The order in accordance with which the organization and interaction of the country's supreme bodies (form of government) is carried out, in Russia is established taking into account various factors. The most significant of them should be called the level of political and legal culture, the ratio of social and political forces, and others.

Due to the special situation of the transition to a market economy, the form of government in modern Russia is a presidential republic. It should be said that this order has its own characteristics.
So what is the form of government in Russia?
It should first be noted that, along with the features that a presidential republic in the traditional sense has (in particular, in the presence of presidential control over government work), this order has some features of a parliamentary republic. These features are that the State Duma can express no confidence in the Government, despite the fact that the final decision on this matter is made by the President.
Also, the form of government in Russia, according to a number of authors, is also different in that there is a certain preponderance between the individual branches of power.

One of the main problems of the state system is the territorial organization of state power. The task is to find and strengthen the optimal balance between the spheres of activity of power at the federal level, mainly in ensuring the integrity of the territory, the unity of the country and the desire of a number of regions and regions for greater independence.
Russia is a unique state, and the form of government in Russia is built mainly on a contractual constitutional legal foundation. Bilateral agreements between subjects of the Federation and state authorities act as a mechanism for self-tuning and regulation of federal relations. It should be said that in terms of the number of subjects of the Russian Federation it is in first place in the world.
Decentralization and increasing independence of the regions is balanced by the basic principles that are reflected in the Constitution. These principles guarantee the equality of all members of the Federation, the inviolability of the integrity of the country's territory, the unity of the foundations that make up the state system.

The form of government in Russia provides for the protection of the freedoms and rights of citizens. The constitutional foundations reflect the supremacy of federal law, and also indicate the inadmissibility of taking actions in any way aimed at changing the status of subjects unilaterally.
Constitutionally in the country, the subjects of jurisdiction of state authorities are divided into three categories: items that make upjoint management of the subjects and the Federation, separate management of both the Federation and the subjects.
To harmonize federal relations, a flexible policy of interethnic accord is needed. For this, a certain concept of the country's policy is being developed, which provides for the settlement and prevention of conflicts at various levels.