Many Indo-European languages are similar, but not all have participles. The participle in Russian is a form of a verb, but it also has the features of an adjective. Therefore, not all linguists distinguish the participle as a separate part of speech.
But in schools, the participle is a special form of the verb that has a lot of features of an adjective. In addition to the fact that the participle answers the questions of adjectives, it also

denotes a sign of an object, but this sign is associated with an action and is also called a verbal sign or a sign by action. For example, falling snow is snow that falls.
Students get to know what the sacrament is in the 6th grade. Before that, it is not distinguished from an adjective. Like adjectives, participles can be of any gender and can also be plural. The sacrament has an initial form. It has gender and number. For example, the word "flying" can be in the form "flying", "flying" and "flying". Participles are also declined according to cases, they can stand in a short form, for example, "open", "painted". It is always a definition in a sentence, just like an adjective.

What is a participle in terms of verb features? Participles are in the present and past tenses, however, there are no future participles. For example, "sitting now" and "sitting before". Another verb feature is the view, and in phrases built according to the type of control, participles require a noun in the accusative case. There are reflexive participles, for example, "stumbling".
It is very important to correctly determine the conjugation of the verb from which the participle was formed, otherwise you can make a mistake in writing the suffix. It is also important to be able to determine the basis of the indefinite form of verbs, transitivity and know what reflexive verbs are. Therefore, before studying what a participle is, you need to study the topic "Verb" in detail.
All participles are divided into two large groups. They are active and passive. You can distinguish them not only by meaning, but also by suffixes. Active participles indicate that the object itself does something. The suffixes -usch-, -yushch-, -ashch-, -yashch- are attached to the basis of the verb in the present tense, and for the verb in the past tense -vsh- and -sh-. For example, sleeping, chewing, flying.

If the action is performed not by the object itself, but by someone else, then the sign of this action is denoted by passive participles. The suffixes -nn-, -enn-, -t- are involved in their formation. For example, licked, closed, turned on. Passive participles are not formed from all verbs. For example, the verb "to take" does not have a passive formparticiples, such participles are not formed from intransitive verbs either. But only passive participles form a short form.
Very great difficulties for students arise not from the passage of the very topic "What is the sacrament", but from the inability to write participle suffixes correctly. Students make especially many mistakes when writing the double letter "n".
What is the sacrament, you need to remember and know after school. To use words correctly in written and oral speech, you need to be able to form them.