Continuity of preschool educational institutions and schools: work plan and conditions

Continuity of preschool educational institutions and schools: work plan and conditions
Continuity of preschool educational institutions and schools: work plan and conditions

The continuity of preschool and school is a special, complex connection. It implies a transition from one level of education to another, which is carried out with the preservation and subsequent gradual change in the content, methods, forms, as well as technologies of education and training.

dow and school continuity
dow and school continuity


The continuity of the preschool educational institution and the school is carried out according to certain principles. Compliance with them is extremely important, because we are talking about a process aimed at preserving the value of childhood in young students and the parallel formation of fundamental personal qualities.

In our time, questions related to this topic are especially relevant. Since the structure of the educational program is now subject to more modern, modified state requirements (FGOS). They must necessarily correspond to the continuity between the preschool educational institution and the school.

The Federal State Educational Standard of our time focuses not on the intellectual readiness of children to receive primary and secondary education, but on personal readiness. It is determined by the ability of the childtake on a new role for him as a student. If he is ready to move to a new, qualitatively higher stage of his development, then he has already formed the so-called internal position of a schoolchild. Determining the presence of this "rod" is simple. If a child has a conscious desire to learn, to learn something new, he has it.

Preparing for school

This is the main task of every preschool educational institution. The main goal of each institution providing preschool education is to prepare their pupils for entering the school. Teachers are obliged to provide children with equal starting opportunities for subsequent learning. This is spelled out in the FGOS. The kindergarten should influence the initial formation of the child's personality and give him the skills that will help him master the school curriculum with relative ease in the future.

This is usually achieved by introducing pre-school education models that are very similar in their specifics to programs implemented in grades 1-2. And this is no coincidence. After all, the continuity of the preschool educational institution and the school is a continuous process of development, education and upbringing of the child. Children, having come from kindergarten to the first grade, should not feel a sharp change in the so-called microclimate and the requirements placed on them. However, pupils of good preschool educational institutions and their parents do not face such a problem. Since in modern children's tasks, teachers are engaged in the formation of the prerequisites for educational activity in children.

dow and elementary school continuity
dow and elementary school continuity

Development process

ReviewingThe problem affecting the continuity of the preschool educational institution and the school cannot be ignored and how the comprehensive preparation of children for their further education is carried out.

Highly qualified kindergarten teachers pay the most attention to the development of the child's activity and his intellectual development. Mostly productive teaching methods are used: knowledge is not transferred in finished form, students master it themselves, in the process of activities organized by the teacher. This not only teaches them to think, reflect and obtain information, but also develops communication skills. The ability to communicate, build a dialogue, express your guesses and justify them are one of the most important components of learning activities.

Also, preschool teachers devote a lot of time to the development of children's attention, memory, visual-effective, logical and imaginative thinking. In the future, this will help them more easily master the methods of comparison, analysis, generalization and synthesis.

In addition to the above, the succession program of the preschool educational institution and the school necessarily includes classes on the formation of learning motives in children. At an early stage, future students should realize that studying is an important, socially significant matter. The teacher is obliged to help them to be convinced of the need for education. Usually this is done by awakening in them an interest in certain subjects and in the acquisition of knowledge in general. This not only makes children want to go to school, but also develops curiosity and mental activity.

continuity in the work of dow andschools
continuity in the work of dow andschools

Institutional collaboration

The succession of preschool educational institutions and schools in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard is impossible without the cooperation of educational institutions. Usually, their points of contact are based on three main directions.

The first is to agree on the goals and objectives of the succession. The second direction involves the selection of the content of education for children. It without fail takes into account the principles of continuity of education and the psychological and pedagogical conditions for their implementation in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. The third aspect, in turn, is to enrich the organizational methods and forms of education both in the preschool educational institution and at school.

This interconnection of institutions is very important. The continuity of preschool and primary school can be carried out in various forms. One of the most popular ways is to conduct excursions for kindergarten students. Future students get the opportunity to plunge into the school atmosphere, sit at their desks, get acquainted with the library, sports and assembly hall, dining room, labor rooms. But most of all they are impressed and happy by visiting the "rulers" on the occasion of the Day of Knowledge.

In addition, the succession plan of the preschool educational institution and the school implies the cooperation of educators and teachers. It is useful for teachers to attend each other's open lessons. Indeed, in their process, not only aspects of continuity are established, but also uniform requirements for kindergarten graduates are determined.

Dow and School Continuity Seminar
Dow and School Continuity Seminar


The main task of succession is to implementa single line of development of the child. The process begins in kindergarten, after which it continues in elementary school.

There are several main tasks for preschool teachers. They will have to introduce the pupils to the values of a he althy lifestyle, as well as ensure their emotional well-being, contributing to the development of his positive self-perception. Preschool teachers are also required to develop curiosity, initiative, arbitrariness and the ability for creative self-expression in children.

It is also important to make the process of forming knowledge about the world around us and stimulating gaming, cognitive and communicative activity as fruitful as possible. And, of course, educators are obliged to contribute to the development of competence in children in relation to themselves, to the world and other people. Already at the stage of preschool education, future students should learn the basics of cooperation with adults and peers.

