Essay on the painting "Rye" by Shishkin: how to write on the top five

Essay on the painting "Rye" by Shishkin: how to write on the top five
Essay on the painting "Rye" by Shishkin: how to write on the top five

At the Russian language lessons, schoolchildren often write creative works, presentations, dictations. In the 4th grade - an essay based on Shishkin's painting "Rye", one of the most famous works of this unique artist. Let's see how to write a plan, what details to pay attention to, and what you need to demonstrate to the teacher in order to get an excellent mark.

General Questions

Before you start writing, check out the work itself. You can write an essay based on Shishkin's painting "Rye" only if you carefully studied it.

rye painting essay
rye painting essay

What does your teacher want from you? What do you need to provide to get a good grade? There are three components here: your own thoughts, the ability to dress them in a beautiful form, and following the rules for writing creative work. Let's consider each component separately so that you can write an essay on the painting “Rye” in grade 4, and subsequently any other essay.


First of all, you need to demonstrate your awareness of the existence of the concept of work structure. If you start with "In the picturedepicted … "you will immediately reduce the score by a point. Because the reader doesn't even know what it's about yet!

essay on the painting Shishkin rye grade 4
essay on the painting Shishkin rye grade 4

In an essay based on Shishkin's painting "Rye" in grade 4, you must first mention the name of the painting and its author. Follow this with some facts about the artist. Then go to the description, diluting it with your own reasoning. Finally, complete the text beautifully, not forgetting to note the importance of Shishkin's work for Russian culture.

About the author

What do you know about the artist? What is remarkable about this work? When was it written - in what century, in what year? Maybe you can even indicate the area depicted on the canvas. Remember: in an essay based on Shishkin's painting "Rye", you can show erudition, earning an additional "plus" in the eyes of the teacher.

essay on the painting shishkin rye
essay on the painting shishkin rye

What are your favorite stories in his works? Do you know his other works? Not every student can boast of knowledge of the biography of the great artist - be smarter, read about him in advance. Moreover, this representative of the Russian school of painting is a truly outstanding author.

Main part

Look at the canvas. Thanks to the artist's photographic precision, you can distinguish the smallest details: the ears are bent, but there is no wind: the trees are calm. This means that the harvest has already ripened, and you can accurately determine the season. In the grass you can see a lot of cornflowers - their blue petals stand out clearly against the background,if you look closely.

essay on the picture rye grade 4
essay on the picture rye grade 4

In the essay on the topic "Shishkin's painting "Rye"" every detail is worth mentioning. Where do the birds fly? What do you think their "breed" is? Look where the light falls on the trees: what time of day is shown in the picture? Tell us how you think the author skillfully conveyed the mood of the landscape and why.

Artistic speech

A teacher always wants to see his student progress. Use beautiful words, do not be lazy to look them up in the dictionary. Formulate the main idea orally, and then embellish it: pick up synonyms, epithets, metaphors. Try to use at least a few words in your essay based on Shishkin's painting "Rye" in grade 4 that were not used in previous creative works. This will be noted by the teacher when grading.


No matter how beautiful words you speak, you will certainly be lowered for grammatical errors and tongue-tied language. If you forgot some rules: you confuse "-tsya" and "-tsya", "during" and "during", this is fixable - the Internet today allows you to check yourself in real time. The main thing is not to be lazy. In addition, in an essay based on the picture "Rye", you should use complex sentences that are not limited to the subject, predicate and a couple of minor members.


You can ask your parents for help if certain problems arise, but do not ask them to do any homework for you! In this case, you will not learn anything, butin the future, the number of complex and incomprehensible works will only increase. In the 4th grade, write an essay on Shishkin's painting "Rye" on your own and give it to adults for verification so that they mark the mistakes that should be corrected. This way you will practice and get a good grade.

Internet use

In no case do not write off the finished work from the Internet! Of course, you can find them there, but what's the point? You will no longer be able to write off the most important creative works in your school life, since they are issued individually, and you will not know your mistakes. The lack of experience and skill will sooner or later do its job, so consider this essay on the painting "Rye" as a way to practice. Successfully writing it will be a small achievement on the way to a big goal.


To make the text look like a single work of art, it must be completed at the highest emotional point. If in the middle of the essay on the painting “Rye” you are analyzing the canvas, noting any aesthetic subtleties, then in the final you need to move to a higher level of generalization.

essay on the topic painting shishkin rye
essay on the topic painting shishkin rye

Mark the beauty of Russian nature, its open spaces, forests and fields; the rare talent of the artist and the skill of his use of the brush. A few sentences will suffice.

Thus, the essay on the painting "Rye" consists of three parts: introduction, main part and conclusion. The whole work will take you no more than an hour, even taking into account the fact that you will write it by hand. Put a little effort and inspiration into this text, and the teacher will definitely appreciate it.
