Verb conjugation in Russian: just about the complex

Verb conjugation in Russian: just about the complex
Verb conjugation in Russian: just about the complex

How many can you get "3" or, God forbid, "2" just because you still don't understand how to determine the conjugation of verbs? There are many such "banana skins" in Russian, on which it is easy to slip. The topic "Conjugation of verbs" in Russian is one of the most difficult. Let's deal with her once and for all. We will not climb into the wilds of science, and we will not need many books either, but some terms will be needed.

Russian verb conjugation
Russian verb conjugation

The infinitive of the verb, or the indefinite form, is the form that is considered to be the initial, initial for all other forms of this word. It is indefinite because it cannot be known from it - neither who performs the action, nor when does it, nor how many subjects perform it, but it is very useful for determining the conjugation of verbs. "What to do?", "What to do?" - infinitive questions.

The person of the verb is an indication of the one who performs the action. For example, the ending -u (-u)indicates that I am performing the action, that is, for 1 person. But the ending -ish (-eat) - that you are performing the action, that is, on the 2nd person.

Personal endings are verb endings in all three persons.

These beacons will help you deal with basic issues.

What is verb conjugation? In Russian, this is a grammatical category that combines all forms of one verb. School grammar usually limits conjugation to present and future tense forms of person and number.

It is not necessary to memorize this definition, it is important to understand the following.

How are verbs in Russian divided into conjugations? The basis for this distribution is the commonality of personal endings. Let's look at the table to see this.

System of personal endings

I conjugation II conjugation
Unit number Mn. number Unit number Mn. number
1 face sing sing burning burning
2 face sing sing burning burn up
3 face singing singing lit burning

Now it is not difficult to conclude: endings with a vowel e at the beginningpoint to the verb I sp., and with the vowel -i - to the verb II sp. Only the 3rd person of the plural is knocked out, but even here it is easy to remember: I ref -y / -th -, II ref - a / -z.

Let's make a memo, take a good look at it and remember.

I ref. - e, u / u, II ref. – and, PO

Now let's answer the last question, the most important one.

How to determine the conjugation of verbs in Russian? This is very easy to do if the personal ending is percussive. In this case, it is enough to reproduce our memo with inner vision. But if it is unstressed, there are difficulties with spelling. We will never write "fly" instead of "fly", and "glues" instead of "glues" - easily. This is where the following step-by-step algorithm for determining conjugation comes in handy. So, for example, you have such a task - "the wind sways..t tree branches"

Conjugation in Russian
Conjugation in Russian

Step 1. Put the verb into the infinitive:


Step 2. Look at the verbal suffix (this is the vowel before –т):


Step 3. We ask ourselves: "Is this the vowel –i?"

Step 4. Answer: "no" or "yes".

swaying is not -and

Step 5. If the answer is "no", then the verb I sp.

sway – I ask.

If you answered "yes", then the verb II ref.

Step 6. Choose the ending: I ref. - e, i, II ref. - and, PO box (see memo)

"Wind shakes tree branches"

That's it: you now know how to determine the conjugation of verbs.

But in Russian, nothing is without pitfalls, in this case, these are exception verbs. These are very harmful verbs, which in the infinitive (only in the infinitive!) look like verbs of I sp, and all their personal endings are of II sp. And 2 verbs - to shave and lay - on the contrary, in the infinitive they pretend to be verbs II ref, but in fact - I ref. They can be neutralized by learning the poem:

How to determine the conjugation of verbs in Russian
How to determine the conjugation of verbs in Russian

See, hear and offend, Hold, drive and hate, And breathe, watch, endure, And depend and twirl

+ shave, lay.

In principle, this information is enough to boldly raise your hand in the lesson.

This, of course, is not the only conjugation in Russian.