Today's Ufa has more than thirty universities. Among them there are both independent republican and branches of the largest academies, universities and institutes in Russia. Ufa institutes change their number from year to year so much that it is unlikely that there will be a reference service that has accurate information on this matter.
Information problems
Someone wants to enter, for example, the Interdisciplinary Institute. Ufa will be amazed: why? After all, this excellent institution is engaged in advanced training, and not basic education. It is not very relevant for an applicant at the moment to study the history of universities, their teaching staff, or, for example, the biographies of glorious doctors of science that the institutes are proud of.
G. Ufa provides so much information that you can drown in this avalanche. The applicant is looking for a list of speci alties, addresses of admissions committees and the exact address of the official website. This article will describe in detail what the institutions of Ufa are, here are their addresses and information compiled from reviews.

Catalog of higher educational institutions of Ufa and addresses
1. UUI MIA. This is the School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a law school.
Ufa, Muksinova street, house 2.
2. WEEKIP. Commerce & Rights.
Ufa, Zavodskaya street, house 13.
3. BKI. Bashkir cooperative.
Ufa, Lenin street, house 26.
1. UGAI. Ufa state Academy of Arts named after Zagir Ismailov.
Ufa, Tsyurupy street, building 9.
2. VEGU. Eastern Economic and Law Humanitarian Academy.
Ufa, Prospekt Oktyabrya, 71/3.
3. UGAES. Ufa state Academy of Economics and Service.
Ufa, Chernyshevsky street, house 145.
4. BAGSU. Bashkir State Academy service and administration (under the President of the Republic of Bashkorstan).
Ufa, Zaki Validi street, 40.
1. USATU. Aviation tech. university.
Ufa, Mingazheva street, 158/2.
2. BSMU. Bashkir state. medical university.
Ufa, Lenin street, building 3.
3. BSU (BashGU). Bashkir state. university.
Ufa, Communist street, house 19.
4. USPTU. Ufa state oil tech. university.
Ufa, Kosmonavtov street, building 1.
5. BSPU. Bashkir state. ped. Akmulla University.
Ufa, Oktyabrskaya Revolyutsii street, 3A, building 1.
6. BSAU. Bashkir state. Agricultural University.
Ufa, street 50 years of October, building 34.
In addition, there are more than ten branches of metropolitan universities in Ufa, including: Sholokhov Moscow State University, AEB MIA(Academy of Economic Security) and others, as well as at least four representative offices in addition to what various institutions of Ufa give, such as: MIMEMO, MEFI and MIGiKU.

Choosing a Future Lawyer
If an applicant is interested in jurisprudence, it is necessary to clarify what law he would like to study: civil or criminal. And further: what specialization to choose - notaries or prosecutorial activities, or maybe international law? There are a lot of specializations, for example, the Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Ufa can offer a choice: UYUI MVD, VEGU, UKIP, BAGSU.

UGATU is a federal state budgetary educational institution of vocational education, that is, a non-profit organization that is engaged in educational, scientific, social, cultural, managerial personnel, training of specialists who meet the needs of citizens in achieving public benefits.

This is a whole complex, not only educational, but also research. It consists of six faculties and two institutes, seven research laboratories, three technology parks, a military-technical complex, seven training and innovation centers, and fourteen research and educational centers. The scientific and technical library of this university has more than a million books, thanks to the introduced information technologies for servicing it is the best in the republic.
Multilevel training at the university is conducted in thirty-eight areas of undergraduate studies, in ten speci alties and thirty-six areas of postgraduate and master's programs. More than twenty-three thousand students study here, out of one and a half thousand teachers there are more than two hundred doctors of sciences and more than seven hundred candidates of sciences. Here is the only place in the republic where military-technical education is given and military-engineer personnel are trained. There is a military training center that trains career officers, a military department, from which lieutenants, sergeants and reserve privates graduate.
How students live
According to the feedback of students trained by the Aviation Institute, Ufa knows and loves them for their talents and active life position. They are not just young, they are active, their life is full of bright discoveries, the constant movement in mastering new knowledge inevitably leads to more and more success.
University is primarily lectures, exams, tests. The second is scientific activity, participation in political and social events, this is student self-government. And thirdly, these are creative teams, about which students have the most positive feedback, as well as sports competitions and various competitions, student parties. Lively, exciting leisure only helps to study, teaches you how to plan time correctly and expand your horizons.

There are many reviews about how students relax in the dispensary and in the Aviator sports and recreation camp, how they enjoy the picturesque nature of Pavlovskyreservoirs. Honors students and activists annually go on vacation on preferential vouchers to Adler, Anapa and Tuapse. Applicants from all over the vast country after graduating from schools literally besiege the Aviation Institute. Ufa is happy to welcome guests.
This is the largest scientific, methodological, educational, and innovative center in the region, which provides training for highly qualified pedagogical and coaching staff. Both people with disabilities and highly qualified athletes are trained here. Ufa knows very well what kind of teachers, educators, and coaches the Pedagogical Institute is preparing, both current students and long-time graduates write about it in reviews. Many schoolchildren from elementary grades dream of studying within its walls. In terms of quality management, BSPU is the winner of the All-Russian competition. Cooperates with Shanghai Network University.

