This term means not only the ability to attract, attract, enchant the beauty visible to the eye. A truly beautiful person does not need a body close to the canonical Apollo or Venus.
The triumph of external harmony, impossible without internal harmony - that's what grace is.
This is a quality that manifests itself as sophistication, grace and beauty. It is inherent in someone who (or something) is refined, proportionate, not devoid of artistic taste.

Why do you need a graceful wife?
They say that the ancient treatises did not call a wife virtuous if she was devoid of grace. And allegedly the Lord commanded the weaker sex the appropriate speech, which she is obliged to give to a man along with fidelity and good luck, memory and prudence, fame and patience.
Many believe that feminine nature itself is grace. Its loss is fraught with vulgarity and rudeness of relations, degradation of partners.

Elegance of speech is not only literacy, good diction and manners. It is difficult to achieve without:
- sincerity;
- at ease;
- friendliness;
- welcome;
- compassion.
Favorites of the Muses know elegance
Each thing, designed to decorate the surrounding reality, can (and ideally should) be executed with grace. But this is the so-called applied side of the matter. And in this case we are talking about embellishment.
But for the high arts, beauty is not an addition to utility (practical applicability), but an end in itself. That's why they are called so - "graceful".
Architecture is the only practical one. The architect in the overwhelming majority of cases not only takes into account the beauty of buildings and structures, but also takes into account how they will be used.

The rest of the arts satisfy exclusively human needs for beauty. Refinement, grace with their help can be manifested in such products:
- paintings (painting);
- statues (sculpture);
- books (literature);
- stage works (theatre);
- melodies (music);
- choreography (dance).
Any of these works becomes significant only when the author succeeds in embodying a certain image with the help of:
- colors;
- material to be processed;
- words;
- acting;
- sounds;
- movements.
The components of grace in these arts are:
- Rhythm (the measured repetition of sounds and colors, movements and forms).
- Proportion (commensurability of parts, "correct" embodiment).
- Harmony (when parts of different parts of the image match one another).

Dubious dignity
Elegance is not always an unambiguous advantage. Sometimes, it manifests itself in not good deeds. You can achieve perfection without worrying about ethics. There are also such expressions:
- Gracefully lying.
- Graceful scam.
- Change gracefully.
- Grace of a card sharper.
But they still show a hint of mockery. Whether to become her target, everyone decides for himself.