Very often the improbability of this world is noticed by photographers. But here one camera will not do. You can shoot even with a “fancy” device, even with a simple mobile phone. The main thing is to see an interesting plot and not frighten off inspiration.
The incredible can not only be seen with the eyes. It lurks in sensations, smells and tastes, sounds and words.

The most common thing about the word "incredible"
Unbelievable is an adverb. It is an invariable part of speech, answers the question "how?" and denotes a feature:
- item,
- action,
- sign.
In its first meaning, it is used to emphasize implausibility.
- From what tree did this incredibly huge ball "fell" into the snow? (meaning "implausible size")

In the second meaning, the adverb is incredible - it is extremely, to a high degree.
Incredibly contrasting delicate flowers on the slopes and mighty stone giants(meaning "extremely")

Winter beyond the Arctic Circle is incredibly cold and gloomy (meaning "to a high degree")
The latter case refers to the comparative quality of the season in a certain area in relation to other places.

The unusualness of an object or phenomenon conveys the word "incredible" when it is a short form of an adjective.
The place where this foam-white bench stood was incredible (meaning "unusual place")

Also, this word can be a predicate, that is, to denote a certain state that is static. This term was introduced into use by linguists from the Czech Republic. Earlier in Russia they used the turnover “category of condition”.
"Incredible" is said to describe a situation or action as impossible.
Fire floating on water is incredible

An incredible life
Sometimes eyes looking at the world express fatigue from routine, sadness of hopelessness, despair of unattainability. People often find it incredible that someone's life is far away. Our own seems to be the most banal dragging of existence.
Here are four stories that can help change this attitude towards yourself and the world for those who are interested.

A story from a modern craftswoman of the ancientmidwifery (Yaroslavl):
There is a sauna in the Latvian manor Everty. One of the most incredible places, miracles work there every day, my beloved wizard friends. It is through the bath that the path to your essence is the shortest and easiest! Also pleasant. There are many such places in Latvia. The cultural tradition of the bath there is now very widely revived! My dream is for us to have the same movement.
Incredible can make life a journey along the path to its essence, which can begin behind any seemingly ordinary door

2. A story from a young man who recently became a husband (Voronezh):
My wife and I got together to go fishing, got up at 4:00, cooked porridge for fish, gathered tackle and started waking up my wife. By 12 o'clock she had already made up, dressed and was ready to leave. To my argument, they say, we had already slept through the fishing, she replied with an incredible phrase: “Well, why did we need to go there so early, the fish were still sleeping! And now she just woke up and wants to eat.”
- Everyone around us is incredible people. One can be surprised at their seemingly simple words, if you look at them with attention and love.

3. The story of a Russian woman living in England (London).
There are many wonderful and attractive places. But sometimes the extraordinary happens where you don't expect it. I came to an ordinary party with interesting, but not famous friends. And suddenly…. It's incredible! I found myself at the same table with a Hollywood director and favorite cameramanClint Eastwood.
The incredible can happen every moment. It's easy to meet him if you just get up and get dressed and go…anywhere

4. The story of two gloves (Yamal).
We were carried by an amazing person. In winter, in the polar city, he made ice sculptures. And lost the right one.

And in the summer this master (already in another city) broke flowerbeds and planted flowers. There from lost the left. We knew we would never meet again. But they were side by side in two photographs taken by a completely different master. It's unbelievable but true.
If you look at things from an unusual perspective, life can become incredible

Child Artist
Who dares to say to himself: "I can do anything"? This does not mean permissiveness, but great power to make everything most ordinary completely unprecedented. This is an artist. Tried to treat the world the same way? This is incredible!

Every child is an artist. Everything that he perceives does not fit into the mind. Of course, it will gradually fit in. But how does he do it? Being amazed by any sounds, colors and shapes!

Feeling the incredible is a gift. For example, a computer today is a completely ordinary thing. We use it all the time, and just a few years ago, the very existence of such machines seemed incredible. But children, getting acquainted with their capabilities, especiallyif it is done creatively, they are able to catch it. Who wants to follow suit?