The main features of the literary language

The main features of the literary language
The main features of the literary language

Literary language is a non-dialect form of existence (subsystem) of the national language, characterized by certain features. These include codification, normativity, stylistic differentiation, multifunctionality, as well as high prestige in society, among its bearers.

In this article we will consider the features of the literary language, its functions, as well as the concept itself, its properties and definition.

signs of a literary language
signs of a literary language

Literary language is the main means that serves communicative needs in the social environment. It is opposed to other, non-codified subsystems - dialects, urban vernacular (in other words - urban koine), as well as social and professional jargons.

Two ways to define a concept

Literary language as a concept can be defined by the linguistic properties that are inherent in this subsystem of a particular national language, as well as by delimiting the entire set of people,being the carrier of this subsystem, separating it from the general mass of speakers of this language. The first is a linguistic way of defining, and the second is sociological.

Literary language from the point of view of V. V. Vinogradov

the main features of the literary language
the main features of the literary language

From the point of view of V. V. Vinogradov, the literary language is a common language in which there is a written language of a certain people or several of them. That is, it includes the language of all cultural manifestations, most often expressed in writing, but sometimes also in oral form, as well as fiction, journalism, science, written and everyday communication, schooling, official business documents. Therefore, such forms of it as oral-colloquial and written-book differ.

Various terms associated with this concept

This term is connected in its origin with such a concept as "literature", and in etymological understanding it means that it is based on a "letter", that is, on a letter. Accordingly, it is a written language. Indeed, if we consider the language of the Middle Ages, we will only talk about the language of writing, the totality of texts that have a literary purpose. Other signs of the literary language follow from this definition with the help of the term, therefore, they seem understandable and logical.

main features of the Russian literary language
main features of the Russian literary language

The diverse terms that have accumulated on this subject are, in fact, only an attempt to get out of the impasse of formal logic: conceptual featuresare revered as belonging to a non-existent object, and the object itself is determined through them. The signs of the literary language will be discussed below.

Literary language as a function of nationality

Of many definitions, the most acceptable is the definition of it as a function of the national language. That is, literary is only a kind of use of the Russian language, and not a separate, independent language. This understanding lies in line with the scientific tradition, it is determined by the historical approach to the analysis of the literary language. At the same time, this interpretation explains the existence and development of various spheres of "cultural speaking", since the existence of a literary language as a term is justified. In fact, the latter is only a form of existence of the national (folk) language, and not just speech in the narrow sense of the word. Over time, colloquial forms were supplanted by increasingly developing "cultural" ones, the selection of language forms as the structure of the language developed, and constitutes the main content of this historical process.

We will consider the main features of the literary language below. Now let's say a few words about language features.

Polyfunctionality of the Russian language

signs of the Russian literary language
signs of the Russian literary language

The concept and features of the literary language stem from its functions. Any sufficiently developed language has two main varieties according to the purpose of use: live colloquial speech and literary language. We master conversational speech from childhood. Mastering the second varietyhappens continuously, throughout the life and development of a person, right up to his very old age.

The Russian language today is multifunctional, that is, it is used in many different areas of human activity. The means of the literary language (grammatical constructions, vocabulary) are also functionally differentiated. The use of language tools directly depends on the type of communication. In the literary language (you will find signs of the Russian literary language a little lower), there are two main functional varieties: bookish and colloquial. Accordingly, bookish and spoken language are distinguished. In spoken language, there are three styles of pronunciation: colloquial, neutral and full.

The main property that characterizes the bookish language is the ability to preserve the text and therefore serve as a means of communication between different generations.

signs of a literary language are
signs of a literary language are

Its functions are numerous, as are the signs, the norms of the literary language, they all become more complicated with the development of society.

The leading role of literary language

Among other varieties that are observed in the national language (social and territorial dialects, vernacular, jargons), it is the literary language that invariably plays the main role. It contains the best ways for naming objects and concepts, expressing emotions and thoughts. There is a continuous interaction between it and other varieties of language, non-literary. In colloquial speech, this manifests itself most clearly.

Thus, the literary language is the basis of cultureour speech, as well as the highest form of existence of the national language. It is used in the media, education, literature, culture. Serves various areas of human activity: science, politics, official business communication, legislation, international, everyday communication, television, print, radio.

Signs of literary language

We figured out the term itself. Let us now note the main features of the literary language. These are stability (that is, stability), processing (since it is a language that has been processed by various masters of the word: scientists, poets, writers, public figures), mandatory for all people who are native speakers, the presence of certain functional styles, as well as normalization. Here are the most important features of the literary language.


Normalization means a fairly definite way of expression, which reflects the historically established specific patterns of development of a given literary language. This sign is based on the language system itself, fixed by the best examples of works of literature. The educated part of the population prefers the normalized way of expression. As a set of certain rules for the use of words, the norm is necessary to preserve the common understanding and integrity of the national language, in order to transmit information from generation to generation. If it did not exist, such changes could occur in the language, as a result of which people living in different parts of our country would cease to understand each other.

the most important features of the literary language
the most important features of the literary language

Processed and codified

Signs of the literary language are also processed and codified. Processedness appears as a result of selection, and purposeful, of all the best that is in it. This selection is carried out in the process of using the national language, as a result of research conducted by public figures, philologists.

Codification means the fixation of its norms in the scientific literature. It is expressed in the presence of appropriate grammar dictionaries, as well as other books that contain rules on how to use the language.

These features of the literary language also seem to be very important.

Other signs

A sign of stylistic diversity implies the presence of many functional styles.

Literary language is also characterized by its common use and prevalence, conformity with the customs, usage and capabilities of this language system.

We examined the main features of the Russian literary language. One of the main tasks of speech culture is to protect it, as well as its norms, because the literary language unites the whole people in linguistic terms. The main role in its creation invariably belongs to the advanced part of the population.

signs of the norm of the literary language
signs of the norm of the literary language

What should be the literary language?

By all means, the literary language should be generally understandable, since it should be able to be perceived by any members of society. He shouldbe so developed as to be able to serve the main areas of human activity. It is important to observe the lexical, grammatical, accentological and orthoepic norms of the language in speech. Therefore, a very serious task facing linguists is to consider any new thing that appears in the literary language from the standpoint of its compliance with the general trends of language development, as well as optimal functional conditions.

The more accurate and correct speech is, the more accessible it becomes for understanding, the more expressive and beautiful it is, the stronger it affects the reader or listener. In order to express yourself beautifully and correctly, you need to follow certain logical laws (proof, consistency), as well as the norms of our literary language, the unity of style, take care of harmony, and avoid repetition.

The main features of the literary pronunciation of the Russian language have developed on the basis of Central Russian dialects, their phonetics. Today, under the pressure of normalized, literary dialects are being destroyed.
