While studying at a secondary special educational institution or at a university, all students must complete an internship. It is of two types: educational and industrial. Further employment may be influenced by the reviews of the head of the practice, and the student will be able to understand whether he likes the future job.
Educational practice
Practice is both educational and industrial. Both of them take place at the right time. But with a significant difference. The fact is that educational practice begins, continues and ends within the walls of an educational institution. Students do not need to fuss in search of a temporary job. As a rule, this practice is associated with work on a computer or other work at the department. It all depends on the program and supervisor. One can only give an example of what students can do: study a computer program in their profession (accountant - 1C, architect - ArchiCAD, builder - AutoCAD, and so on).

Ofteneducational practice takes place in the semester like a regular couple, only at the end of it, in addition to the student's record book, they bring a special diary, and if necessary, also a report. The review of the head of practice about the student is written in a special diary. This kind of discipline should be taken as seriously as anything else. Suddenly, the knowledge gained will be very useful to the future employee.
Field practice
If the department does not distribute students to the enterprise, then you will have to look for a place on your own. It is important to take from the educational institution a direction for industrial practice. The sheet indicates the student's full name, place of study, speci alty, course, seals and signatures of the leadership of the university or technical school (college).

It is important to find a position according to your profile. For example, an accountant can go into any industry. But the future ambulance paramedic only needs to go to any ambulance substation or feldsher-obstetric station. Reviews of the head of the practice will depend, of course, on the choice of the place of acquaintance with the future profession.
Scientific Supervisor
Within the walls of an educational institution, a supervisor from the department is required. It is he who gives the topic of the task to the student, decides with him what the plan will be, what exactly to study, what material to prepare for the report. The student is obliged to note all the details in his notebook, so that in the future it would be easier to communicate with the head of practice at the enterprise. If a student casually perceives information from a supervisor,then he will not be able to become a full-fledged, albeit temporary, employee at work. And the opinion of such an intern will not be very good.
Undoubtedly, sometimes not everything is so difficult. Often the practice is easy, no one requires a serious and detailed report. But it is desirable to treat this process responsibly, the manager's feedback on the practice will depend on this.
Head from the enterprise
The student must find a place of practice in advance, if the department itself does not send to production. When everything has already been decided and discussed, the student takes with him the direction from the department, which was mentioned above, a diary (or a plan for a practice report), his good mood and at least minimal knowledge, and also a notebook or notebook. Goes to the personnel department or to the foreman (decided on the spot), shows his plan for the production practice and listens to his mentor.

It is important to find a common language with employees, get involved in the work and do it responsibly. If now it is not taken seriously, then the feedback from the head of the practice from the enterprise can be negative. This may affect future employment.
Serious attitude
Imagine that you have come to a candy factory. The foreman introduces the workshops, documentation, tells what the workers should wear, what their duties are. It is important for the student to write it all down in a notebook or memorize it. If a student is allowed to work in the workshop, then he must be dressed in a work uniform in the first place. Master canto transfer you to one of the ordinary workers. You need to obey her no less than the leader. She will show you the work, see how you do it.

When you do the work, the worker will report to the foreman. At the end of the practice, the student draws up a report, receives feedback from the head of the practice and a certificate that he passed it.
If you didn't like the work
There are times when students are disappointed in their choice of profession. No need to despair. Maybe this enterprise is like that or a workshop. Maybe you'll get lucky in another department. For example, a student of a railway college went on an industrial practice in operation. He is not interested in working with papers and graphs there. Let him go to the repair shop next time and work with the wagons. It is worth noting that if the head of the enterprise is an understanding person, then he should honestly admit that he is not interested in this workplace, ask if it is possible to transfer to another department (workshop). Reviews from the head of practice can contain not only commendable speeches, but also the identified interests and abilities of the trainee.