In Russian, most consonants are soft and hard, this quality is meaningful. Compare words:
- chalk - stranded;
- bank - bathhouse;
- guest - guest
However, there are also those whose hardness is a constant quality, which means that they are always hard.
Consonants: [w]
It occurs in the following words:
- life [zhiz'n'].;
- liquid [zhytk'y];
- honeysuckle [zhimls't'];
- live [live];
- shivering [drazhyt];
- watching [old guards];
- buzzing [buzzing];
- redhead [red];
- bliss [bliss].
When comparing spelling and sounding, the following conclusion can be drawn: after this consonant, the letter and is written, and the sound [s] is heard. When choosing this spelling, you need to follow the rule: ZhI write with the letter I.
To play with a child in order to practice spelling, you can use, for example, the following text:

The beetle buzzes over the honeysuckle. He lives somewhere near the ground beetle. She guards her home from him. And red hedgehogs run past the puddle. A bush is reflected in its liquid liquid - just like a living one, only turned upside down.
Sound [sh]
This is a hard voiceless consonant, as opposed to [g], which is voiced. This phoneme can be observed in the words:
- width [shyr'];
- sew [shit'];
- chiffon [chiffon];
- chiffonier [shyfan'yer];
- mice [mice];
- silence [t'ishyna];
- ruff [yirsh];
- pennies [groschen];
- hurries [sp'ishyt];
- complete [whirl].
Here we are also dealing with the same trend as in the case of the sound [g]: after [w], the letter and is written. The rule, as for the previous spelling: “Write SHI with the letter I.”
To practice the correct spelling of such words, let's turn to the dictation:

Mice rustle under the slopes of the roof. One of them hears the cat breathing in silence, and hurries to her hole - she has babies there.
Let's sum up the intermediate result: always solid consonants serve as identification signs of the spelling "And after Zh and Sh".
Sound [c]
The last sound whose hardness is a constant quality is [ts]. It has more difficulties in terms of spelling. The spelling of vowels after this sound depends on the morpheme. Let's take examples of words with spelling at the root of words:
- number [number];
- compass [compass'];
- circus [circus];
- citron [citron];
- acacia [akatsiya];
- lecture [lecture];
- section [s'ektsyya];
- sanction [sanction].
Where there is this solid consonant in a word, we hear [s] after it, but we designate this phoneme in different ways. In the examples given above, spelling is regulated by the following rule: after the letter C, it is written AND at the root of the word. But there are exceptions in which you still need to put Y:
- chick-chick-chick;
- on tiptoe;
- chicken;
- poking;
- tsyts;
- gypsies.
In addition to these exceptions, it is also possible to write Y in suffixes and endings:
- sinitsyn;
- Boris Golitsyn;
- sestritsyn;
- near the hospital;
- without water;
- young lady;
- girl.
Play with your child to practice spelling words related to C:

A gypsy performs in the circus, he clicks on the chickens: "Shush!" They hide in the paws of the fox. The girls laugh, stand on tiptoe and greet the fox's kindness with a loud ovation.
To sum it up: always solid consonants in the alphabet are Zh, C, Sh. The following vowels can be written with them: I, S.
Replacing W with W
The sound [c] is not hissing. And the other two are called just that. In a weak position (at the end of a word or before voiceless consonants), the sound [g] is replaced by [w]:
- marry [zamush];
- already [ush];
- unbearable [nefterpesh];
- spoon [spoon];
- horns [roshk'i].
The text of the dictation on this topic, which will help to carry out interesting training work on this spelling:
This always happens when consonant, voiced, hard sounds in a weak position are replaced by the same, only deaf.
The Golitsyn sisters got married. They are unbearable. And the dowry is ready: spoons, mugs, pillows, boots, tubs, bowls, cups, ladles. And now a droshky appeared on the path, Seryozhka, Alyoshka, Proshka and Olezhka, the sister's suitors, are riding there. Here the fairy tale ends, and they lived happily ever after.

When put b after F and Sh
Because the above consonants are always hard, the soft sign to indicate softness is never used with them. However, there are times when you can meet it after the letters Zh and Sh:
- mouse;
- false;
- trembling;
- brooch;
- nonsense;
- all over;
- don't touch;
- hear.
These examples illustrate the rule of using a soft sign to indicate the grammatical form of words:
- Nouns 3 folds: silence, whim.
- Adverb: backhand.
- Verbs: go, put down.
We use the following sentences for training:
It's just a lie that the mouse is scary: don't touch it when you walk by, it won't touch it either.
If the house is quiet, and you don't scream, don't jump, don't bliss, there's some kind of catch, you won't understand right away. What are you doing thereare you silent yourself?
When b is not put after F and W
Always hard consonants [g] and [w] are sometimes written with a soft sign, and this depends on their grammatical category. And, conversely, the absence of this letter after them also has a morphological meaning:
- Nouns not 3 folds: baby, caretaker, roof covering.
- Short adjective: nice, pretty.
- Exception adverbs: already, married, unbearable.
Text for practice:

My baby is good, handsome and looks like dad. He will be a pilot, he will fly higher than the roofs, you can’t follow him.
O and Yo after sizzling and C
Always solid consonant sounds require special attention to themselves, since the pronunciation of vowels after them does not always correspond to the spelling. This applies not only to the letters I and Y, but also O and Y:
- went [shol];
- whisper [whisper];
- silk [silk];
- millstone [zhornof];
- acorn [acorn];
- rustle [rustle];
- highway [shose];
- jockey [jock'ey].
The name of this spelling is “Oh and Yo in the root after hissing”. Rule: "If you can pick up a word with the letter E in a single-root word, then we write -Yo, if there is none, we write O." Let's check:
- acorn - acorn;
- silk - silk;
- millstones - millstones;
- rustle - cannot be checked;
- jockey - cannot be verified.
In suffixes and endings after Zh and Sh, the letter O is written under stress:
- walrus;
- big.
Without stress, you need to write the letter -E:
- orange;
- pear.
After C, the letter E is never written, only O (under stress) or E (without stress).
- basement;
- church;
- end;
- wrestling;
- slate;
- glossy;
- towel;
- stigma.
Consonants denoting a solid sound (Ж, Ш, Ц) require a lot of attention. As you can see, a very large number of spellings are associated with them. According to the school curriculum, a test is provided that is related to testing knowledge with precisely these consonants. For example, here is a dictation:

One day we went hunting and our dogs ran after us.
There are many tasty things in the forests in autumn: cones, pears, honeysuckle berries, blackberries, acorns. Animals eat at this time and get fat.
Here we are in the very thicket of the forest, we hear the barking of dogs and run to that place. We see a fox hole there. The dogs tore open the entrance and dragged her out. We drove the dogs away. The fox red fluffy outfit is slightly wrinkled, but still it is silky and smooth. Yellow circles around the eyes. The breast is white, the paws are black. Good foxes!
We let the poor thing go, she quickly darted into the bushes, and the trail of the fox-sister caught cold."