What is a kitchen? Word meaning, synonym

What is a kitchen? Word meaning, synonym
What is a kitchen? Word meaning, synonym

Perhaps, it is difficult to find a person who does not know what a kitchen is. But most people know only the direct meaning of the word, but there is also a figurative one.

Do you want to improve your literacy and education, and also, on occasion, show off interesting information to friends, relatives or acquaintances? Then read the article, discover the meaning, morphemics and polygamy of other fascinating information about the word "kitchen".

what is a kitchen
what is a kitchen

Polysemy of Russian words

The Russian language is very rich and inexpressibly beautiful. But it is very difficult to learn and understand for foreigners, because many words of the language of a large country called Russia are ambiguous. And this makes them very difficult to perceive.

For example, the word "cat". In the usual sense, it means a domestic animal, a female cat or a member of the cat family. But very often Russian people use this word in a completely different context. For example: “I got my money out of the cat and paid for my lunch” or “We needed a cat to lift this strange thing from the bottom of the pond.”

Of course, in both cases the word "cat" has not a direct meaning, but a figurative one. In the first sentence, it refers to a bag that used to be worn on a belt. This name was used in antiquity, and over time it went out of use and was forgotten. As a result, now even Russian people have questions about such a proposal.

In the second case, a “cat” is a special device, a tool that is used to lift something from the bottom of a lake, reservoir, etc. This word is well known and understood by sailors, but to ordinary people who do not have attitude to this kind of occupation, it is difficult to understand the meaning of the sentence.

Another thing is the word "birch". It means only a tree, and therefore there will definitely not be any problems with understanding it.

Meaning of the word "kitchen"

This word also has several meanings. Therefore, a sentence with the word "kitchen" can be made both in the literal sense and figuratively.

kitchen word meaning
kitchen word meaning

For example:

  1. “Perhaps today we will have lunch in the summer kitchen. Do you mind?”
  2. "I don't like this kitchen. It doesn't have a cupboard.”
  3. "I want to invite you to a restaurant. What cuisine do you prefer? Maybe Japanese?”
  4. “I don't think it's wise to let Egor into our kitchen. It is still too small - there may be problems.”

In order to understand what a kitchen is, as well as to understand how to use this word correctly and in what context, consider each meaning inseparately.

Kitchen as a room

Most often, Russians use the word studied in this article, referring to a separate room in the house. It is customary to cook and take food, arrange gatherings with tea and buns, gather guests and have long conversations over a cup of something hot.

how to spell kitchen
how to spell kitchen

In this room, as usual, is located:

  1. Oven - for cooking first courses, second courses and desserts, as well as drinks, preservation and much more.
  2. Refrigerator - necessary for storing food and ready meals.
  3. Kitchen set - since the kitchen is for cooking, there must be dishes in it, which should also be stored somewhere.
  4. Sink - for washing dirty dishes, which will certainly appear in the cooking process.
  5. Chairs and a table - the latter serves dishes, cutlery, and it is for him that all households sit down, preparing for the upcoming meal.

These are must-have kitchen items, but some homeowners may want to add something of their own.

Kitchen as a set for storing dishes

So, you already know that the kitchen must have special furniture for storing dishes. But it needs to be named somehow.

synonym for kitchen
synonym for kitchen

Its full name is a kitchen set. But since people are always in a hurry somewhere, they tend to do everything quickly and very often shorten words so that their speech is not onlyunderstandable, but also as short as possible.

With the phrase "kitchen set" just such a metamorphosis took place. As a result, when referring to kitchen furniture for storing dishes, it is very common to hear the simple and short word "kitchen". It denotes a long and difficult to pronounce phrase.

Kitchen as a common name for the dishes of each country

You must have heard these expressions at least once:

  • German precision;
  • british restraint;
  • Italian hotness;
  • Russian "maybe".

Every person is unique. However, representatives of one country have some similarities. Not only external, but also internal: character traits, habits, traditions, way of life and much more. Such common features of people living in one country are called mentality.

