Kolyma lowland: characteristic

Kolyma lowland: characteristic
Kolyma lowland: characteristic

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Kolyma lowland is a flat landform in northeast Asia, one of the components of the East Siberian lowland, its eastern part. The lowland is located on the territory of the Republic of Sakha (formerly Yakutia) in the Russian Federation. It is located between the basins of three rivers: Kolyma, Alazeya and Bolshaya Chukochya. In honor of r. Kolyma lowland and got its name.

This territory occupies 170 thousand km. In the south it goes to the Chersky Ridge, in the west - to the Alazeya Plateau, in the east - to the Yukagir, in the north it extends to the East Siberian Sea.

Kolyma lowland
Kolyma lowland


Kolyma lowland is limited by heights within 50-100 m above sea level. Rarely there are sections with a height of up to 300 m, but they are insignificant and practically not remembered by tourists.

The relief of the Kolyma lowland is represented by permafrost-thermokarst forms, and the soils are loams and sandy loams. This area is mostly swampy, swamps are found everywhere. Alsothere are many lakes in these places. The largest: Pavylon, Mogotoevo, Ilirgytkin. There are fish in the reservoirs, fishing is common and quite popular.

The Kolyma lowland has cryogenic (permafrost) landforms due to the permanent permafrost of the soil: heaving mounds (hydrolaccoliths), thermokarst dips, polygonal wings, icing.

where is the kolyma lowland located
where is the kolyma lowland located


The climate of the territory is subarctic. It is characterized by long cold winters with occasional precipitation and short summers. The territory can be divided into tundra and forest-tundra. In the first region, summer lasts much longer, but the temperature does not rise above +10 degrees. Winters are characterized by constant winds and snowstorms. Snow tends to be evenly distributed.

Where is the Kolyma lowland? In an area of constant swampiness and permafrost. The territory in the summer warms up, a sufficiently large amount of oxygen is released. It has to do with forests. The average temperature in winter is minus 10-15 degrees. For hiking, this area is ideal at any time of the year.

inland waters of the Kolyma lowland
inland waters of the Kolyma lowland

Flora and fauna

The flora of the region is represented by deciduous woodlands in wetlands. In the north, woodlands give way to grassy and then arctic tundra.

The Kolyma Lowland is home to animals such as lemmings, arctic foxes, reindeer, ptarmigans and flocks of migratory birds during the summer. The northern part of this area is used aspasture for reindeer.
