Through a hyphen, separately, together? How do you spell "classmates"?

Through a hyphen, separately, together? How do you spell "classmates"?
Through a hyphen, separately, together? How do you spell "classmates"?

Many everyday words cause considerable difficulties in writing. Even if they are directly related to the educational process. It can be difficult to understand how to spell "classmates", "classmates" and "classmates", although all three words obey the same rules. To avoid mistakes, it is enough to study the meaning of the term, the situations in which it would be appropriate.

Who is around you?

Classmates are people from the same group as you. By analogy with students from the same class or students of the same course, groups at universities help to designate a speci alty, to single out people from the whole stream for obtaining specific theoretical and practical knowledge. They have their own elders and curators who help to join the rhythm of the life of the university, find textbooks, and get used to the schedule. Community members will quickly learn not only how to spell "classmates", but also how they live.

Classmates in their natural habitat
Classmates in their natural habitat

How to decipher the term?

In front of you is the standardcompound compound word. “From the same group” is split into two roots:

  • -one-;
  • -groups-.

Then they are merged with a connecting vowel. Attempts to find cognate words will lead nowhere: they are completely unsuitable for verification. Other criteria apply here.

Double "p" - an inheritance from the dictionary word "group". It must be remembered and then used in all derivatives. By analogy with "class".

There is also the risk of accidentally replacing the letters "o" with "a". How to deal with this problem? “One” is from the dictionary and is easy to remember, at the same time, only the letters “e” and “o” can unite roots in words. As a result, “classmates” are written as two dictionary words with an intermediate “o”.

Sometimes even classmates can't tell you how to spell "classmates"
Sometimes even classmates can't tell you how to spell "classmates"

And if there is a hyphen?

Exceptional situations are possible when there is a desire to write down "classmates", following the wrong interpretation of the rules. The Russian language has built-in special mechanisms to protect against this. If only "e" and "o" are connecting vowels, you don't need any hyphens. Write fluently. And if there are no vowels, you need to put a short dash between the parts of the word. Nothing complicated!

Is it correct to write like this?

Some doubts arise in the validity of the existence of the term as such. Often they ask not how “classmates” are spelled, but is it worth including the word at all? Occasionally it is allocated by programs for working with text, and it can be difficult to find it in dictionaries. Notworry! There are classes in school, groups in higher educational institutions, feel free to use the analogy with “classmates”, and none of the professional philologists will dare to object. The main thing is not to make mistakes in spelling.
