What to do if I didn't pass the exam? Practical Tips

What to do if I didn't pass the exam? Practical Tips
What to do if I didn't pass the exam? Practical Tips

What to do if I didn't pass the exam? As you know, everyone who did not pass the unified state exam this year has every right to retake it next year and, based on the results, try to enter a university.

What should I do if I didn't pass the USE the first time?

How to retake the unified state exam? To retake the exam, you must contact the administration of the school where you passed it for the first time. One of the downsides is that you will have to retake it in a year (together with graduates).

what to do if you didn't pass the exam
what to do if you didn't pass the exam

You have a lot of trump cards in your hands: a whole year for self-study, the absence of schoolwork that takes up a lot of energy and time, the ability to manage your own time and place special emphasis on subjects that are key to you.

How to prepare and where to take the exam?

You can of course handle the preparations yourself. However, there are a number of projects and organizations that conduct preparatory courses for the exam. In our time, there are many such institutions, since this problem is topical. The main thing is not to get lost among the many thousands of ads about "quality and fastpreparation." The first step is to decide on the choice of the program: choose the subjects you need, the schedule of classes and try to place all the accents. And only having decided on this, you can start looking for a tutor.

preparatory courses for the exam
preparatory courses for the exam

Preparatory Courses

What to do if I didn't pass the exam? Go to training courses. They can be divided into 2 groups depending on who will be the teacher. A tutoring agency can offer a fairly wide selection of teachers. You can be "pulled up" by a student or teacher of one of the universities. However, the price scale here is appropriate - from 1000 to 5000 rubles for each lesson. In many agencies, the schedule of your classes can be compiled individually with the teacher. Education can be built taking into account the requirements of the university in which you wish to enter. That is, in such agencies you dictate the conditions, and the tutors are already trying to adapt and convey maximum knowledge to you.

An alternative is preparatory courses at the universities themselves. Many of them offer two options for studying: face-to-face attendance or distance learning. Regardless of the chosen form of education, the specialists of this educational institution will give the level of knowledge that is necessary for admission at least to their university. The duration of the programs is different and, as a rule, ranges from 20 to 45 academic hours. In any case, these courses will definitely not harm you.

The benefits of taking courses at the university you wish to enter,is large enough, because in addition to the USE training, you will receive training in the speci alties of the university, which is also quite important. Yes, and about the chance to "light up" in the institution, too, should not be forgotten. The price for these classes in each university, of course, is different. However, it will not exceed 50 thousand rubles per year.

where to take the exam
where to take the exam

There is an opinion that no one is better able to prepare you for the exam than school teachers. Well, it may well be, because the exam is taken at school. We can advise you to go to the nearest school - there will surely be a teacher who teaches courses or is engaged in tutoring.

So we answered the question of what to do if you did not pass the exam? In fact, everything is not so scary. No fluff, no feather!