Elective course - these are additional training sessions of your choice. "Elective" (English elective) - means elective, optional. A list of such courses is offered to schoolchildren or students at the beginning of the academic year. They complement the content of the discipline, which is considered a profile in a given school or college, and are also designed to update and individualize the educational process. As a rule, these classes provide deeper knowledge that cannot be gleaned from the standard program.

The elective course performs several functions. Firstly, if it contains in-depth knowledge of the core discipline, then the educational institution where it practices becomes specialized. Secondly, if the course is aimed at consolidating and developing the basic educational program, then the student receives additional training. This isgives him confidence and increases his competitive ability when passing the EGE and entering a university. Thirdly, if a pupil or student receives in-depth knowledge in a certain direction, but at the same time wants to improve in another discipline, an elective can help with this. For example, when a student studies mathematics in depth, but wants to learn how to write correctly and without errors, elective Russian language courses will give him such an opportunity. Most often, students choose languages, computer science, mathematics, physics.
Elective classes in the Russian language provide an opportunity for a schoolchild or student to study one of the sections, for example, stylistics. They allow you to get acquainted with many philological disciplines in more detail than in the school curriculum. Among them may be the history of the language, linguistics or dialectology.

An elective course in the style of the Russian language is able to improve students' communication skills, develop their speech, and give knowledge about functional styles. Optional training sessions will allow the teacher to consistently present complete information about this side of the language and, on their basis, form various speech skills in schoolchildren and students.
The main part of the course is a section that characterizes colloquial, official business, scientific and other styles of the Russian language. This is, first of all, information about the main features of each of them, their detailed characteristics and examples. Without this basic awareness of the language and its norms, students will be incomplete.
Withinoptional classes, schoolchildren and students will also be able to expand their understanding of Russian literature by studying the style-forming elements that form the author's unique style of presentation. During the study of literary works, students will learn, for example, what tropes are and how epithets, similes, hyperbole and other such components are involved in creating a particular style of the writer. After all, it is the skill of using the means of artistic expression that achieves the manifestation of one's own individuality in the text.

An elective course can also help a student decide on a future profession. After all, he not only integrates stylistics into a general idea of the language, but connects this direction in philology with other sections and disciplines. The elective will direct students to choose further education, to understand the prospects and significance of future activities.