Poultice is a common treatment

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Poultice is a common treatment
Poultice is a common treatment

The Russian people are rich in fiction, which they gladly implement within the framework of their native language. However, over time, some words either lose their relevance altogether, or are replaced by modern terms, borrowings. Young people, for example, sometimes look with bewilderment at the "grandfather's" methods of treatment and do not understand what a "poultice" is. This is natural, although it is never too much to touch traditional methods of treatment, learn about their essence and possibilities!

From ancient times

The etymology of a beautiful word is as simple as possible. It is not difficult to break it into a prefix and a root, as well as to find the original concept in the Old Russian language. The definition goes back to “para”, which took on a variety of meanings depending on the context:

  • breath;
  • fog;
  • smoke;
  • par.

At the same time, there was also a "par":

  • heat;
  • heat.

Obviously a confusion of interpretations when heating is accompanied by abundant release of steam and / or based on the evaporation of a substance. The discomfort at the first contact with the skin is compensated by the effectiveness of the method.

In medical practice

In isolation from philological research, the word "poultice" has the most trivial meaning.

In the first - it includes three public concepts:

  • bandage soaked in hot water or healing solution;
  • healing substance that is heated and applied in liquid or pasty form;
  • compress.

The word in the second meaning refers directly to the application process. High temperatures in some cases help relieve or reduce pain, accelerate the penetration of the drug through the skin. An inhalation effect is also possible due to rapid evaporation. A very affordable and therefore very common treatment technique that is still used today.

Poultice with direct application to the skin
Poultice with direct application to the skin

At the household level

It would be strange if such a capacious and sonorous word would remain without additional meanings. In colloquial style, there are such interpretations:

  • beating;
  • spanking.

This could have happened because of consonance. Or because of the similarity of sensations between the first - the application of a hot compress - and a good blow with a whip, a belt, or other instruments of punishment for the guilty.

In idioms

The term is often used in the framework of the established expression about the uselessness of a poultice for the dead. And this is logical. After all, none of the meanings of the word is applicable to a cooled body:

  • it is impossible to warm him up;
  • death cannot be cured;
  • whipping would be an outrage.

So they say about any stupiddeeds, as well as in situations where the zero result of even the most vigorous activity is known in advance.

Poultice in the form of bags for application to a sore spot
Poultice in the form of bags for application to a sore spot

In everyday life

Leave the word in the lexicon? Undoubtedly! Poultice is a rather primitive treatment technique, it is useful for home, summer cottage or on a hike. When you do not want or there is no option to call doctors. Not always effective, but useful. That is why it is often mentioned in the speech of contemporaries.