Hope - what is it? Meaning and synonym of the word

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Hope - what is it? Meaning and synonym of the word
Hope - what is it? Meaning and synonym of the word

You can often hear the phrase: "I trust in you." But what does that mean? Let's look at the noun "hope". This is our subject of study today.


hope is
hope is

Although this noun is bookish, it is not in honor of those who talk about serious things. Take the phrase "Doctor, I trust in you, you are my only salvation." And here it is difficult to understand whether the speaker is being ironic or not. Everything depends on the context. When they turn to a doctor, what kind of mockery is there, and if they go to a friend, options are possible.

A very brief digression into history. The verb "hope" is borrowed from Old Slavonic, in which "pvat" is "hope" or "rely". Now you can easily and freely set the meaning of the word "hope".


The explanatory dictionary was not so generous to the object of research as to endow it with its own content. When we open the book, we see the following entry: "The same as hope in the first sense." Therefore, we follow the link and stumble upon the following definition: "Belief in the possibility of realizing something joyful and auspicious." So hope is hope.

Despite the fact that the word in question is often given an ironic sound, we want toargue and offer a different meaning, far from humor and laughter. The noun seems to have its own serious content. Hope is the ultimate concentration of hope, its last stronghold. That is, when there is no longer any chance of a favorable outcome, except for one single way out, then hope comes into play. The reader may reproach us for taking liberties with the material, but language practice confirms the conjecture. When a person is in extreme despair, he does not rely on a doctor, friend, policeman, creditor - he relies on them, because there is no one else to turn to.


hope meaning
hope meaning

The above is a debatable issue. Therefore, we need to move on to words-substitutions. The list follows:

  • aspiration;
  • hope;
  • calculation;
  • wait;
  • anticipation.

The first two positions do not take their places in vain. We believe that these definitions can fully replace the object of study. And the rest, too, can, but with reservations. “Reckoning” is a cold word, it strikes out the emotional moment from the word “hope”. Although, on the other hand, the phrase: "Nicholas counted on Anatoly's help" also sounds very encouraging. But in writing, the definition of "calculation" is repulsive and does not cause sympathy. "Waiting" is colored neutrally. "Expectancy" is a slightly vulgar word. But we are aware that all synonyms for "hope" cannot be the same, so some are worse, others are better. It's okay.

Nietzsche and his interpretation of hope

hope word meaning
hope word meaning

In Human, All Too Human, Nietzsche wrote that hope "is in fact the worst of evils, for it prolongs the torment of men." But this phrase contains a whole typology: some believe, no matter what, while others stop hoping and begin to act, if, of course, this can help. After all, faith in the best can take ugly forms. For example, when a person is mortally ill, he rushes to fortune-tellers, shamans, but, as Woland wittily noted, all these body movements are completely meaningless. True, denial will still be followed by acceptance, whether the person wants it or not. This is how the psyche works, the body needs to continue to live. The reader may ask, “Is hope good or bad?” Let's postpone answering this question until we hear another point of view.

Stephen King and his book "Rita Hayworth, or The Shawshank Redemption"

hope word
hope word

Famous quote from the "motivating thing" by one of the world's most popular writers: "Hope is a good thing, perhaps even the best of all." Although, it would seem, the position of the protagonist is no better than that of a terminally ill patient: he is forever imprisoned, from which he would not have got out if it were not for luck, will and hard work. But in fairness, it must be said that Andy would not have gained freedom if he had not started writing on the wall out of desperation. In other words, the dialectic of despair is an insidious thing, sometimes it can lead you to the light, and sometimes it can throw you into the abyss.

If the protagonist of the story by S. King did not hope, then his hands would have dropped, and he would notovercame everything he ended up going through.

Which side to take?

Is hope good or bad? Is hope the greatest evil or good? Unfortunately, nothing definite can be said, except for banality: everything depends on the situation and the starting position. If a person has a terminal stage of the disease, then one can hope, but the expectation of a miracle only takes strength and time from the really important. And if this is a task, albeit a difficult one, then it’s still worth hoping: what if a miracle happens.

Yes, history knows examples when a person was saved from death only by faith, and doctors shrugged, but such phenomena are rare. It is better not to rely on the unrealizable, but to prevent serious diseases in a simple and affordable way - to allow yourself to fulfill your own desires. Often serious illnesses are revenge for unfulfilled aspirations. You need to breathe, enjoy nature, books, films, people, and then a person may not need hope in a critical, borderline situation. The latter will bypass it. In any case, one can hope so. That is, whatever one may say, a person comes to hope. The meaning of this word is already known to the reader.