The house consists of rooms: large and small. Some rooms amaze with lavish decoration, expensive repairs and beautiful furniture. Others look more modest. Their repair is not so impressive, and the dimensions are like a matchbox. In this article, we will reveal the meaning of just one of these inconspicuous rooms - closets. This feminine noun will be the focus of our attention.
Meaning of the word "closet"
With the help of Efremova's dictionary, we can easily indicate what lexical meaning the noun closet is endowed with. It has two interpretations.
- Small cramped room. For example, this is how you can characterize a room that is modest in area, in which few things fit. It is inconvenient to live in. The expression "walls are crushing" best characterizes him.
- A small closet that is used for storing things, a closet. The pantry may contain food (for example, canned vegetables, preparations for the winter), household items.

Sample sentences
To quickly remember the interpretation of the word "cubby", let's make a few sentences with this noun.
- "This closet is soaked through with damp."
- "Jars of canned tomatoes, cases of potatoes, and boxes of beans were stacked in a cramped closet."
- "Her bedroom was more like a closet, it didn't have a single window."
- "How can you live in such an ugly closet"?

Similar words
To expand your vocabulary, you need to memorize synonyms. "Closet" is a noun with several similar words.
- Closet. "The old closet was full of junk."
- Room. "The gloomy little room caused the blues."
- Konura. "I couldn't live in this kennel without windows and fresh air."
You can find such words close in meaning to the noun "closet" in the dictionary of synonyms.