Arkharovets - who is this? Where did the Arkharovtsy come from?

Arkharovets - who is this? Where did the Arkharovtsy come from?
Arkharovets - who is this? Where did the Arkharovtsy come from?

Outdated, popular words a couple of hundred years ago have not yet completely left the lexicon of modern man. Quite often you can hear someone called "Arkharovets". Who is it? What this word means, not everyone knows. Often, mischievous and dissolute people, brawlers and brawlers are called so. But is it really?

Today we will try to understand who the Arkharovites are and where did they come from? Are they bandits "from the high road" or very positive citizens? There are several opinions on this subject, and we will understand them.

archer who is this
archer who is this

Empty speculation

So, Arkharovets - who is this? There are several "empty" versions, as scientists call them. Some people believe that this word comes from the name of a breed of mountain goats and sheep. But historians refute this theory, saying that poor mountain argali have nothing to do with the recklessness and mischief of people.

There is another opinion about what the word "Arkharovets" means. They say that this is the name of the people who live in the city of Arkharov. But in fact, there is no such city on the Russian map. There is only a village with a similar name - Arkhara, in the Amur Region, butHe has nothing to do with Arkharovtsy. And the inhabitants there are called Arkharinians, but not Arkharovtsy.

History of the word

So, what does the word mean? Arkharovtsy, according to historians, appeared during the reign of Catherine II. It was during that period that Nikolai Arkharov lived in the world.

what does the word archer mean
what does the word archer mean

Arkharov's childhood

Not so often happened in those days the amazing story of ascent, as they say, from rags to riches. Nikolai Petrovich, born in 1742, lived among the yard mob. He spent a lot of time among hooligans, fought well and could speak "fen". Without any special military education, only thanks to physical data and oratorical skills, he rose to the rank of infantry general. Although he started as an ordinary soldier of fifteen years in the Life Guards of the Preobrazhensky Regiment.

Historians claim that it was he who helped the queen ascend the throne and suppress many riots. After the suppression of the "plague" riot in the capital, he was appointed to the place of chief police chief. But where did the word we are talking about today come from, and who were called Arkharovtsy?

Creating a "team"

After the appointment, Nikolai Petrovich gathered around him a lot of friends and like-minded people. Most of them, as history says, had the same origin as himself. Plus, there were a lot of criminals in the team of the Chief of Police. Arkharov's team was engaged in the traditional disclosure of thefts and criminal offenses. However, the methods used in the work were traditionally calledit is forbidden. A huge network of informants and shadow assistants helped solve cases almost on the day of the crime.

who were called Arkharovtsy
who were called Arkharovtsy

The head of the Russian state often resorted to the help of Arkharov and his team when there were thefts and robberies in the palace. Everyone around knew that the case would certainly be solved if the chief police chief's team was involved in it. The whole team was called "Arkharovtsy". That is, Arkharovets - who is this? This is a single member of the gang-team of Nikolai Petrovich. It was rumored that he was able, simply by the emotions on the face of a suspected person, to determine whether he was guilty of a crime or not.

It was noted that, despite the cool temper and peculiar methods of doing business, Arkharov was a very executive person. Therefore, we can say that an Arkharovian is not just a serious person with an extraordinary approach to solving problems, but a responsible and thorough person.

A place in history

Experts say that Arkharov did a lot of good for the state of those times, not only practically eradicating crime in the capital and beyond, but also preventing the plundering of the state treasury. In those days, as historians say, even the street lamps were lit again, although before the appointment of Nikolai Petrovich as governor, this kind of thing had never happened because of bureaucratic theft. In the letters written to him by the Empress, respect and trust are felt. Historians say that Catherine's attitude towards subordinates was quite rare.

what does arharovtsy mean
what does arharovtsy mean

Common noun

Arkharovites were called the best in the detective. Their fame spread in those days far beyond the borders of the Russian Empire. Even the chief policeman in France sent letters with rave reviews about the work of Arkharov's team. It was then that the word became a household word and did not leave the languages of citizens.

But there is also the flip side of the coin (according to experts), which contributed to the memorization of the word "Arkharovets". Who is it? Who was the person who was called that for the population of the country? If the first half of the people practically idolized the detective headed by Nikolai Petrovich, then the second was simply afraid and did not welcome the methods by which the cases were solved. The regiment entrusted to him behaved rather rudely and unbridledly. The measures to restore order were quite tough and harsh.

who are the Arkharovtsy and where did they come from
who are the Arkharovtsy and where did they come from

From here we can say that the word can also mean a rude, impudent and purposeful person. A person, by any means, even resorting to cruelty, going to his goal.

This is such a conflicting memory about this man, his work and team. Despite the fact that Paul the First, who ascended the throne, exiled him into exile, disbanding the regiment, the fame of this man has remained alive to this day. And the common word "Arkharovets" says a lot.
