In the ranking of "Top-200" universities in Ukraine, compiled by UNESCO experts, Kharkiv National Medical University (KhNMU) ranks 46th. Among 22 medical universities in Ukraine, it is in 9th place. Very good performance for a regional educational institution!

More than 200 years of history
In 1805 Alexander I founded Kharkov Imperial University. Four departments were supposed to open in its composition, but there were no students for the medical department. They appeared only in 1811. The reorganization of educational institutions in the 20s of the XX century allowed the Faculty of Medicine to become an independent university. It happened in 1921. This is how the Kharkov Medical Institute appeared.
The next wave of transformations awaited the university in 1994. The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted a resolution according to which Kharkov State Medical University was created on the basis of the medical institute. In the same year he wasaccredited at the highest - 4th level.
The last changes in the name of the university took place in 2007, when it was given the status of a national university by order of the President of Ukraine.
Kharkov Medical University: faculties and structure
KhNMU today has seven faculties. Four medical and dental schools train students in four speci alties, for example "Medicine" and "Pediatrics" with the acquisition of the qualification "Specialist". Two more faculties train foreign students.

The previously existing faculty of postgraduate education has now been transformed into an independent institute at KhNMU. The structure of the university also includes clinical residency, internship, postgraduate studies, magistracy and doctoral studies. Students are trained by 68 departments, which employ more than 700 employees. 46 departments are located in medical institutions of Kharkiv and Kharkiv region.
Human resources of KhNMU
Kharkiv National Medical University can be proud of its teaching staff. 131 doctors of sciences, 114 professors, 501 candidates of medical sciences, 242 associate professors teach students, interns, masters, graduate students and doctoral students. Every year, the number of students at this Ukrainian university reaches 7,000, including 2,700 foreign citizens who came from different countries.
By the way, for the first time Kharkiv Medical University accepted foreign citizens in 1951, and since 1996 their educationcarried out in English.
Human resources KNMU also includes an academician and four corresponding members of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, more than 30 honored doctors, educators, scientists and technicians, 10 people were awarded the State Prize in science and technology.
Impressive logistics base

Kharkov Medical University has at its disposal six educational buildings, where the departments are located, where junior students are trained. Senior students study at clinical departments located in medical and preventive medical institutions in Kharkiv.
A significant contribution to the development of public medicine is made by two scientific institutes operating at the Medical University (the Institute of Clinical Genetics and the Research Institute of Occupational He alth and Occupational Diseases), as well as the dental and scientific and practical medical centers. The material and technical base of KhNMU is also made up of six successfully operating educational NGOs (scientific and production association), such as "Therapy", "Medical Genetics", "Surgery", and others.
All this helps the employees of KhNMU not only apply new advanced forms of education and engage in scientific research, but also train the medical elite of the country. Over the years of its existence, Kharkiv Medical University has trained 55,700 doctors who work in all corners of Ukraine. It remains to be said about the four problematic laboratories, the modern educationalscience center and medical college.

In international orbit
The significance of this university of Ukraine on a global scale is confirmed by its membership in the International Association, which unites universities of the world, registered with UNESCO. Kharkiv National Medical University was admitted to its ranks in 1988.
Not resting on our laurels, the teaching staff of the university continues to improve not only the control of students' knowledge, but also teaching methods. For this, world experience and active cooperation with foreign educational and research organizations are used.
For example, we managed to establish creative ties with the American Medical Research Foundation, the European Federation of Physiological Societies from France, the WHO Regional Office for Europe from Switzerland, the Faculty of Medicine of Vilnius University in Lithuania and others.
The importance of practical work and scientific research of KSMU scientists is confirmed by patents from Germany, Japan, USA, China.
Combining study and leisure

Students of Kharkiv Medical University have every opportunity to successfully combine study and leisure.
At the service of students and teaching staff there is a scientific library with a fairly rich fund, which has more than 1 million copies of various publications. The university uses about 400 computers,Internet network connection is working.
The sports and he alth complex, consisting of three halls, and the dispensary are very popular with students. Various circles and sections are successfully working, the Youth Center is popular.
The dormitory of Kharkiv Medical University is comfortable and can provide places for almost all nonresident students.

How is the Top 200 Ukraine compiled?
There are several ratings of higher education institutions in Ukraine, but the most popular is the “Top-200”, which is compiled by the UNESCO Chair at the Kiev Polytechnic Institute (National Technical University).
Comparison of universities is carried out according to three main indicators: the quality of education, teaching staff and international recognition. Controls the work of the rating group, the International Supervisory Board, which was created by UNESCO. This year, this rating was presented on May 30 by the Euroosvita Center for International Projects. Among 200 Ukrainian universities, Kharkiv Medical University occupies the 46th position.
The leaders of this ranking are two Kyiv universities: Polytechnic Institute and Shevchenko University. But the third line is occupied by the Kharkiv university - Karazin University. So Kharkiv can rightly be proud of its academic potential.