DNA - what is it?

DNA - what is it?
DNA - what is it?

This article is about science. Or rather, about the intricate abbreviation DNA. What it is? Not everyone can say how this word is translated. Therefore, we will try not only to provide a translation, but also to explain what this word represents. After all, it is important to know not only the translation into Russian, but also to understand the very meaning of a particular noun.

Translation of the word and its interpretation

So, let's use the English-Russian dictionary and find out how the word DNA is translated. You can use both the printed version and the electronic source, there is no difference.

The word DNA is translated as DNA. That is, deoxyribonucleic acid (in the English version - deoxyribonucleic acid). Due to the fact that this phrase is rather cumbersome, it is customary to use an alphabetic abbreviation.

DNA is the carrier of genetic information. In its structure, it resembles a double thread, which is twisted in the form of a spiral. This is a polymer molecule. Its individual sections are usually called genes.

Multicolored DNA Model
Multicolored DNA Model

Spelling and pronunciation of the abbreviation

In English (as in Russian)The abbreviation DNA is three capital letters. Its spelling does not depend on where exactly this word is used: at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of a sentence. In any case, all letters must be capitalized.

It's important to know that DNA is an acronym that needs to be spelled. That is, you separately name the English letters "d", "n" and "a". In transcription, it turns out [ˌdiː en ˈeɪ]. Transcription is important to know when you need to reproduce the word DNA in speech.

In general, there are many abbreviations in the English language. They make speech more compact and make it easier to pronounce and write difficult words. Some abbreviations migrated to Russian speech. Here are some examples:

  1. IQ (intelligence quotient, IQ) - Intelligence Quotient.
  2. SOS (save our souls) - Save Our Souls.
  3. RIP (rest in peace) - Rest in Peace.
  4. HR (recruitment, personnel department) - Human Resources.

These abbreviations are written in English letters and are not translated. And it's clear what they mean. For example, HR is often found in business documentation, and the word IQ has been familiar to us since school days. Even people who have not studied English know how these abbreviated words are translated and pronounced.

Use examples with translation

Of course, the word DNA is most often found in scientific texts. For example, in scientific works on genetics. But at the same time, this abbreviation can be found in a number of modern songs. For example, DNA is a hitSouth Korean group BTS. In any case, you need to learn how to properly use DNA in sentences.

DNA image
DNA image

For ease of perception, we will give the translation:

  1. I don't know the structure of DNA. I don't know what the structure of DNA is.
  2. DNA testing provides some great opportunities for scientific progress. DNA tests provide excellent opportunities for scientific progress.
  3. The student doesn't know what is DNA. The student does not know what DNA is.
  4. Yesterday I read about DNA. Yesterday I was reading about DNA.
  5. You have to know the functions of DNA. You must know the functions of DNA.
  6. Have you listened to DNA? Kendrick Lamar released this song several days ago. Have you listened to "DNA" yet? This is a Kendrick Lamar song that he released a few days ago.
  7. Our teacher told us to find some interesting information about DNA. Our teacher told us to find interesting information about DNA.

Now you know how to translate and pronounce DNA. And the sample sentences helped solidify the information.
