To foresee the consequences of your actions and random events, it is not necessary to acquire a third eye and a fortune-telling ball. If someone knows how to correctly calculate all the nuances, logically comprehend the development of the situation - this is a far-sighted person. A rare and very valuable quality, which will certainly come in handy at work and in everyday life, will help you easily overcome life's difficulties.
How did the word come about?
Native speakers trace the connection with vision. The ability to see something at the limit of visibility, to notice small details. However, the term is not used literally, it always describes such a personality quality as foreseeing events:
- the ability to see the consequences;
- the ability to predict circumstances.
It's about the peculiarities of thinking. If a person is far-sighted, he will not neglect his studies, because he hopes for a scholarship and wants to get a good job through knowledge, an argument in the form of a red diploma.
He won't drink alcohol before an important exam to avoid headaches, bad breath and a hypothetical retake whenan angry examiner will kick you out of the audience for inappropriate appearance.

But if we consider "far-sighted" as a synonym for "foresight", how then? You can refuse a trip to the country on a rainy day, so as not to get wet. Or take an umbrella, a raincoat to protect yourself and personal belongings, harvest in advance and prevent it from rotting in the beds. That is, you know about the dangers, but you change the circumstances and turn them in your favor.
Where is it useful?
Predicting the result or adjusting it to your own advantage is an extraordinary property. It allows you to take care of the household and loved ones:
- planning cleaning, laundry, cooking;
- buying groceries in time;
- calculating the budget in advance;
- setting aside money for emergencies, etc.
In business, entire departments are engaged in similar forecasts, their work is based on complex scientific theories and market analysis. But the personality characteristic remains out of competition, allowing a person to act on a whim and always find himself in a winning position, even if not always consciously.

Who can you name?
If you want to praise a student or employee for a job well done, taking into account conditions not included in the basic task, call him far-sighted. This is a word with an extremely positive connotation, which indicates a person's attentiveness, analytical thinking, histhe ability to operate with facts and impeccable logic.