Anatomy is a discipline of great importance in medicine. This science studies both the external structure of the body and its internal structure. With the accumulation of surgical experience on the basis of anatomy, topographic anatomy was formed, and then separated into a separate discipline, which enables surgeons performing operations to study the structure of the human body in separate areas, paying attention to the relationship of internal organs.

What is topography in anatomy?
Anatomical topography is a section of anatomy that studies the layered structure of human body regions, the location of organs relative to each other, holotopy and skeletopy, as well as blood supply and lymph flow during normal development of the body and in pathology, taking into account all age and gender characteristics person. This section of anatomy is of great importance for medicine,as it represents the theoretical basis for operative surgery.
Section description
Anatomical topography is a science that studies the structure of the human body according to known parts of the body that are conditionally highlighted, such as the torso, head, limbs, and so on. Each part is subdivided into small areas, special attention is paid to the location of anatomical formations, as well as their image on the surface of the body.
Thus, this section of anatomy is the basis for the diagnosis of internal organs. Thus, the topography of internal organs is carried out using the method of studying tissues in layers in certain areas of the body. This is necessary for the practice of a physician, so that he is able to determine the location of the pathology, and can also indicate accurate data for surgical interventions, during which it becomes necessary to dissect tissues deep into layers.

Topography problems
The main task of studying topography in anatomy is to accurately describe the anatomical regions in layers. The areas here represent parts of the body, which are conditionally delimited from each other by lines, both natural and artificially drawn. Natural borders appear as skin folds, bony prominences, etc.
Thus, topography in anatomy is a discipline that also studies the landmarks of certain areas in bones and muscles, the image of internal organs, vessels and nerves on the surface of the human body, the locationinternal organs relative to areas of the body (holotopy), relative to the skeleton (skeletotopy), as well as to neighboring anatomical formations (syntopy). For example, holotopically the spleen is located in the left hypochondrium, skeletotopically - on the territory of the ninth, tenth and eleventh ribs, and syntopically the spleen is located near the diaphragm, stomach, left kidney and adrenal gland, tail of the pancreas.
The task of topography is also the study of the forms of the individual anatomical structure of the human body. Here it is customary to distinguish between brachymorphic and dolichomorphic forms, which is determined by the physique of a person and the severity of the injury. The topography of the organs that are located in a certain cavity of the human body coincides with the shape of the physique. This, in turn, determines the surgical approach.

Topography targets
Anatomical topography sets itself the following goals:
- Displaying the relief of a specific area.
- Studying the position of the layers, as well as their properties.
- Revealing the coordinates of a certain organ in two-dimensional space.
- Description of the relationship of organs in the three-dimensional coordinate system.
Thus, the foundations of topography lie in the study of such branches of science as relief anatomy, stratigraphy, planimetry and stereometry. Relief anatomy plays an important role in making a diagnosis, as well as in clarifying visions in the dynamics of pathology progression and treatment results. Relief features that are found when examining a person,are dynamic and static.

Topography item
In order for a doctor to be able to navigate in a certain area, he needs to be able to probe the main bone formations (landmarks), muscles, tendons. With a certain position of body parts, the muscle and tendons are visible on their own, this also applies to superficial veins. The ability to feel the pulse of the arteries is also important here, it is necessary to know the projections of nerves and vessels (lines that contribute to their position in depth) in order to have access to them during operations. It is also necessary to be able to project the contours of organs onto the surface of the human body in order to have an idea of their boundaries. When palpated, organs that are subject to pathological changes can be examined. An important role is played here by the study of lymph nodes and blood vessels in order to correctly determine the development of bypass circulation.
Topography of internal organs and vessels provides a lot of information that is important for practical medicine, primarily for practicing surgeons and therapists. This section of anatomy is called applied.
The subject of topography is the study of the anatomy of the limbs in injuries, the ways of spreading hematomas, the development of collateral circulation, and so on. It is also important to study those changes in topography that occur under the influence of impulses of the nervous system. Thus, the topography of the vessels can be changed depending on how individual muscle groups contract.
Anatomical Topography Methods
Research methods used in anatomical topography are divided into two groups: diagnostics of a living person and diagnostics of a corpse. The surface of the human body is studied in order to correctly determine the landmarks of bones and muscles, to identify the direction of surgical incisions. Today, such diagnostic methods as computed topography, radiography, angiography, fluoroscopy and stereography, and radionuclide scintigraphy are widely used. Infrared thermography is often used, as well as MRI.
To make a more accurate diagnosis, doctors use endoscopic diagnostic methods, which include cardioscopy, gastroscopy, bronchoscopy and sigmoidoscopy. The method of experimental modeling is often introduced in order to be able to study changes in various pathological conditions and operations. At the same time, pathological conditions are studied on animals in order to correct surgical techniques and methods in the future. So, topography is a branch of anatomy that is important for the surgeon. It helps him to correctly study the structure and location of organs in order to effectively carry out surgical interventions.

Studying a corpse in topography
When examining a dead body, methods such as topographic anatomical preparation are used. It allows, with the help of separate incisions, which are made in layers, to examine all the tissues in a certain area, as well as the ratio of blood vessels andnerves, location of organs. For the first time, this method (cutting a corpse) was proposed by Pirogov N. I. With the help of cuts of a corpse, which are carried out in the horizontal, sagittal and frontal planes, it is possible to accurately determine the localization of organs in the body, as well as their location relative to each other. Pirogov N. I. also proposed a sculptural method, which is characterized by the removal on a dead body of all tissues that surround a specific organ that needs to be studied.
Topography is a discipline in which the injection method of research is applied. It is designed to be able to study the human vascular system. Vessels (lymphatic and circulatory) are filled with solutions of various colors, then they begin to dissect or use radiography. The corrosion research method is the filling of vessels with special masses. The tissues are then dissolved in acid, producing molds of the formations to be studied.

Modern research methods
Today, the topography of human organs involves the use of histological, biochemical, histochemical diagnostic methods. Autoradiography is widely used to study the accumulation and distribution of radionuclides in tissues and organs. In order to identify microscopic formations, an electron microscopic diagnostic method is used. Electronic microscopes are used, which allow scanning and transillumination of human organs and tissues.

Today, the topography of organs is widely used in medicine, in particular in operative surgery and therapy. The founder of this discipline is Pirogov N. I. This branch of anatomy helps to correctly carry out surgical interventions that do not entail negative consequences. Without this knowledge, operations cannot be performed. The discipline helps to understand the mechanisms of pathological processes, make an accurate diagnosis, and predict the development of compensatory processes after surgical interventions.