Medical University in Barnaul: general information and admission details

Medical University in Barnaul: general information and admission details
Medical University in Barnaul: general information and admission details

In order to become a first-class doctor, you need not only desire, but also a qualified educational institution that produces good specialists. Altai State Medical University in Barnaul (ASMU) is one of those who have earned their high status over the years with the help of competent teachers, high-tech equipment used during student training, as well as good conditions for self-realization of young people both in the profession and outside of it. What is a university, how is training like?

ASMU: history of creation and basic information

In 1954, the Decree of the Government of the Soviet Union on the establishment of a medical institute in the Altai Territory was issued. In 1994, the Institute was renamed the University.

The university has 6 main faculties:

  • Medical preventive.
  • Medical.
  • Pharmaceutical.
  • Pediatric.
  • Foreign languages.
  • Dental.

Educational activities are carried out in 6 buildings, as well as in existing medical institutions of the city, a separate building is equipped for foreign students.

barnaul medical university
barnaul medical university

There are hostels for out-of-town students and teachers.

Location of the main building of the Medical University: Barnaul, Lenin Ave., 40. The university administration is open from Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 17:15 (on Friday until 16:00). School takes place every day except Sunday.

The main founder of the university is the Ministry of He alth represented by V. I. Skvortsova. Rector of the University - Igor Petrovich Saldan.

What areas of training are implemented at the university?

barnaul medical university
barnaul medical university

Medical University in Barnaul conducts specialist, residency, postgraduate and internship programs.

Distance learning is possible in the areas of speci alty "Nursing" and "Pharmacy".

Full-time training programs:

  1. Dentistry.
  2. Pharmacy.
  3. Medicine.
  4. Medical and preventive work.
  5. Pediatrics.

Residency, graduate and internship programs include narrower profiles such as:

  • Obstetrics and gynecology.
  • Anesthesiology.
  • Radiology.
  • Pediatric surgery.
  • Neonatology.
  • Psychiatry.
  • Gastroenterology.
  • Various types of diagnostics and much more.

Medical UniversityBarnaul: admission committee

Altai State Medical University Barnaul
Altai State Medical University Barnaul

In order to enter a university after school, you must successfully pass the exam. The educational organization offers schoolchildren who wish to continue their education at ASMU to take university-based preparation courses for the unified state exam.

If a graduate of a secondary professional institution wants to become a student, he will need to pass entrance exams conducted by the university itself.

You can submit documents to the Medical University of Barnaul from June 20 to July 26.

If an applicant could not enter the budget, then the possibility of admission to a paid basis remains until August 31. To do this, you must submit an appropriate application, agree to enrollment and pay for your studies for a year.

How is extracurricular student life?

barnaul medical university
barnaul medical university

Students of Barnaul Medical University are active outside the classroom. Undoubtedly, the most popular direction is scientific research. Many of the students are members of the scientific society of young scientists of the university.

Creative life is also in full swing: vocal, dance, acting poetry classes, competitions and performances are held on an ongoing basis. In addition, active youth constantly hold all kinds of mass holidays.

Sport does not go unnoticed: ASMU teams take first place at student Olympiads.

Special mention should be made of studentmovements of construction, medical teams and the "Snow landing" - they employ the most active and purposeful students.

Thus, Barnaul Medical University is a real forge of future professionals in their field. The scientific base of the university is based on many years of practical and theoretical experience of teachers, acting doctors, foreign and domestic breakthrough medical technologies. In addition, the university is interested in students being not only first-class specialists, but also developed personalities, so there is an active support for amateur performances, initiatives, and creative projects from students. Ultimately, for those who want to be a doctor, Barnaul Medical University is an excellent prospect.
