How to draw up an act of visiting a student's family? Completed Sample

How to draw up an act of visiting a student's family? Completed Sample
How to draw up an act of visiting a student's family? Completed Sample

It is important not only for teachers, but also for parents to understand how an act of visiting a student's family is drawn up. The completed sample will be presented in the article, as well as comments on how and under what circumstances a home examination is carried out, by whom it is certified and what rights the legal representatives of a minor have.

Reasons for home visiting

Visiting the student's family by the class teacher
Visiting the student's family by the class teacher

There are quite a few of them, but they can all be divided into three groups. The purpose of the teacher's visit will influence the choice of the student's family visit template. The completed version will take into account all these nuances. So, what are the possible reasons for visiting a homeroom teacher?

  • Introduction to the living conditions of a minor. This is usually done when a child enters first grade or transfers from another school.
  • At the request of authorized bodies: KDN,police, guardianship authorities, courts. In this case, it is important to comply with all requirements and know how to complete the student's family visitation form. The sample must take into account regulations, including orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
  • Complaints from doctors, neighbors, relatives or just individuals that cannot be ignored, because the information contains information about possible domestic violence, child injury, and the like.

Creating a commission

Student Family Visit Sample
Student Family Visit Sample

If in the first case it is enough to visit only the class teacher, who can go to the place of residence alone or accompanied by parents, then in the second and third - the visit should be carried out only as part of the commission. Pay attention to the sample just above.

The original document will be sent to the court, guardianship authorities, KDN or other institution, therefore it is approved by the head (principal of the school), signed by everyone who left at the place of residence, and certified with a stamp indicating the date. The commission, as a rule, is created by an order for the institution, it may include:

  • class teacher;
  • social educator,
  • subject teachers,
  • representatives of the parent committee or other public associations;
  • employees of institutions that interact within the framework of the CDN (inspectors of the ODN, medical workers of children's clinics, social workers, etc.).

Act of visiting the student's family by the class teacher

Fill out the act of visiting the family by the teacher
Fill out the act of visiting the family by the teacher

The completed sample assumes the use of a fictitious situation and non-existent persons:

A K T ZhBU student 1 "A" class MBOU ZSOSH No. 1.

Survey Purpose: Familiarize yourself with the living conditions of a first grade student.

Full name: Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, student 1 "A" class

Who visited the family: Stepanova Elena Ivanovna, class teacher 1 "A" class.

The family lives at the place of registration: Moscow, st. Leninskaya d. 1, apt. 1 in an isolated 2-room apartment on the ground floor of a 9-storey panel house with all amenities. Housing is not privatized.

Composition of a family of 3:

  1. Ivanov Ivan Petrovich, born in 1987, builder, ZAO Karkas.
  2. Ivanova Olga Sergeevna, born in 1989, housewife, not working.
  3. Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, born in 2011

The family occupies an isolated apartment of 50.4 square meters. meters. Sanitary and hygienic conditions are satisfactory. Currently, the bathroom is being renovated, which creates certain difficulties for the residents - the corridor and the kitchen are full of equipment and construction debris. The living quarters are clean, there is modern furniture, household appliances.

Place for classes, rest, sleep of a child: Ivanov Ivan occupies a separate room, the area of which is 12 square meters. meters. From the furniture there is a desktop, a computer, a sofa, a built-in wardrobe for storing things. The study corner is equipped with additional lighting, bookshelves that contain the necessary literature.


At the place of residence createdall necessary conditions for a minor. Relations between family members are friendly, even. The boy is accustomed to order, the preparation for classes is carried out by the mother due control.

"_" _ 20_

Commission members: Deputy Director for BP _/ _

Class teacher _/ _/

Social educator _/ _ /

Members of the rod.committee _/_/

What you need to pay attention to

In the proposed example, the visit was carried out by one teacher - it is for informational purposes and does not require certification. In the event of a commission withdrawal, the names and signatures of all participants in the survey may be supplemented.

What does the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation require to pay attention to when drawing up an act of visiting a student's family? The completed sample assumes a normal working visit to the average family, but during the familiarization exit, trouble may be revealed. Especially if a child has deviant behavior, he comes to school untidy, with unlearned lessons. In this case, even the first exit should be made on commission.

How to fill out the Student Family Visitation Form
How to fill out the Student Family Visitation Form

And pay attention to the following circumstances:

  • The condition of the floor, walls, ceiling.
  • The temperature in the home and compliance with the ventilation regime.
  • A place to play, sleep and do homework.
  • Sanitaryhygienic condition of housing, bathroom.
  • Availability of food, its quality.
  • Conditions for keeping pets, their availability.
  • The appearance of the rest of the people living in the apartment.
  • Ensuring the safety of the stay of a minor.

This must be done based on Order No. 334, adopted by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in 2009.

Composition time

The release date must be indicated in the act of visiting the student's family. The completed template takes this into account. But you need to know that the document is drawn up within three days after the visit. This is reflected in the second date, which is indicated when the act is certified with a seal.
