Choosing a profession is a problem that is vital for every applicant, because not every one of them, while still at school, decides on his future and finds an interesting speci alty for himself. When choosing a higher educational institution for admission, you should pay attention to such a university as a medical academy (Yekaterinburg).
History of the emergence of the university
As evidenced by historical sources, the medical academy, now functioning in Yekaterinburg, was founded in 1930. At that time, a corresponding decree was issued on the establishment of a higher educational institution for the training of medical personnel. The educational institution began its work approximately 1 year after the release of the document. It was called the Sverdlovsk Medical Institute.

The institution of higher education functioned for several decades. In 1995, the name was changed. From now on, the institution became known as the Uralstate medical academy. With this name, the university functioned for a long time. It was remembered by many people and is used now, despite the fact that a few years ago the educational organization received the status of a university.
Honey. academy (Yekaterinburg): faculties
After its foundation, the university had only one faculty. There were few students, and they had nothing to choose from for their future profession. At present, everything is completely different. Each applicant can choose the faculty that is closest to him, because the Medical Academy (Yekaterinburg) has 6 different structural divisions:
- medical and pediatric faculty;
- medical and preventive;
- pediatric;
- Faculty of Dentistry;
- pharmacy;
- higher nursing education and socio-psychological work.
Entrance tests
Practically in all areas of training (speci alties) offered by the faculties of the Yekaterinburg Medical Academy, admission is required to pass the Russian language, biology and chemistry. The exceptions are two areas - these are "Clinical Psychology" and "Social Work". On the first of them they take Russian, biology, mathematics, and on the second - Russian, history and social studies.

Minimum allowable scores are set for all entrance examinations in each area of training. They are annually approved by the Ural Medical Academy (Yekaterinburg) represented by the rector. In 2016, the highestthe minimum allowable threshold was in “General Medicine”, “Dentistry” (in chemistry and biology it was required to score at least 50 points each, and in the Russian language - 40). The lowest minimum scores were in Social Work (36 in Russian, 32 in History, and 42 in Social Studies).
Reminder for university applicants
Applicants who entered a higher educational institution must purchase a white coat and cap in advance. The selection committee of the medical academy (Ekaterinburg) warns about this. This clothing is required. Without it, they are not allowed to work. Applicants also need to prepare a package of additional documents for submission to the dean's office:
- vaccination certificate;
- personal medical book;
- results of the passed fluorography;
- medical policy;
- TIN;
- pension insurance certificate.

Ekaterinburg Medical Academy provides all students with the necessary educational literature. Get it from the university library. The issuance takes place at a certain time - a schedule with a list of groups is compiled specifically for this.
Why choose this university?
The Medical Academy (Yekaterinburg) has many advantages that encourage applicants to make a choice in favor of this institution of higher education:
- The educational organization is in the TOP-100 best universities in our country. The Medical Academy qualitatively organizes the educational process, is engaged in scientific and international activities. It also leads in many respects among medical universities located in the Ural Federal District.
- In the educational organization there are 5 buildings, 80 departments. There are educational bases where students work out their practical skills, learn to carry out various manipulations, research.
- The Medical Academy (Yekaterinburg) provides modern education to its students. The university has all the necessary tools, phantoms, simulators and devices.
- The medical academy has an interesting and exciting student life. Students are involved in volunteering, sports. There are opportunities for creative self-realization, because the university has a concert choir, a modern dance studio, a theater studio.

However, when choosing a medical academy, you should pay attention not to its merits, but to whether there is a desire in the future to treat people, help them, save lives. Medicine is not just a job, but a calling. It is important to have the necessary personal qualities, to be merciful, to show compassion for the pain of others, to strive to give joy and happiness to your patients.