There are words that have firmly entered our lives, the meaning of which we do not even think about when using them in speech. But the moment comes when you need to explain to someone the meaning of the word, and then the question arises about its origin, about synonyms, which will become the first assistants in revealing the semantic side of the word.
What does the word "go home" mean?
Finding out the meaning of a word is not always easy, even the ubiquitous Internet is not always able to give a complete detailed answer.
To understand what the word "back home" means, you need to turn to its etymology, that is, to the science that studies the origin of words. The etymological dictionary reveals the history of the formation of this word as follows:
- "in its own way" - the fusion of words into one whole, which means "to their homes, places, villages";
- "to one's own si" - which means "to oneself".
In most of our speech, we use the word "go home" with a disparaging connotation. But A. S. Pushkin, I. S. Turgenev or, for example, the original Russian writer N. S. Leskov, this word sounds ordinary, without a hint of irony or disdain.
Many archaisms used in the modern Russian colloquial language have changed their meaning or acquired a new semantic connotation. Dynamism, variability - the pattern of any language system. Maybe that's why modern schoolchildren, even in high school, do not always know what the word "back home" means. And by the way, etymology is an occupation not only for children, but also for adults. Searching for the meaning and history of the formation of the word is very interesting and exciting.

Let's try to understand more specifically what the word "go home" means.
The adverb "go home" - means "to where you came from", "home, to the place of permanent residence". The stress in the word falls on the third syllable. The word is written together and, like any adverb, does not decline or change.
Most often the adverb "go home" is used with the verbs "get out", "return", "go", "depart", and sometimes without the verb: "That's it, it's time for me to go home!"
Such a "survivable" word

In our speech, this word is quite common, although it is outdated, even in literature it is used extremely rarely. In live colloquial speech, it has taken root due to its versatility. It is much easier to tell a person "go back home" than to indicate specifically where the addressee needs to return, especially since it soundssuch a phrase is more picturesque and harmless.
The trend towards simplification has always been in the language and will not lose its relevance in the future. In addition, the very sound of this word is primordially Russian, folk, apparently for this reason it still exists in our speech, has not become obsolete and has not been lost.