Russia is an incredible and amazing country: there are two Kremlins here, many world famous personalities come from here, and only in this state there are three capitals. It would seem, how can this be: after all, each power has only one main city, which was formed over many centuries? And here are three capital cities. Moscow is the capital of Russia, which the whole world knows. Well, what other two cities have such an honorary name? We will talk about this in our article.

Moscow in brief
Moscow (the capital of Russia) has passed a long historical way of its formation and development. It is rather difficult to describe this whole stage, but it is still worth mentioning the most important points.
For the first time Moscow is mentioned in chronicles related to the end of the XII century. It was just at that moment when the monarchs waged constant wars over power over Kyiv. In 1147 (in the spring) Yuri Dolgoruky, the prince of Suzdal, ordered his army to go to Novgorod. This campaign is most directly related to the first memory of Moscow in history. In a small new city, the prince ordered one of his associates to arrive,namely Svyatoslav. The news that a meeting of princes would take place in Moscow before the start of a great internecine war, which threatened to be the end of the campaign, turned this city into a village known throughout Russia. This is where Russia originates, the third capital of which will appear after a rather long period of time.
Dolgoruky did not plan to turn Moscow into the capital. But fate itself predicted such a role for the settlement, because it was a node located between several principalities, and it was here that waterways and roads touched. Therefore, willy-nilly, but Moscow nevertheless became a capital city.

Museum on the Islands
When it comes to St. Petersburg, everyone immediately mentions that this is the northern capital of the Russian Federation. The city is located on 47 islands of the Neva delta and is a real open-air museum. Petersburg is considered one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. During the history of its existence, he had to endure three years of blockade, 11 emperors, economic reform and several dozen floods. And all this in just three hundred years.
In 1703, the first cobblestone lay at the foundation of Leningrad. It was at this time that Peter the Great decided to build a new capital city. It was supposed to be open to European trends and sea winds. The northern capital grew up spontaneously, among swamps and swamps, and it was almost completely rebuilt by foreign architects. The appearance of St. Petersburg for a Russian has become as unusual as the habit of reading newspapers or shaving off a beard. Duringthe construction of the city killed more than one thousand workers, so it is often said that it was built on bones.
Become the capital
St. Petersburg (the northern capital of Russia) became the main city of such a powerful empire during the reign of Peter the Great. But when exactly this happened is not known for certain. On this occasion, even a special decree was not issued. Everything happened somehow by itself. In 1708, Peter I moved the entire Romanov family from Moscow to St. Petersburg. The first Winter House on the left bank of the Neva was immediately erected for the Tsar.

When it became clear that the monarch intended to turn the new city into his residence, foreign ambassadors began to move here from Moscow. The relocation of all state institutions and their employees also gradually took place. In 1712, the Governing Senate, the highest body of state power, also moved to the settlement on the Neva. This year is considered to be the date when St. Petersburg became the capital of the state.
Nizhny Novgorod or Kazan
Russia (the third capital - Kazan) has found a new capital city not so long ago: just a few years ago. Two cities fought for the right to bear the title of the third capital - Kazan and Nizhny Novgorod. Rospatent de alt with such applications. He also decided that the capital of Tatarstan would also be the next main city of the entire Federation.
Kazan immediately registered the relevant trademarks with Rospatent. It is no secret that the slogan "Kazan is the third capital of Russia" began to be used by the city inearly spring 2007. This provoked a conflict between Nizhny Novgorod and Tatarstan. But it was successfully resolved. And now the Russian Federation has another capital city - Kazan.

Russia, whose third capital is Kazan, can be proud that there is such a majestic city in its vastness. The history of Kazan has a thousand years. The past of the settlement is closely connected with the ancient civilization of the Volga Bulgars and their direct heirs of the Kazan Tatars.
For more than three centuries Kazan served as an outpost for the Bulgar state. In the 13th century it turned into a major administrative center of one of the settlements of the Golden Horde. One hundred years later, the city became the capital of the Kazan Khanate. And in 1552 it was annexed to Russia. In 1920 Kazan became the capital of Tatarstan.

Three Capitals
Russia (the third capital is listed above) is an amazingly beautiful country. And no matter which of its capitals you visit, you will see that each of them is different and incredible in its own way. All cities have many historical sights, charming nature and people who are always ready to talk about the most outstanding moments in the life of their locality. And naturally, Muscovites will convince you that it is Moscow that should be the capital, in St. Petersburg they will give thousands of proofs that this is the real and only capital city, and in Kazan they will demonstrate the local Kremlin, which will cast aside all doubts about whythis locality cannot be the main city of the Federation.