Minsk has a large number of large universities offering a variety of educational programs. Many universities located in Minsk are included in world rankings that assess the quality of education.

Academy of Management
The University of Minsk was founded in 1991. More than 9,000 people study within its walls every year. To date, the Academy has signed 56 agreements on international cooperation. The structural divisions include the following faculties:
- innovative training;
- control.
The cost of studying within the walls of the academy is 2,550 Belarusian rubles per year.
Belarusian State Medical University

The total number of students at the medical university in Minsk is 7,000. More than 60% of university teachers have a degree. The structural divisions of the university include the following faculties:
- military medical;
- healing;
- medical and preventive;
- pediatric;
- dental;
- pharmaceutical.

The cost of studying at a medical university starts from 880 Belarusian rubles per year.
Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank
More than 15,000 people study at the Pedagogical University of Minsk. The university offers applicants more than 70 different educational programs. In 2007, he was included in the Eurasian Association of Universities. Among the faculties and institutes of the university:
- historical;
- psychology;
- preschool education;
- natural science;
- inclusive education;
- primary education;
- socio-pedagogical technologies;
- physical education;
- aesthetic education;
- physical and mathematical;
- philological.

Belarusian State University
The main university of Minsk is included in 2% of the leading universities in the world. A huge number of higher educational institutions from more than 50 countries cooperate with BSU. According to world rankings, the university ranks 115th in terms of the number of employed graduates. It is also worth noting that more than 2,400 students came to get education at BSU from other countries. The number of faculties of the university in Minsk includes:
- biological;
- military;
- geographic;
- historical;
- business;
- theology named after Saints Methodius and Cyril;
- mechanical-mathematical;
- journalism;
- foreign relations;
- applied mathematics and informatics;
- radiophysics and computer technology;
- sociocultural communications;
- philosophy and social sciences;
- physical;
- philological;
- economic;
- chemical;
- legal.

Each faculty offers several educational programs. In 2018, applicants were required to have more than 383 points out of 400 possible in order to enter the university of Minsk on the educational profile "Linguistic and Country Studies". To enter the paid department, it was necessary to have at least 324 points. There are 8 state-funded places, 22 paid places. The cost of education is 3,095 Belarusian rubles per year.
Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics
The total number of students at the University of Informatics and Radioelectronics exceeds 18,000 people. The university has more than 140 bilateral agreements with partner universities. Among the speci alties of the university in Minsk are:
- multichannel telecommunication systems;
- information systems and technologies;
- automated information processing systems;
- industrial electronics.
Most programs are full-time, but there are options for those who wish to study part-time. The passing score for the study program "E-Marketing" in Minsk University in 2017 was 352 for a free basis. The number of budget places is 14, paid - 91. The cost of education is 2,780 Belarusian rubles per year.
Belarusian State Economic University
The University has 85 years of history. The structural divisions of the university include the following institutes and faculties:
- social and humanitarian education;
- accounting and economic;
- commerce and tourism industry;
- marketing and logistics;
- international business communications;
- international economic relations;
- management;
- finance and banking;
- right;
- economics and management.
Belarusian National Technical University
The total number of students of the technical university is more than 35,000 people. The structural divisions of the university include the following faculties:
- autotractor;
- architectural;
- military technical;
- engineering and pedagogical;
- machine-building;
- distance education;
- mechanical and technological;
- instrument-making;
- sports technical;
- mining and environmental engineering;
- construction;
- information technology and robotics;
- marketing, management, entrepreneurship;
- technologies of management and humanitarianization;
- transport communications;
- energy construction;
- energy.
The passing score for the profile "Electric power systems and networks" in 2018 exceeded the value of 301 for freethe basics of learning. The passing score on a contract basis was set at 135. There are 40 state-funded places, 6 places under an agreement. The cost of education is over 2,680 Belarusian rubles.
Belarusian State Aviation Academy
Until 2015, the educational institution was called "Minsk State College of Aviation", then received the status of an academy. A wide variety of educational programs are offered:
- unmanned aerial systems;
- technical operation of aircraft and engines;
- computers, systems and networks;
- maintenance of ground support facilities, and others.
Many programs accepted all applicants who submitted a set of documents.