In the future, teachers of the educational institution work with children in the same areas. What is the continuity of preschool and elementary school. Children already consciously accept the values of a he althy lifestyle, and begin to make the first attempts to regulate their behavior in accordance with them. Teachers help to realize their readiness to actively interact with the outside world, the ability and desire to learn and improve. The improvement and development of such qualities as independence and initiative continue. And all this, of course, is accompanied by the provision of knowledge in the subjects studied and the established educational program.

continuity of dow and school in the conditions of fgos
continuity of dow and school in the conditions of fgos

Other methods for implementing succession

They, as mentioned above, quite a lot. But if you attend a seminar on the continuity of the preschool educational institution and the school, you can understand that the best forms of its implementation relate to working with children. In addition to excursions to an educational institution, the acquaintance of pupils with its teachers and students helps. And also attendance by children of adaptation courses, which are organized at the school. They are usually conducted by psychologists, speech therapists, social workers, music directors, etc.

Thematic exhibitions of crafts and drawings are also often held. The process of creating them not only develops creativity and imagination, but also inspires pupils to fantasize about their school future. The same can be said about the organization of performances and thematic skits.

Cooperation with parents is also extremely important. Without it, continuity in the work of the preschool educational institution and the school is not possible. After all, it is the parents who know the characteristics of their child, which can greatly help educators in the process of organizing the educational process. That is why meetings are held in which parents, kindergarten teachers and school teachers take part. Question and answer evenings, conferences, open days are often organized. Testing and questioning for parents is practiced, helping to study the well-being of the family in anticipation of the school future of their child.

Physical fitness

This is the most important aspect that includes continuitypreschool and schools. GEF and the 29th article of the "Convention on the Rights of the Child" say that the education of children must be aimed at strengthening their he alth and developing physical abilities to the maximum extent. And this is really important. Today, the he alth of the younger generation is one of the most pressing issues in society and the state. According to the statistics of the Research Institute of Hygiene and He alth Protection, over the past few years, the number of physically fit children has decreased by 5 times.

In this context, the principle of continuity is realized in creating an environment that is favorable for the socio-psychological, emotional, mental and physical development of he alth. One of the most important tasks of the preschool educational institution is to develop the sports capabilities of children. Pupils, entering the first grade, must have basic physical fitness, as well as be able to perform basic movements (climb, jump, run, squat, etc.). Teachers should instill in children an elementary idea of physical activity. Otherwise, it will be difficult for students to cope with the requirements of the sports program after entering the school.

continuity with school in dow
continuity with school in dow

Emotional development

Without it, continuity in the work of the preschool educational institution and the school is also impossible. Everyone knows how important aesthetic, ethical and cultural development is. Without it, the formation of a moral person with values is impossible. From an early age, children should receive ideas about themselves, their family and its importance, about society and the state,nature and the world. Teachers of preschool education should acquaint them with traditions, customs, holidays. It is important to convey to them the meaning of family responsibilities, as well as such concepts as mutual respect, mutual assistance, love, mercy.

Also, educators should contribute to the development of creative abilities, which will be actively continued at school. Mandatory classes in music, choreography, fine arts, poetry. It is in these activities that the child begins to manifest his own ideas and plans, which he subsequently implements in stories, drawings, movements, songs. In addition, creativity helps to express yourself even at the age of 5-6 years.


The most important conditions for the continuity of the preschool educational institution and the school were listed above. I would also like to pay attention to some of the problems that arise in the process of implementing the mentioned program.

The main one is to make excessive demands on children. Educators and parents want to see them read, able to solve problems, write stories, draw, sing, dance, etc. The desire to teach all of the above makes going to kindergarten a real job for kids.

Moreover, many preschools, in order to please their parents, begin to follow the program not of preschool education, but of primary education. But only non-professionals do this. These highly qualified teachers are engaged in the implementation of a program that is appropriate for the age and development of children. And they are able to convey to parents the need for this. Children need to be taught what they canlearn according to their age and skills. Only in this case will it be useful.

dow and school succession program
dow and school succession program

What should a kindergarten graduate look like?

This is also worth briefly talking about. As you could already understand, continuity with a school in a preschool educational institution is a complex and multifaceted process. Everything that it includes is aimed at the development of the child. No wonder there is a standard "portrait" of a kindergarten graduate.

A child, finishing preschool, must be physically and intellectually developed. He must have basic cultural and hygienic skills and feel the need for motor activity, which is normal for this age. He must be curious, interested in the unknown, ask questions of adults and love to experiment.

Also, the child is distinguished by emotionality and responsiveness, knows how to empathize, evaluates musical and artistic works at his level, is interested in the natural world and animals. And, of course, a kindergarten graduate must master the means of verbal and non-verbal communication. Building dialogues does not cause him problems, and he also knows how to negotiate and interact. He is also quite balanced and able to control his behavior.

If the child matches this description, it means that he is completely ready to enter school, and getting used to the new environment and regime will not cause him any special problems. The adaptation process will go smoothly thanks to the succession program.
