Probably, each of us dreamed of finding a treasure, getting rich and buying everything our heart desires. But it’s worth considering what a treasure really is? After all, this is not only a huge chest with gold and silver coins, as we imagine it, but also any thing buried in the ground.

Reason for appearance
Everyone knows that the treasure itself will not be taken in the ground. Someone put it there. But who and why did he do it?
In the old days there were no banks. In order to save their property, the rich hid it. That's when people learned what a treasure is. But in our time, some people hide money, and this is not a joke. Here are a few reasons why this is happening:
- people don't trust others, banks, their spouses;
- instability of the economy or the stock market;
- many hide money to feel safe.
As a rule, acquired we alth is hidden in order to pass it on to their descendants. But, unfortunately, no one is eternal. People die, and no one finds the money that the deceased hid. So this we alth canlie for centuries waiting for the lucky one.

Where to find treasure in old houses?
Any person at least once in his life asked himself the question: "What is a treasure?". Is it possible to find it today? In fact, it is really possible to find treasures in the most unexpected places. Some specifically look for treasures in historical places. But you can stumble upon them quite by accident, for example, during earthworks. Such works include the construction of houses, and plowing fields, and drilling wells, and digging wells, and many others.
How to find the treasure? In today's society, local knowledge can help find treasure. So, one of the most common places are old houses. Of course, ideally, these should be estates of nobles or palaces. This is due to the fact that in the old days only the rich often hid their we alth underground. Therefore, the chance to dig up old coins or other valuables increases significantly.

But if you are still lucky and you find such a place, where to look for treasures? And here intuition should already work. Indeed, in the old days, not stupid people also lived, and they did not hide their acquired property anywhere and in a conspicuous place. Therefore, treasure seekers should carefully examine the house and look:
- for window and door frames;
- under floors;
- behind the walls;
- for paintings;
- to the cellars;
- under the trees.
As for the garden, here you have to dig up the entire area. After all, it is not a fact that all treespreserved. Perhaps the old treasures are not under them at all?
On a treasure hunt
Any old house can hide many interesting things. However, if you want to achieve your goal, you must be armed with a shovel and be prepared for the fact that you will have to dig a lot. Under the first layer of earth, all sorts of garbage is often found:
- old clay pots;
- bottles;
- knives;
- dishes and many other household items.
If the roof of the house was not blocked, then it is worth looking into the attic. You should carefully dig in the corners, the pipe, and also check the beams. It was in these places in the attic that people hid valuables.
But it should be remembered that special permission is required for such excavations. And if, nevertheless, the treasure was found, then it must be de alt with as required by the law.

Treasure at the bottom of the sea: how to find it?
What is treasure? Is it really only found on land? No, the sea is also a great place to find treasures. A couple of centuries ago, ships were considered the main means of transporting cargo to other countries or continents. Very often they were shipwrecked due to a storm or ship breakdown associated with hostilities. Therefore, to this day, many treasures are hidden at the bottom, which sank along with the ship. Many seekers dive to the bottom in the hope of finding treasure. Some lucky ones have succeeded.
The basic rule of such searches is to have scuba gear and a water metal detector with you. During such searches, you need to work in tandem with someone. This isfor safety, as unforeseen situations may occur at the bottom in which help will be needed.

What equipment is used to search?
How to find the treasure? Few people were not interested in this question. The appearance of an underwater metal detector greatly simplifies the life of researchers, historians, archaeologists looking for treasures at the bottom. With this device it is much easier to find coins, amphorae, jewelry. Since the middle of the last century, the search for sunken ships and traces of ancient settlements has been successful in most cases.
Modern metal detectors beep as soon as they find the right items. In these newer devices, you can set the search target, for example, gold. In this case, the equipment will not react to various iron debris, but will only look for gold. Therefore, before diving to the bottom, it is important to pre-program it to detect a specific precious metal.
On land, everything is much simpler. A metal detector and a shovel will be enough for you.
The main thing is to have faith, desire and passion. We wish you many valuable finds!