How to pass an early exam?

How to pass an early exam?
How to pass an early exam?

In the life of every student there comes a moment that largely determines his future career and even, perhaps, his fate. This is the period of preparation and passing the Unified State Exam. But there are situations when this important stage fades into the background, and the graduate does not have the opportunity to pass exams along with classmates on time. What is done in such a case? Let's find out.

Who can take the early exam?

Basically, the early holding of the Unified State Examination is aimed at students who graduated from school in previous years, but either did not pass this certification or want to improve their performance.

How to pass the exam ahead of schedule
How to pass the exam ahead of schedule

For schoolchildren who graduate this year and for some reason cannot write the exam together with everyone on time, or just want to get rid of this heavy burden as soon as possible, there is also the option of early delivery. The main thing is to approach the solution of this issue in advance and with all responsibility, collect all the necessary documents.

What is needed forpassing the exam?

The Unified State Examination is a serious event that must be approached very seriously. And it's not just about preparation. If a student has a desire to pass an early exam, then he must take care of the implementation of this plan in advance.

Previous graduates just need to apply at their school. Students of the current year should first make sure that there are no debts for the mastered general education program. That is, all the necessary assessments must be affixed. If there are no debts, then the student can safely write an application for early delivery of this certification.

early exam mathematics
early exam mathematics


Application for an early exam is a document of the established form, which, after filling out, is submitted to the pedagogical council of a particular school.

To submit this application, you must submit the established list of documents, which includes:

  • identity document;
  • insurance certificate;
  • consent to the processing of personal data of the student;
  • document confirming the availability of completed education (for students of previous years of graduation).

The application is submitted once for all subjects for the early exam (mathematics, Russian and other disciplines).

Also, this application must be submitted within the strict deadlines, namely before the first of February. After this date, you can apply only if there was a good reason, documented. For example, ifduring this period, the student was sick, then he must provide a certificate of illness.

Two weeks before the start of the early exam, the submission of applications is terminated, even if there are good reasons. Therefore, if you are going to take the Unified State Exam in this way, then take care of applying in advance. According to the Russian USE, he will be the first to give up ahead of schedule. This exam will take place on March 21st.

The audience for writing the exam
The audience for writing the exam


The results of the early exam can be found out in the same ways that are provided for students passing this certification within the prescribed period.

So, the results of the Unified State Exam can be viewed:

  • On the official website.
  • In his own school.
  • At the regional information processing center.

Today, informing through the site remains the most convenient way, greatly simplifying this procedure and saving time.

Exam results on the site
Exam results on the site

So, the timing of the State exam is set in such a way that every student, regardless of the circumstances, passes this important certification. The most important thing is to solve the problem with the deadlines in advance, and also prepare well and not worry.
