The essay on literature "My favorite work" has two components. The first is, of course, something that has to do with cultural and artistic value: the author's fantasy, his special point of view, which ensures the originality of vision. The second is literacy and the form of text construction, without which any idea, even the most magnificent one, will be spoiled. Consider how to write this creative work so that it will please not only you, but also the teacher who grades you.
Follow the rules
It would seem that literature is a creative subject. But they can not be engaged, not knowing the rules. Any text has an artistic form: introduction, body, conclusion. In each of these parts, it is necessary to answer a series of questions that the reader mentally asks you - otherwise, it is likely that he will not understand the logic of the presentation and will be disappointed.

Starting viewing any story or article, you want to orient yourself, understand what will bespeech. Do not forget about this in your essay “My Favorite Work” - indicate that the work put up for the reader’s judgment affects the work of a certain writer or poet, write which particular work of his will be considered and analyzed by you.
Simplicity is not always an advantage
The teacher, after checking your work, should put you a mark in the journal. Obviously, only a flight of fancy cannot be evaluated on a five-point scale! This means that there are other criteria - if you know about their existence in advance and take them into account in your essay on the topic "My favorite work", you will not be able to get a bad mark.
What does your teacher expect from you? First, literacy. Russian language and literature is most often taught by one teacher, and this is no coincidence. He will be interested in everything from the banal forms of declension and conjugation to the general organization of the text. Use participial and participle constructions, series of homogeneous members, several sentences with complex punctuation. By the way, learn how to correctly place dashes and colons in the text - statistics show that schoolchildren have the greatest difficulty with these signs.

The teacher will see that the efforts he made in the classroom to convey information to you were not in vain. This is a significant step towards success, not only when writing the essay “My Favorite Work”, but also when forming your annual grade in the subject.
More colors
What else needs to be considered?Literature is feelings. These are emotions, experiences, colorful comparisons, exaggerations and understatements, epithets, metaphors and even value judgments. Try to "draw with words" - present your thoughts in such a way as to build a living image in the reader's head. It may not take too much effort to compose "My Favorite Artwork", but your efforts will not be in vain. Remember: no matter what strangers tell you, just one consciously written work is enough to get only good grades in the future. If you want to, someday you will be doing it professionally.
Be original
Schoolchildren often try to follow the “beaten path” by choosing as the work of art considered not the one they really like, but the one that has already been repeatedly analyzed by other people and posted on the Internet.

It's interesting that almost 90 percent of the children choose the works of the classics - this is not surprising, because Pushkin, Dostoevsky or Chekhov pass through the school curriculum earlier than writers of the 20th century. For the essay “My Favorite Work” you can (and even recommended) choose something modern, original, unhackneyed, and then you are practically guaranteed an extra point.
There is one more interesting detail - a teacher who has not read the book that you talk about in your creative work will not be able to find fault with the small mistakes you made during the analysis - he will simply have nothingbe guided by the comparison.
Keep it style
Each outstanding author has his own unique style - this is what makes him stand out from all the rest: decent, average, bad authors. The more often you use common clichés, the more "water" in your work, the lower the value of your work - in our case, the essay "My Favorite Work".

It is important that the text be coherent and unified both in terms of meaning and in terms of form - follow the mood that you convey, the vocabulary used, phraseological units, quotes. Sudden transitions from sad to funny or from elevated words to jargon look ridiculous and greatly spoil the impression of the read.
Practice. Language is a unique tool through which you convey information, emotions, intentions to other people. Learn to tell - in the end, it is for practicing this skill that you write the essay “My Favorite Work”. After all, people do not think in words, but in images - you still need to learn how to express these ideas in text form.

To achieve this goal faster, start a notebook. Take everyday notes and use them later in your creative work. The most interesting of them can be published on the Internet to be evaluated by strangers. Criticism can be helpful to move forward. So don't worry ifAt the first stage, your work will not be appreciated - try again and again, and then the "threes" will turn into "fives", and there will be more positive reviews than skeptical ones.