Many people are surprised to learn that scorpions are members of the arachnid class. But this is true. Arachnids are a huge class in which more than 35 thousand different species are combined. Their representatives have both common characteristics and unique features. But it is about scorpions that I want to talk in more detail.

A bit of general information
All common characteristics of arachnids are related to adaptability to life on land. These are land arthropods that have 6 pairs of legs, a body consisting of two sections, and simple organs of vision. Many species are completely devoid of eyes. Scorpions are representatives of the class whose respiratory system consists of lungs and trachea. The circulatory system has an open circle, and the heart has the shape of a tube. Arachnids have a division into male and female.
Typical fallacy
People have formed an opinion that scorpions are representatives of the crustacean class. The delusion is so firmly ingrained in the mind that it can be very difficult to convince the opponent. The thing is that there is some external resemblance between scorpions and crustaceans, but go into detailsPeople just don't want buildings. Such a misconception, expressed in an educated company, can put a person in an awkward position. That is why you should pay more attention to your training.
Scorpion squad: representatives and their distinctive features
The arachnid class is divided into several separate orders:
- spiders;
- scorpions;
- pincers;
- solpugi and so on.

Scorpions are representatives of an atypical order of spiders. Usually scorpions are not very big. The maximum size is 20 cm. Their body does not consist of two sections, but of three. The anterior section has a pair of large eyes, and several pairs of small lateral organs of vision. The torso passes into a segmented tail that ends in a venom gland.
The body of this arachnid is protected by a hard cover. The optimal habitat is a warm climate. There is an additional division within the squad. All scorpions are representatives of two subspecies: choosing a wet area for living and living in dry places.
What does a scorpion eat
Mostly scorpions are representatives of nocturnal predatory insects. They hunt various spiders and centipedes. Small reptiles and young rodents can become more serious prey. In the absence of other prey, scorpions enter into battle with their own kind and engage in cannibalism. According to biologists, it is cannibalism that allows this detachment to survive in difficult conditions and spread widely throughoutthe world.
Outwardly, it is very difficult to distinguish between a male and a female. Scorpions are viviparous arachnids. Each individual goes through a direct cycle of development without metamorphosis. At one time, the female brings from 5 to 25 babies. The relation to the offspring of this detachment is twofold. On the one hand, the female scorpion takes care of the cubs and even carries them on her back. On the other hand, with a lack of food, it can eat one or two babies from the brood.
The life span of insects ranges from two to eight years.

Scorpion venom
Scorpion venom is neurotoxic. It accumulates in the terminal pear-shaped segment of the tail. The direction of the lesion depends on the type of scorpion. In some species, the poison acts on insects, in others - on mammals. The first type of poison is not dangerous to humans; in fact, it does not act stronger than wasp venom. The second can paralyze the heart and pectoral muscles, which is deadly for a person.
Danger to humans are 25 species of scorpions. Their bite can disrupt the coordination of movements, cause increased salivation and vomiting. The bite site is swollen, red, itchy and painful to the touch.
You can determine how poisonous an individual is by appearance. In species that are dangerous to humans, the pincers are smaller than the sting on the tail. If the scorpion is dangerous only for insects, then its claws are larger.
Introduction to individual species
One of the commonly seen species is the yellow scorpion. It is not dangerous to humans. Feeds on smallspiders and cockroaches. Lives in Africa, the Middle East, India and Pakistan, on the Arabian Peninsula.

Imperial and rock scorpions are often kept as pets. This is a very beautiful insect with large claws.
Androctonus can be distinguished from species dangerous to humans. This arachnid can feed on mammals. The African desert scorpion is considered dangerous. The dangerous arboreal striped scorpion is found in Mexico and the southern United States. Arabian fat-tailed scorpions are dangerous to humans.