The Pedagogical University has become a major scientific, educational, cultural and social center of the republic. It consists of five institutes and seven faculties. This is the leading pedagogical educational institution of the university type in Bashkortostan. It is a great honor to bear the name of the nineteenth century educator M. Akmulla. It graduates bachelors, as well as specialists and masters in thirty-five speci alties of mono-level training and in fourteen areas of two-level training. Six master's programs and ten programs in secondary vocational education have been licensed. Thirty speci alties arepreparation of graduate and doctoral students.
College campus
The campus is located near the university and consists of six dormitories with 2800 beds. Students also respond very well to them. Three of them are of the corridor type, three are of superior comfort. All have access control, which is a guarantee of a safe stay. Each dormitory has rooms for classes, relaxation and psychological relief rooms, places for leisure, Internet rooms, and gyms. The town of future teachers is very beautiful! Greenery, light, space - everything is thought out.
Another university, which Ufa is proud of among many, is oil. This institute is one of the largest oil and gas universities in Russia. It trains a variety of personnel in a wide range of industry activities, from exploration to oil and gas processing.

The university teaches about seventeen thousand students from fifty-six subjects of Russia, as well as thirty-six foreign countries. The university is a member of the UIA (International Association of Universities), has a master's, postgraduate and doctoral studies. The teaching staff is highly qualified, more than a thousand full-time teachers, of which one hundred and sixty doctors of sciences, professors, over six hundred candidates, associate professors. The university has sixty-six departments.
Mining and Oil Faculty
It is about this faculty that the greatest number of reviews. Therefore, it was chosen for a more detailed story. Traditionsmethodological, educational and educational work at the university, established by the teachers who stood at the origins, who created the faculty, are carefully preserved today. As a result, the quality of training of specialists is still high, the high assessment of the educational institution from employers, along with the constant demand for graduates of this faculty. For example, more than sixty percent of the leadership of OAO Lukoil are graduates of the Mining and Oil Faculty of USPTU.
Where students live
The campus is so good that even students from other universities write envious reviews about it. It includes nine dormitories for more than three thousand students. Dormitories are well equipped with sports and gyms, luggage storage, there are assembly halls and meeting rooms, for example, student councils, there are rest rooms, laundry rooms with washing machines are required in each hostel.
There are good canteens, buffets with hot food, shops, a sewing workshop on the territory. There is a pavilion where, along with taking a shower, you can use a hairdresser, a solarium, and a massage room. Academic buildings and library within walking distance. Close to the stadium with a sports complex. Students receive the entire range of services without leaving their campus. The interuniversity competition "Best Hostel" twice marked the campus of USPTU with the highest rating.
Employers are constantly present here, as the university closely cooperates with all leading enterprisesconstruction and fuel and energy complexes: more than seventy contracts and long-term cooperation agreements. Specialists of partners from enterprises both participate in the educational process and visit state attestation commissions. "Company Day" is held annually dozens of times as presentations of employer companies: OAO NK Rosneft and OAO ANK Bashneft, OAK AK Trasneft and OAO Gazprom, representatives from the Herriot Watt Specialist Training Center, LLC " Weatherford, Schlumberger and many others. Feedback from employers about the university is the most favorable.
The University of Economics and Service will soon turn 45 years old. Among the universities of Ufa, it is quite young. And despite this, the site of this higher educational institution turned out to be one of the most intelligent. There are many reviews of students and teachers, and the applicant can find out everything that interests him, read the reviews of graduates and applicants, students and teachers. You can get acquainted with the areas of training, which is conducted by the Institute of Service. Ufa willingly sends school graduates to this university. It also contains information about the cost of the course, about bonuses, talks about student leisure and medical care, about living conditions and the quality of food, about the best faculties and sports achievements, about cultural events and about the reasons for deductions. The Institute of Service and the Institute of Economics know Ufa as a single university - USUES.
The university defines scientific activity as an orientation towards fundamental research, as an integration of science andeducation, with close interaction with all academic structures in Russia, as well as educational institutions, enterprises and foreign specialists. This also adds to the development of postgraduate and doctoral studies in new speci alties in science, active participation in winning grants at various levels, material support for the main scientific schools and promising scientists. Last year, USUES employees received over sixty awards of various levels.
The reputation of the UUI of the Ministry of Internal Affairs among the higher educational institutions of the city is extremely high, this is the best of all the good things that the institutions of Ufa can offer. Especially when you consider that this university has a long history and keeps traditions. In the distant revolutionary year of 1905, on the territory of the School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs there was an educational institution for the training of police officers. Now the glorious Ufa Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is located here. Ufa has not changed the profile of this institution. All these years, the institute has justified the trust of all those who have decided to devote themselves to the difficult task of serving the Motherland. Here, professionals receive not only higher education, but also postgraduate education, and also undergo training and retraining at various courses. Today, the Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia knows Ufa as a major educational and scientific center to be proud of.
On the website of this university you can find out almost all the information about the educational institution: history, all stages of formation, it also contains comprehensive information about studies and reviews about all the vicissitudes of today's life. Special sections reflect news about studies, scientificactivities, cultural life, service. The institute has a special attitude towards applicants. It is described in detail about the preparation of documents for admission, about the rules for admission, links are given. Directly on the site for applicants there is a forum where employees from the personnel department, both former and current cadets, and teachers answer questions.
The Bashkir State University has such a faculty - the Institute of Law. Ufa remembers it back in 1949 as a branch of the Correspondence Law Institute. Since 1972 BSU has accepted the Institute of Law as one of its subdivisions. At present, it is a well-known large educational, scientific and intellectual center of Bashkorstan, which trains qualified lawyers in correspondence and full-time departments. The institute has eleven departments and three thousand students, who are taught by more than two hundred excellent teachers. There are a lot of reviews on the university website about the organization of the educational process, about student dormitories and their convenience, and basically all these reviews are positive.