Theoretical grammar of the English language is an analysis of the state of modern problems, bringing the principles of the methodological concept of modern English.
Every word in the English language has lexical and grammatical meanings. Lexical has an unambiguous concept, while grammatical has an abstract one.
This article will be introductory. And the main task that we will pursue when describing the fundamental problems of the theoretical grammar of modern English is to understand such things as the subject, methods and terminological apparatus of this section of the science of language as a whole.

Speech to language ratio
So. A pivotal place in the problems of the currentLinguistics occupies the distinction between such concepts as language and speech, this is a very important issue in the theoretical grammar of the English language. Russian and English, being one of the most common languages, have not bypassed this problem. In fact, this is an obstacle among the concepts of "speech" and "language", their similarity and their inconsistency - this, in fact, is the main problem of the science of language of the entire last century. Note. Language is observed in linguistics as a structure of means of expression, and speech is seen as the embodiment of an utterance in the process of communication. And this pair - language and speech - is an inseparable integrity. But in no case should you put an equal sign between these concepts.
With a broad study of the language, a fund of available, that is, nominally prepared semantic units emerges, such that are the raw material for constructing an utterance. And this fund, if you do not go into a discussion of its heterogeneity, is called "vocabulary". This is what linguistics invests in the concept of a fund of nominally semantic objects.
Speaking and writing

Extensive knowledge of the language in its component part has the process of using the language, that is, it is about speaking and writing. This part of the language is revealed in a comprehensive definition as an instrument of communication.
Theoretical grammar of the English language and its broad concept, fund of words and models give form to a more summarized idea of the language.
Syntax, semantics and information
Timeliness of consideration of listedthree concepts in the modern grammar of the English language is dictated primarily by the need to cut or mark the boundaries of the narrowly disciplinary side of the specificity and structure of the language, as it is demonstrated by the linguist at the modern level of development of linguistics. In both logical and semantic interpretation, semantics is the antithesis of syntax, like the matter of presentation in the type of its construction.
Identity term
Since the topic touched on the specifics, the term of identity is the main part. In the science of language, this degree requires its own linkage with the level of generalization at which the objects being studied are observed (here, the elements that make up the system and structure of the language). The logicality of identifying identity as an approved side of the variety of items being composed lies in the fact that for all elements the degree of identity grows along with an increase in the level of generalization of the proper classification features that account for the analysis. In this scenario, we will conduct a deep and thorough analysis of the system and structure of the language.
Representation of language units

It turns out that the language as an organ for the functioning of mental forms and a system of means of exchanging thoughts during communication consists of a colossal number of elements of various specifics. The latter make up a kind of union, unite with each other in difficult functional cooperation, being part of the texts that emerge from the consumption of people's speech activity. In linguistic terms, this process is usually called the unit of language. Despite this,it is worth remembering that there is a fundamental difference between the iconic elements. In this regard, it is worth paying attention, for example, to the fundamental difference between phonemes on the one hand and the so-called sign elements. Such opposition is the most important part of the features of a natural language, which is radically different from artificial sign systems that are born directly on the foundation of a natural language. This difference reflects what is hidden in linguistics behind the rule of pair division of a language (that is, the totality of its constituent properties) into signed and unsigned parts. Please note that in order to consistently separate this pair of genera of linguistic elements, or rather, sign and non-sign in terms of their functional content, it would be most correct to describe the difference at the level of the material form of the language, and in this regard it is worth mentioning that there are pre-sign or one-sided units. And there are also units that are already bilateral. Such coverage at a certain moment in the development of the science of language significantly reduced the work of linguists precisely in the sense that the material structure of the entire unit of the language is subdivided and formed by phonemes, and is revealed in the form of chains or segments. The same ones that combine segments in the form of accompanying ways of self-expression. The phoneme remains the smallest segment, while the morpheme subdivides segment-significant units, and all have their own set of functions. The means of parallel expression, which stand out as integral units with particular functions, include important models of intonation,accents, pauses and word order changes.
Lower starting level of the segment: indentation
It consists of many phonemes. Its specificity of units of the phonological degree consists in the fact that they reveal the bodily model of the overlying segments. At the same time, they themselves are not symbolic units. The phoneme forms and distinguishes morphemes, but linguistically relevant distinguishing features, such raw properties of sounds, on which their differentiation in this or that language is based, serve as clear distributors of their distinctive option. The mentioned properties do not in themselves play the role of segments, and therefore it would already be unjustified to discuss the tier of phonological distinguishing features.
Morphematic (grammatical) level
A morpheme exists in the form of an elementary meaningful part of a word, which is formed by phonemes, and the simplest of them is just one phoneme:
- a-fize [ә-];
- speak [-s];
- mist-y [-i].
The functional specificity lies in the fact that it strikes abstract meanings that play the role of an object for determining the forms of more precise nominative meanings of words. In other words, the semantics of a morpheme from the perspective of its functional purpose in the language can be regarded as a sublexeme. And above the morphematic level of the language lies the level of words, or the lexical level.
Level words
The word is the nominative unit of the language. And his option is to give names to objects, phenomena and relationships of life and the world outside. Since morphemes serve as elementary points of a word, light words include onlyone morpheme. Example list:
- here;
- many;
- and.
You can pay attention to the fact that in the case of monomorphemic words, the fundamental rule of strict disjointness remains functional. It is by no means a morpheme acting as a word.
I would like to recommend a competent textbook for a more in-depth study of the theoretical grammar of the English language.
The books listed below are at the top of their subjects.
A. A. Khudyakov. "A Theoretical Grammar of the English Language". Content: grammatical meaning and form; category of modality; constructive syntax, etc

B. V. Gurevich. Theoretical Grammar of the English Language. Comparative typology of English and Russian languages”. The book presents the most basic theoretical problems that arise in the grammatical structure. A comparison of the grammatical systems of the English and Russian languages is also given

M. I. Bloch. "A Theoretical Grammar of the English Language". This tutorial covers the most important problems in the morphology and syntax of the English language, etc.

I. P. Ivanova. "A Theoretical Grammar of the English Language". The textbook consists of a description of the grammatical structure of the English languageat its modern linguistic level, the latest solutions to case problems and much more.

The books contain not only updated types of syntactic links, but also do not miss the study of the classification of phrases, grammatical categories of the verb, independent and dependent verb forms and much more. These tutorials will help you understand many issues.