Method of preparation, names, ingredients - all this distinguishes dishes that are traditionally prepared in one country from those loved in another. That is why, in order to somehow indicate the commonality of the dishes of each country, they use the word "cuisine", adding an adjective to it, making it clear to which nationality it belongs.

So, in many restaurants you will be happy to offer a menu of Russian, Mexican, Italian, Japanese (and many other national) cuisines.

kitchen sentence
kitchen sentence

Kitchen as a mystery

In the conversation you can hear the word "kitchen", used in such a mysterious sense. And then it should be understood ashidden life, the secret side of someone's actions, deeds or some kind of activity.

In this sense, the word "kitchen" may well mean the "dark deeds" of any organization, enterprise, institution. Something that is not put on display, and they will not dedicate everyone to it.

transcription of the word kitchen
transcription of the word kitchen

Here are four meanings that explain what a kitchen is. Now, knowing them, you can not only compose sentences correctly and correctly, but also better understand what people mean, and also, if necessary, replace these words with similar ones in meaning. If you can’t find a synonym for the word “kitchen”, you can use the dictionary of synonyms. Depending on the context in which you wish to use your word, use: room, room, cooking, cooking, backside, secret life, dining room, galley, or a diminutive of kitchenette.

Doubts when writing some Russian words

In Russian there are both simple words and complex ones. In this case, we are not talking about those that consist of two words or are foreign languages. This refers to those in the writing of which there are doubts. They are called "problem" words. For example, such as:

  • thicket (you can write instead of the letter "a" - the letter "I" in both syllables);
  • happiness (the combination "sch" sounds like the letter "u");
  • rainy (the letter "t" is not pronounced at all and you can forget about it when writing this word);
  • more (All-Russian Empress Catherine II allowed wholethree mistakes in this word and wrote "ischo").

All such words cannot be counted, because there are legends about the we alth of the Russian language. Most of them are easy to check by choosing a word in which the dubious letter will be clearly audible. But there are other "problem" words. They are called dictionary - their spelling must be remembered.

Simple words are both heard and written, so there are no difficulties with writing them.

Spelling rules

How do you spell "kitchen"? The word refers to simple words. But one difficulty in writing this noun can still arise.

word forms kitchen
word forms kitchen

Try to conduct a morphemic analysis of the word, that is, to parse it into its component parts. The name is: prefix and suffix morphemes, root, ending.

In this case, the single-root words will be: kitchen, kitchenette, kitchens. This means that there is no prefix in the analyzed word, and its root is “kuh”. In order to find out what ending the chosen word has, you should decline it by cases: “kitchen, kitchens, kitchen, kitchen, kitchen, about kitchen”. It turns out that the ending is "I". As you can see, there is still something left between the root and the end. The letter "n" is the suffix of the word.

From this analysis, we can conclude that the letter in doubt is the end of the word. It is considered “problematic” because it is pronounced a little differently than it is written.

To see this, just look at how the transcription of the word kitchen looks like: [kitchen'a]. Thus, the letter "i" is heard as "a".

Write herright simply by knowing the rule. If the consonant before the sounds [a], [o], [y], [e] is pronounced softly, the letter “I” should be written in the word.

Shapes of the word "kitchen"

This word, like most other words in the Russian language, has two forms. Plural and singular. They are necessary in order for a person to have the opportunity to convey information in a high-quality and as complete as possible, as well as to make the proposal consistent and logical.

You wouldn't say: "There are ten RAMS in the flock." And the phrase "Vasya is my best friend" will also sound somehow stupid.

The singular form of the word analyzed in this article is “kitchen”, while in the plural one should say “kitchens”.

Knowledge is something people have been striving for almost since the beginning of time. Several centuries ago, information was the greatest value. Doubt? And you remember the expression: the owner of information owns the whole world. Isn't this the best proof of the value of knowledge?

Thanks to this article, you discovered what a kitchen is, and now you can use this word correctly, bringing the meaning you need to the sentence.
