Modern Russian is not as modern as many think. Its formation began in the days of the great Russian poet A. S. Pushkin, and over this rather impressive period, its structure and sound have changed only in particular, without violating the general traditional foundations.

And yet the norms of the Russian language have undergone some changes and have taken shape in the system of modern linguistics. It is impossible to talk about the category of speech correctness without relying on language norms. Normalization is an indispensable guarantee of the correct literary language. Of course, illiterate speech is not a crime, unlike ignorance of the rules of the road, for example. However, it is very difficult to imagine a country in which, one fine morning, they would decide to abandon the language norms. For some, of course, this day will be a great holiday, but most will probably arrange a rally for the occasion. A reasonable person understands that the norms of the Russian language stand guard over common unity and mutual understanding.
The norms of the modern Russian literary language coveroral and written language. They are due to a number of factors: the laws of language development, the cultural traditions of society. Norms regulate the speech behavior of people, they reflect the historical aspects of the language and are used not only in literary masterpieces, but also by everyone who considers himself an educated person.
The norm of the Russian language is a model that reflects the actual period of development of the literary language, but at the same time includes the past and even the future, being part of it. The norm is necessary for the endless connection of generations. It conveys information in a generally understandable code, performs the main function of the language - cultural.

However, it is worth going directly to the norms. Surely many remember them from school. It cannot be said that their list or content has changed radically during this time. You can verify this by opening any textbook on the Russian language.
Rules of the Russian language
- Orthoepic norms determine correct pronunciation.
- Lexical ones regulate the correct choice of a particular word in accordance with its meaning and general context. Special explanatory dictionaries and reference books will help to get rid of doubts.
- Grammar regulates the rules of formation, word changes, and sentence construction. The word-formation norms of the Russian language are included in the structure of grammatical norms along with morphological and syntactic ones.
- Stylistic determines the correctness of the use of a language unit in accordance with the style of the content.
- Spelling includes a number of spelling rules.
- Punctuation controls the use of punctuation marks.
- Intonation and stress norms refer to special norms of oral speech. Some sources also add an orthoepic norm here.

No matter how "menacing" the language norms sound, their study can be turned into an exciting game-journey through the expanses of the great and mighty. And their knowledge will allow you to remove the label of an ignoramus and hang up the order of an expert in the Russian literary language.