A colloquial word - is it a literary language or not?

A colloquial word - is it a literary language or not?
A colloquial word - is it a literary language or not?

In the books, some of the characters speak plain language, but this does not make the book non-literary. Where is the boundary that defines the literary speech? Everyone knows that there are unprintable words. If they are put into the character's mouth by the author, they are usually replaced by dots, dashes or analogues like "eshkin cat".

The question requires research: is a colloquial word an acceptable speech or not? And if so, when can it be used? What are the norms of the Russian language and what happens if they are not observed? Let's start with dictionaries.

What the dictionaries say

Ozhegov's Dictionary interprets this concept as follows: a vernacular word is a word of non-literary colloquial use. In linguistics, it, together with colloquial expressions, incorrect lexical or phonetic use of literary words, is called "vernacular". The Psychological Encyclopedia adds: this is a word that is not included in everyday and public speech. Ushakov's dictionary calls such words rude.

In other dictionaries and reference books we find the samecharacteristics with small additions:

  • Having a tinge of simplification.
  • Characterized by expression.
  • Bordering on vulgarism, slangism, slang.

Colloquial is characterized by profanity, it is used by poorly educated people with a small vocabulary. Finding it difficult to express their thoughts, they use colloquial words. Basically, their list does not go beyond the description of everyday and family situations.

Where will I eat?
Where will I eat?

The peculiarity of vernacular was their isolation, supra-dialect. These are uncodified words of the Russian language, their composition and boundaries are historically variable.

Examples of colloquial words

There are two types of colloquial words: those that carry expression and those that lack it. Expressively colored words can have a whole range of shades, from positive to sharply negative. Part of the vernacular is swear words.

Colloquial words are formed from literary words in the following ways:

  • Wrong accent (shop, percentage).
  • The formation of an incorrect morphological form (from there, places).
  • Declination of indeclinable words (p alta, kina, meterA).
  • Changing the gender of nouns (piano, apple, tomato).
  • Formation of irregular pronouns (theirs, whose, eiy, evon).
  • Gerential participles that act as a predicate (drank, tired).
  • Creating an irregular phonetic form (colidor, tranway, spinzhak).
Sit down to eat, please!
Sit down to eat, please!

In linguistics there areanother meaning of vernacular is expressive words used in literature to color the character's speech. These words have synonyms in literary speech. Examples of colloquial words with synonyms:

  • Steal is communism.
  • Kill - kill.
  • Eyes - Zenki.
  • Eat - eat.
  • Touch - paw.
  • Sleep - sleep.
  • Face - snout.

M. Zoshchenko's stories abound with such words and expressions. His characters characterize themselves.

When used in literature

The colloquial word is the bright paint used by the writer. The goal he pursues by using such words may be the following:

  • Deliberately shocking the reader (pokoldybach on gullies);
  • Established expression (you didn't stand here);
  • Author's expression (they walk dressed up);
  • Speech characteristics of the character (whoever sewed the aunt, he stole the hat).
Who stole the hat, he sewed the aunt
Who stole the hat, he sewed the aunt

Separately, the use of colloquial words in newspapers should be noted. The language of the media is far from pure literary. It obeys special rules (errors are not meant here). Orientation of the text to a specific audience makes it justified to include a large amount of youth slang, fashionable expressions and vernacular.

When inappropriate

In official correspondence, sentences with colloquial words are completely unacceptable. In the speech of the speaker, they should also be avoided. Examples of unacceptablesentences from the speaker's speech at the team meeting:

  • You come to the dining room, you want to eat, and there is one compote.
  • Contractors again told us that they would help resolve the issue. They only stare at our painters.
  • The foreman demanded to redo the work, and the plasterer Ivanov became furious, hit his chest with his heel and cursed.
  • Hope to fulfill the plan was bent and covered with a copper basin..
  • And don't get mad, comrades, when you are sent on vacation in the winter.

Such phrases discredit the author and cause distrust of his professional qualities.

When allowed

It is known that a person's speech is his presentation. Based on a few words, they make a conclusion about him, what kind of environment he is from, what social roots and connections he has, what level of communication he uses. And if they are greeted by clothes, then they see off after the conversation already according to the mind. Some use colloquial words in a friendly company, in the family, at home. But it should be remembered that they should not clog the language. And, of course, no well-mannered person would take them seriously. They carry a touch of irony in modern literate Russian speech.

Remove the mental, otherwise I will stop marrying
Remove the mental, otherwise I will stop marrying

To add color, you can use dialects, quotes from books and films. This positively characterizes the speaker and demonstrates his broad outlook. The literary Russian language is unusually rich. With it, you can express a thought much more gracefully than using vernacular.

And yet, the colloquial word is Russianword. If you look deeper into history, you can see the way the language developed. Some long-standing erroneous phrases are already considered literary, and vice versa. Words change meaning and meaning over time. Vernaculars are also developing. But it is better to exclude them from your vocabulary. They do not paint a cultured person.
