How to say "calling" or "calling" correctly? Where is the emphasis?

How to say "calling" or "calling" correctly? Where is the emphasis?
How to say "calling" or "calling" correctly? Where is the emphasis?

It's good if a person finally wondered how to say "calling" or "calling" correctly. Unfortunately, confusion in stress for words with the root "zvon" exists even among native Russian speakers.

It's normal for people to doubt a technical term or a rarely used word. But the words "calling, calling, calling" we say every day many times. And we hear different accents.

How is it correct - "Rings" or "Rings"? Only with an accent on the second syllable! The only way. And in the word "call" the stress falls on I.

Random error, habit or character?

Call and speak wisely
Call and speak wisely

Dictionaries confirm that it is correct to say "call", "call", "call", "call", "call", and so on. The accent is shifted from the root"ringing" and goes to another syllable.

Remember the movie "Election Day - 2"? There is a funny episode in which the wrong accent in the word "call" is used to characterize the character. The assistant consoles the gubernatorial candidate: "Vitya, don't be pissed, we'll call Moscow now, they'll find you a new PR manager."

For everyone who knows how to say "call" and "call" correctly, the scene is also funny with this detail. The error here is not accidental, the characters (and their prototypes) really say so, this is not their only mistake.

Polite attempts by other comedy characters to suggest the correct version of a word are met with fierce resistance. "Canape" turns into "boater", "advanced" into "cool": there are many funny examples.

It's certainly not accidental slips of the tongue or the unfortunate habit of misemphasizing that are ridiculed in the movie, of course. Stubborn ignorance is a sad symptom. The point is no longer in vocabulary, but in the character of a person who neglects the rules, is too lazy to work on his language, although he will have to speak in public debates, make reports, make speeches.

Call often and everywhere
Call often and everywhere

Accentology and dictionaries

Issues of stress, including how to say "ringing" or "you call" correctly, are de alt with by a special section of linguistics. It's called "accentology".

Linguists have their own tasks - to trace how the language develops and changes.

A forpractical application, a specialist in any field of activity should always have a good dictionary at hand. There are common mistakes that are repeated day by day. Even in reports on television and radio, they do not always speak absolutely correctly. In addition, it must be taken into account that the language is constantly changing. Both the meaning of the word and the stress in it can simply become outdated.

It is better to have a modern dictionary or reference book that describes the actual use of words. By the way, there are also special dictionaries of Russian accents. One of them was published not so long ago - in 2017. It contains more than 10,000 particularly "dubious" words.

Norms of the literary Russian language are of interest not only to professional philologists. For schoolchildren and students, media workers and teachers, they are also of great importance. And for managers, leaders of any rank, competent speech is not a trifle at all.

Can the stress in a word change?

Yes, it is possible. Accentological norms are monitored by linguists, new rules are included in the documents of the Ministry of Education. At the same time, part of the word usage remains controversial. True, it is not necessary to prove this at the exam.

"Bartmen" became "barmen", "gifts" - "gives", "great-grandfather" - "great-grandfather". And the professional vocabulary has retained many old stresses that are not currently used in literary speech.

But do not flatter yourself about the changes that will ever take place. "Calls" and "you call" - absolutely truenowadays option.

Still, children need education

Children call and learn the rules
Children call and learn the rules

There are funny rhymes on the Internet for memorizing how to say "call" or "call". Very good to memorize with a baby:

He's calling. They're calling.

They want to meet with us.

Or another playful counting song:

"You often call a friend, You talk about games with him".

From kindergarten, children remember the classic "Telephone" by K. I. Chukovsky, where the rhyme and rhythm of the poem help to remember the verb "will call".

And such rubbish

All day, Ding-dee laziness!

The seal will call, then the deer.

So, with the help of verses it is possible to solidify the correct stress of the word "ringing" and other "insidious" parts of speech. For adults, such a memorization algorithm is also useful. In any case, you need to create a stable association that will stick in memory. After all, it is impossible to remember the rules of the Russian language during a conversation, the right word should be automatically used in a conversation.

Call me, call me

call whether
call whether

People admit that communication with more literate people attracts and worries them. The desire to be on top in everything pushes you to the need to monitor your speech.

Why didn't you call your new acquaintances? Maybe their vocabulary seemed strange to you, you were confused by the phrases: "You will call me","Does he often call his mother"? It happens.

Flaws in speech testify to many things, and ignorance of how to say correctly, "ringing" or "ringing" - too. By vocabulary, stress in words, intonation, pronunciation, it is much easier to judge a person than by his appearance.

You can understand a lot without even talking for too long: what area a person came from, what kind of education he has, in what social environment he grew up or lives. Even the profession can be judged by the words used in speech and special accents in them.


Learn, repeat, remember

Yes, it takes some effort to get the right stress into a habit. If there is motivation - to speak without mistakes, then a start has been made.

Can I correct others? Of course, a condescending attitude towards speech inaccuracies is not so bad. After all, in the end, we understand each other. If the seller emphasizes the word beets in the wrong place, this will most likely not annoy us. But if a colleague constantly "calls", we will think about it.

After all, we want to instill competent speech not only in children. Close relatives, friends, subordinates are the subject of our concern, they should also be helped. Maybe discuss some movie, play, report or site where the wrong use of words alerted you. And your friends will join this interesting process - improving their spoken language.
