Evolution in social science is a form of social development. Factors, examples, evaluation criteria

Evolution in social science is a form of social development. Factors, examples, evaluation criteria
Evolution in social science is a form of social development. Factors, examples, evaluation criteria

Evolution in social science is a concept closely related to the process of becoming a biological species of a person into a biosocial phenomenon. There is one fundamental difference between a person and an animal, which distinguishes him from the entire organic world of the Earth. People live in a society, and not just a flock or a pride in a natural habitat, but in an artificial environment that people create, adjusting any corner of the diverse world to suit themselves and their biological needs. Other species adapt their body and are forced to undergo natural selection in accordance with their habitat. People change the biosphere for the sake of their social needs, in the process of coexistence with each other. They themselves manage these purposeful changes - this is an important feature of social evolution.

evolution in social science is
evolution in social science is

The biological evolution of man is connected by social science with its formation in the process of emergence and development of the social system. And further on the development of mankind began to be influenced by completely different, non-natural factors, which will be described below.

What is evolution

The definition of "evolution" varies by discipline. In general, it is a synonym for the word development; without reference to a scientific field, means a gradual change in the state of something or someone. In social science, evolution is one of the forms of development of society. There are two more forms - revolution and reform. The key words that characterize the evolution in social science are a smooth, gradual change in society.

In this sense, the antonym of evolution is revolution. The transition from one state of society to another is abrupt, spasmodic. Such a breakthrough may be due not only to political upheavals, but also to scientific and technological progress, for example.

evolution examples social science
evolution examples social science

Progress and regress of society

These two antipode concepts are difficult to describe quantitatively, but they are used to determine what evolution is in social science. Observing social progress (or regression), they talk about such significant moments:

  1. Well-being, the quality of life of individuals.
  2. Social security of citizens.
  3. The morality of individual members of society and society as a whole, including the absence of aggression and opposition of individual groups of citizens to each other, for example, racism.
  4. Spiritual development.
  5. Democracy - it is currently considered the highest sign of the political development of society.
  6. Associated with the previous concept, the freedom of each person to speak, choose, worship andother regardless of gender, age, material well-being, belonging to a public organization and other social criteria. All this is reflected in the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Important factors

It is important to consider examples of evolution in social science in the context of one of several influencing factors that should not be confused with evolutionary estimates:

  1. Religion.
  2. Culture.
  3. Political structure.
  4. Economic situation.
  5. Institute of Family and Marriage.
what is evolution definition
what is evolution definition

Religion and culture

Religion and culture in social science belong to different institutions. The synergy of these forces in influencing the development of society in the Middle Ages is an interesting example of the evolution of society. Church institutions were the center of the development of medieval sciences, and the most educated people were the clergy. Despite the persistent stereotype that the church has persecuted culture and science in all ages for trying to encroach on its place in the social system, there are many priests among many great scientists.

Politics and economics

Politics and economics intersect, influencing the development of society as a whole. A striking example is the state budget, which is higher, the better the economic situation in the country. And accordingly, the greater the well-being of state-funded citizens, socially dependent members of society, for example, the unemployed or the disabled, living on state benefits.

The higherthe level of national income and the lower inflation in the state, the more citizens belong to the middle class, and the poverty rate in the country does not exceed 5%. When the economy suffers a crisis, society regresses. An increasing number of people fall from the middle class to the poor, their quality of life is steadily declining - this is one of the indicators of the evolution of society.

human biological evolution social science
human biological evolution social science

In connection with factors such as politics and economics, it will be useful to mention the concept of "reform". It is not an evolution in social science, it is the third form of social development. This transition from one state of society to another is artificial, most often coming from above.
