Ufa is a large city with more than 1 million people. Every year, several thousand school graduates think about their future life path. Many young men and women decide to go to universities. And here a rather difficult question arises for graduates: which institution of higher education to choose. There are several dozen universities in Ufa.
Nuances of choice
Existing higher educational institutions in Ufa are divided into 2 types - state and non-state. When choosing an educational organization, first of all, it is recommended to think about your future, about what place you would like to occupy in society and what financial we alth to have.
Boys and girls with grandiose plans and a desire to build an excellent career should opt for state universities in Ufa. In such educational organizations, as a rule, there are more opportunities (places are provided for internships in prestigious Russian companies, an opportunity is given to take internships abroad). Other advantagespublic universities:
- availability of budget places;
- Increased interest of employers in diplomas from state universities.
In non-state educational organizations, the quality of education is worse. In such universities, as a rule, they enter only for the sake of obtaining a diploma. Many employers, realizing this, try not to hire graduates from non-state universities.

Bashkir State University
And now let's start looking at the best educational organizations. One of them is the Bashkir State University. This is a well-known university in Ufa with budget places. He began his activity in the status of a teacher's institute. For several decades, the educational institution has been producing teachers. In 1957, the university acquired the status of a classical university. It began training personnel in a wide range of speci alties.
Today Bashkir State University works with the motto "First among equals". The university is actively developing. It can be proud of its material and technical base, which allows it to prepare students at a modern level and carry out innovative activities.
For students who master foreign languages well and quickly, there is the possibility of obtaining double diplomas. Among BSU partners there are universities of France, Great Britain, China, Bulgaria.

Bashkir State Medical University
Among the best universities in Ufaincludes the Bashkir Medical University, founded back in 1932. This university is called an educational and scientific complex, because it combines high-quality educational activities with active research work.
You can become not only a doctor at the Bashkir State Medical University. Students are trained in 5 areas of higher education:
- clinical medicine ("dentistry", "pediatrics", "General Medicine");
- biological sciences ("biology");
- he alth sciences and preventive medicine ("medical-preventive business");
- pharmaceutical area ("pharmacy");
- sociology and social work ("social work").
BSMU is also attractive because it implements secondary vocational education programs. High school graduates can enroll in either "prosthodontics" or "nursing."

Ufa Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Many applicants want to understand the laws, work in the field of jurisprudence. For this reason, law schools are in great demand among young people. In Ufa, you can get the appropriate education at the Ufa Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. This is a public educational institution. It was founded in 1987 as a higher school of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. The reorganization took place in 1996, as a result of which the institute began to work on the basis of the school.
There are not so many professional educational programs at the university:
- "Law enforcementactivity.”
- "Economic security".
- Jurisprudence.
- "Legal support of national security".
The university has sufficient material and technical base. For the full-fledged training of students, the educational organization equipped specialized forensic training grounds, created a courtroom and the following classrooms:
- criminal process;
- fire training;
- forensic technology and photography;
- criminology;
- forensic medicine and forensic psychiatry.

Bashkir Academy of Civil Service and Management
Applicants wishing to get a law degree can choose among the universities of Ufa the Bashkir Academy of Civil Service and Management. It is also a state educational organization. It has a direction "jurisprudence". Training is conducted on it in 3 training profiles - in state law, civil law, criminal law.
Other educational programs include:
- "Psychology".
- "Management".
- "Economy".
- "Political Science".
- "Municipal and state administration".
- "Document science and archive science".
In development, the academy does not lag behind its competitors - other universities in the city of Ufa. It periodically improves the educational process, actively cooperates with higher educational institutions, specialized organizations of other countries. Partnerships establishedwith Armenia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, Moldova, Singapore, Tajikistan, Turkey, Ukraine.

Affiliates of state universities
Even more prestigious education can be obtained at the branches of major universities in Ufa. The following educational institutions operate in the city:
- Institute (branch) of the Russian University of Economics. Plekhanov. PRUE is the dream of many applicants. The educational organization is one of the largest economic universities in our country. The PRUE diploma is quoted by employers and opens the way to prestigious companies.
- Branch of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. This is also a very famous university in the country. It has been assigned a rating class "B", which means that the level of graduates' preparation is "very high". In the Ufa branch, training is conducted in such areas as "economics", "business informatics", "management".
Applicants do not have to go to some other city for admission. Ufa has plenty to choose from. For example, local universities train personnel for different areas. There are specialized universities among educational organizations - aviation technical, oil technical, pedagogical, agricultural. Creative individuals who make a choice among universities in Ufa will suit the Ufa State Institute of Arts, named after Zagir Ismagilov.