Orenburg is perhaps the most amazing city in Russia. Its peculiarity lies in its geographical location. It is located in the Urals. Almost on the border with Kazakhstan. Hence, there are many borrowed customs in the southern regions of the region. In addition, the history of Orenburg tells us that once part of the region belonged to a neighboring country.
Foundation of the city
This settlement was not formed spontaneously, like most settlements in Russia. The idea to build a city came to the mind of the Kazakh Khan. He promised Tsarina Anastasia that he would protect the integrity of the lands, protect the borders from attacks and help the merchants if in return they built a fortress that would serve as a shelter in case of danger.

This is where the history of the city of Orenburg begins. On August 31, 1735, the first stone was laid for the construction of a large and reliable fortress. This building is located at the confluence of the Or and Yaik rivers.
A funny thing happened with the choice of location. The first expedition led by I. Kirillov determined the ideal location. However, after his death, V. Tatishchev moved the construction site downstream of the Yaik. Andagain a miss, as the terrain turned out to be rocky and far from the river.
And only in 1739 the final version was determined and approved - the former Berd fortress. The history of Orenburg began, and the city was called thrice conceived and once born.
Origin of the name
The origin of the name of the place becomes clear to anyone who has at least a little delved into the geography of Russia, especially the Orenburg region. Everyone immediately associates it with the river Or and part of the "burg", which in German means "city". Literally, the name, based on this concept, is translated as “city on Ori”. There is an opinion that I. Kirillov gave such a name to the newly built settlement. He also sent a package of relevant documents on the nomination to Empress Anastasia.
Also, the history of Orenburg does not allow us to discard the version that the name comes from the Kazakh "orybor".
It is worth noting that due to misunderstandings with the location of the fortress, this name was for a long time the first fortress founded by Kirillov. However, over time, the Empress issued a decree in which the right to be called Orenburg was assigned only to the place that still bears this name to this day.
Since 1938, the city was renamed Chkalov, in honor of the famous pilot. By the way, the latter had nothing to do with this area. In 1957, the settlement again received its historical name.

First decades of life
The history of Orenburg, or rather, the territory of the modern city and region, has changed dramatically afterbuilding a fortress. The land of nomads began to be occupied by residents of other Russian regions. And next to this fortification, dozens of defensive structures were erected, ditches were dug and high walls were built.
Initially, soldiers were resettled here in the hope that they would start farming. But the history of the city of Orenburg indicates the opposite - warriors not burdened with relatives did not demand much, therefore they did not have a desire to enrich themselves and get hold of the economy.
Then it was decided to create Cossack irregular troops, where even fugitive people were accepted. The steppe virgin lands began to be developed by peasants.
However, there were not so many artisans. The city grew and grew stronger thanks to trade and eventually became a powerful center, which turned with the adjacent lands into the Orenburg province.
World War I
In July 1917, the Alash party was formed, which discussed issues of governance and power. Representatives were delegated from it to the All-Russian Constituent Assembly. Thus, the history of the city of Orenburg has acquired its own political force.
These years have been a difficult test for the city. The Cossack formations were repeatedly defeated by the Red Army. At that time, many regiments began to call themselves White Cossacks and did not accept the changes. In addition, the national heterogeneity of the population made itself felt.

The history of Orenburg cannot briefly mention these events. A lot of blood was shed in those days. What is the capture of the City Council worth when they were cut outall the people there, even women and old people.
Soviet times
Everything changed with the advent of Soviet power. The population has increased dramatically, almost six times. Since there were no fierce battles on the territory of this region due to its remoteness, it was customary to evacuate large industrial facilities here, many of which remained here.
For the entire Union, Orenburg became famous for its downy shawls, which was the highest sign of care to get as a gift.
During World War II, planes and helicopters were produced in the city. Other industries followed. For Orenburg, this meant the emergence of new jobs, so over time, residents of other regions began to move here.
The history of the streets of Orenburg tells about all the changes that took place in the city.

Modern period
After the collapse of the USSR, the city lost its popularity for a while. This continued until the end of the twentieth century. However, in the 2000s, a course was taken to increase the prestige of Orenburg, the economy was rebuilt.
The city has become more attractive to tourists thanks to development programs. Old buildings began to be actively restored. The network held events to familiarize users with the city and its history.
An important role was played in this matter by the Museum of the History of Orenburg. It contains exhibits that tell about the life of the city. A number of traditional events are held there every year, and field trips are also organized.
Prices for visitingmore than loyal, and a convenient location is another plus that guests of the city will appreciate.
Every street and house speaks about the city. One way or another, they remind of what is happening here in different periods. To immediately cover the maximum amount of information about the area, residents, sights, it is enough to visit the Museum of the History of Orenburg.

Ghosts at the Medical Academy
Like any other town, Orenburg has its own legends and horror stories. One of the most popular is the ghost stories that teem with the building of the Medical Academy. None of the residents can explain why the spirits are so unhappy that they cannot leave the monastery alone, nevertheless, this legend has been living for more than a century. There are even documented memories of one of the teachers. He says that once he was sent to calm the girls who were beside themselves with fear. The cadets told them about the ghosts, wanting to scare the students. However, the young people left, and the strange noises did not stop, which made the girls raise a fuss.
Many students say that even today disturbing spirits roam the building, they can often be seen in corridors or rooms.
The mystery of the first subway
Once there lived a certain Gorodissky in Orenburg, who worked as a lawyer. His desire for the female sex pushed him to many folly - either he decorated the house with stucco to entertain the ladies, or he was ready to defend the honor of the lady, even if the forces are not equal.

ButThe legend that he allegedly built a subway under his house for fun gathered the most rumors. It was two rails and a cart that reached the next street.
In any case, the city will not leave anyone indifferent.