that you can study in this direction exclusively remotely - about six hundred hours takes the entire full course. You can study for six months, but you will be able to master only half of the material; to go through allprogram, it takes a year. At the end of the course, students receive a diploma of retraining in marketing.
This is the list of marketing faculties and related areas that are available in the capital. Good luck!