Retreat means to leave: the interpretation of the word

Retreat means to leave: the interpretation of the word
Retreat means to leave: the interpretation of the word

The verb "retreat" occurs in various speech situations. But not everyone can clearly indicate what it means. There are some guesses, but often you don’t want to look into the dictionary and look for the interpretation of the desired word.

Indeed, dictionaries are not always at hand, and using electronic resources is not always appropriate. You wouldn't surf the Internet right in the middle of a conversation, would you? It's just impolite. However, it is interesting to know what "retreat" means.

This word has two main shades of meaning.

Military action

This language unit is used in military terminology. The meaning is: to retreat during hostilities. It is worth noting that this value is somewhat outdated.

The vanquished know what it means to retreat. This is a bitter word that indicates that you have to give in to the enemy.

The soldier retreats
The soldier retreats

During the war, there are different situations: victories and defeats, calm and offensive. Sometimes things don't go well for one side. We have to give up our positions and retreat. It happensdue to the inept tactical actions of leaders, the elementary lack of ammunition and other factors.

Sometimes retreating is part of the tactic. It is necessary to retreat in order to reduce the vigilance of the enemy, to mislead him. And then suddenly launch an offensive.

Quietly and discreetly

It's not just the military who know what "retreat" means. This word is also used in peacetime. Its interpretation is as follows: quietly and imperceptibly disappear, leave.

For example, you are in a company. And then everyone starts discussing a topic that is unpleasant for you. You do not want to participate in the conversation and decide to retire. That is, quietly leave while everyone else is heatedly discussing the issue of interest to them.

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Gfhtym h

Sample sentences

To be sure to remember what the word "retreat" means, it will not be superfluous to make several sentences with this verb.

  • The soldiers decided to retreat, because the enemy was planning an offensive.
  • The singer quietly retired from the party.
  • The army retreated from the battlefield in a matter of minutes.
  • Ira constantly retreats when someone starts talking about marriage: she doesn't like this topic.
  • In order to retreat unnoticed, the military resorted to a distraction.
  • The child retreated to his room as soon as he was forced to wash the dishes and wipe the table in the kitchen.

After reading the article, it became clear what "retreat" means. This word is used in a number of speech situations. Important rightuse it in sentences and remember the interpretation.
