In the language of the famous England there is a very difficult topic in grammar, which is connected with the topic of verbs and their changes and use in different tenses. There are 16 tenses in the language, but 9 of them are the most used and studied. Verbs in the language differ in their representable meanings: determining the state or action of any people or inanimate objects. Therefore, there is a difference in personal and non-personal forms. Thus, the personal form is marked by the fact that it can be conjugated as a predicate in sentences. But it should be emphasized that the conjugation of verbs in English is directly dependent on the change in forms and the use of certain categories.
Categories and Forms
A verb in a language denotes an action, a change in the position of a person or an object. Personal forms in texts take the role of a predicate, provided that there is a subject written as a pronoun or noun. They have categories of person, number, time, type, pledge, mood. Verb conjugation in English largely depends on all the words in the sentence.

The face category includes three categories. The first person is I, we, the 2nd person is you, the 3rd person is he, it, she, they. In Present Tense, the second person plural form has almost supplanted the singular.
Number: plural and singular.
The heaviest section, which contains a large amount of material to study, is time. The designation of the action is used - the period of speaking.
View (Aspect) conveys the actual presence of an action or state in a certain period of time.
Voice demonstrates the function of the subject in the role of the performer of the action or, conversely, the object on which the action is performed.

Mood shows the relationship modeled on action - reality.
Verb to be
The conjugation of verbs in English at the initial stage begins with the root and most used verb in the language - to be. This verb is translated as "to be, exists, is." For the correct and linguistic use of the verb in conversation and writing, it is necessary to know the conjugation of verbs in English. The conjugation table in different tenses is shown below.
time | Form in units. h. | Form in pl. h. | Examples |
Present Simple | Am/is | are | I am a doctor. He is a doctor. We aredoctors. |
Past Simple | was | were | I was a doctor. He was a doctor. We were doctors. |
Future Simple | will be | will be | I will be a doctor. He will be a doctor. We will be a doctor. |
The table shows that the use of the verb to be often changes forms when conjugated. This is the basics of the language. Learning them should take place at the very beginning of training.
Verb to have
Verb conjugation in English has distinctive features. An example of differences with many languages is the presence of verbs with exclusive usage patterns that change depending on the number and gender of the noun. The most common verb is to have. It translates as "have, have". In Present Simple, the verb to have takes on a distinctive form only in singular. including the third person. This form is has.
Example: I have a book. They have a book. You have a book. But: He has a book. She has a book. In Past Simple, the verb to have has one form had for 1, 2 and 3 persons in the plural and singular: They had a book. You had book. She had a book.

Regular and irregular verbs
Verbal forms also differ in the way the past tense form, better known as the II form, and also the Past participle form are formed. Simple, or III-rd form. The conjugation of irregular verbs in English is different from the conjugation of regular ones. When changing regular verbs, there are no particular questions and problems, forming II or III forms. You just need to add the ending -ed to the initial form. Difficulties arise in reading and forming these forms.
Irregular verbs are those verbs whose II or III form is formed in a more difficult way. They need to be memorized in order to use them correctly in speech and be understood. There is a conjugation table of irregular verbs, which contains all the verbs and their forms. The problem is this: these are very common verbs, without knowing the forms presented in the table, it will be difficult to communicate with a foreigner.