1237 year. Event in Russia and the Mongol-Tatar yoke

1237 year. Event in Russia and the Mongol-Tatar yoke
1237 year. Event in Russia and the Mongol-Tatar yoke

The history of Russia is rich in a variety of events that are reflected in a bright kaleidoscope in the numerous chronicles of eyewitnesses and their descendants. The turning point and one of the most important moments was the year 1237. The event in Russia, for which this particular period of time is famous, was epoch-making not only for the life of its population, but also for the general course of history.

Creation of the Golden Horde

1237 marked the beginning of the conquest of Russia by the Mongol-Tatars. The first decade of the XIII century was marked by the creation of the Golden Horde - a single state, which included the nomadic tribes of the Mongolian steppes, once scattered and living their lives. Some of them bore the ethnic name "Tatars". For the inhabitants of Russia, it denoted any ethnic groups that made up the population of the Golden Horde.

The Mongol commander Temujin (in 1206), who received the title of Genghis Khan, was proclaimed the Great Khan and ruler of the state.

1237 event in Russia
1237 event in Russia

By zealously getting down to business, he was able to create a huge army, with which he began to leadaggressive wars, encroaching on the freedom of neighboring territories and states. Russia was no exception. The 13th century became "black" for her.

The conquests of Genghis Khan's troops were the result of a search for new pastures by nomadic pastoral tribes. Before the Mongol-Tatars reached Russia, they captured territories in Central Asia. The army of the newly created state, in addition to the number, used in its tactics the method of psychological intimidation of the enemy: the inhabitants of the conquered states were ruthlessly destroyed by the soldiers of Genghis Khan and his assistants.

What happened in 1237?

The first major clash between the Russians and the army of Genghis Khan took place in 1223 on the Kalka River.

what happened in 1237
what happened in 1237

Feudal fragmentation, internecine struggle between the princes and the lack of a person who could unite and competently lead the population of the country, led to the fact that the battle was lost. Terrible times came to Russia. The 13th century is written in bloody ink in the history of this state.

Mongol-Tatars did not stop there and continued to move to Europe. The army was led by a talented commander and grandson of Genghis Khan - Batu. What was the year 1237 marked by? The event in Russia, which continued the series of failures and defeats of the Russians, became the impetus for further campaigns of the conquering troops.

Russia 13th century
Russia 13th century

The winter of this year began with the entry of the Golden Horde into the territory of the Ryazan Principality. Chronicles say that the siege of the city was carried out for 5 or 6 days. Residents tried to survive, but the difference inthe number of people and the ability to fight was too great. In addition, the people of Ryazan called for the help of the Grand Duke of Vladimir, who, however, did not come to the rescue of his neighbors. All this led to the defeat of Ryazan, and then other cities of North-Eastern and South-Western Russia.

The story of the ruin of Ryazan by Batu tells about the fall of Ryazan, one of the heroes of which was Evpaty Kolovrat, famous for his courage and struggle to the last breath against the invaders. After the destruction of the city, Evpatiy gathered the surviving inhabitants and chased the Mongol-Tatars. In battle, he killed many soldiers, but in the end he himself died, glorifying his name and the courage of the people of Ryazan.

Continuation of the Mongol-Tatar campaign

After Ryazan, Moscow and Vladimir were captured. Having conquered part of the lands of northeastern Russia, the Mongols returned home in order to rest and gain strength. But already in 1239 they returned with the aim of capturing southern Russia. In the same year, Pereyaslavl and Chernigov principality fell, and in 1240 - Kyiv.

1237 1240 event in Russia
1237 1240 event in Russia

These conquests established the Mongol-Tatar yoke in Russia for a long 240 years, under the yoke of which the entire population suffered.

1237 year. Event in Russia: results

The invasion of the Mongol-Tatars caused the Russian lands to lag far behind the European states in economic and cultural development. Many crafts that the population used to earn a living before the arrival of the conquerors disappeared. The bloody year 1237, an event in Russia in which led to a noticeable narrowing of the scope of its foreign policy,led to a reduction in contacts between the principalities of Russia and other states. Now all external relations were focused only on the Golden Horde. In addition, the population of Russia was forced to pay tribute to the conquerors in order to pay off their devastating raids and ruthless murders of the inhabitants.

The period 1237-1240 was terrible and devastating for the principalities of Russia and their population. The event in Russia (the conquest by the Mongol-Tatars) led to a decline in the spirit of the population, to overwhelming taxes and tributes with which it tried to appease the Mongol-Tatars, to the establishment of many years of power of the once nomadic, and later becoming the most warlike and strong people.
