Before you start figuring out how to write certain prefixes in Russian, you need to learn how to distinguish them in words. So what is a prefix?

This is the part of the word that comes before the root. It gives the word a certain meaning. In Russian, most prefixes are derived from prepositions. Accordingly, they have the same meanings as prepositions. For example, to run in (preposition in) - here the prefix gives the verb the meaning of movement directed inside the object. To isolate a prefix in a word, you must first determine its root. And before the root there will be a prefix.
The spelling of prefixes in Russian is regulated by a number of rules. For clarity, we present these rules in the form of a table.
Consonants and vowels in prefixes, except for prefixes with -s, -з |
Regardless of pronunciation, consonants and vowels in these prefixes are always written the same way, in accordance with tradition. The spelling of prefixes of this type should be remembered. For example, prefixes under-, ob-, o-, pre-, re-, over- and others (undermining, bypassing, upholstering, background, carrier, eyebrow). |
Spelling prefixes on z-, s- |
Spelled z-, if the root begins with a voiced consonant or vowel after this prefix. For example, flyfly, timeplay. |
Spelled s-, when, after the prefix, the root of the word begins with a voiceless consonant. And also in the case when the prefix consists of one letter - с. For example, rasfluffy, sbeat. |
Spelling prefixes pre-, at- |
We write the prefix pre- in the following cases:
Prefix when-written when:

The table highlights the basic rules for writing prefixes. However, the entire spelling section "Spelling of prefixes" with itsspecial cases cannot fit in one table. So, in writing the prefixes pre- and at- there are many nuances. Sometimes it is difficult to determine the meaning of these prefixes in words. Such cases must be checked in a dictionary and memorized. Do not confuse the spelling of prefixes and the spelling of words, where combinations of letters pre and at are part of the root (nature, lovely). Of course, in the latter case, their spelling is already determined by tradition or by selecting words with the same root.
Not included in the table and spelling rules not / neither in negative adverbs and pronouns. Their spelling depends on where the stress is placed. e is written under stress, and and (not / when - neitherwhen /; not/who - norwho/).

So, let's summarize the study of the spelling "spelling prefixes". Writing them in some cases must be remembered; in other words, the choice of vowels of the prefix depends on the meaning of the word itself (pre- / pre-); there are also cases when, on the contrary, the chosen vowel determines the meaning of the whole word (non-/ni-) and, finally, the category of prefixes, in which the choice of a consonant depends on the sound following it (prefixes on з-/с-).
You need to learn to distinguish between all these cases, and if you find it difficult, check yourself in the spelling dictionary.